
Volume 18 October 2007

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1. Executive News

The WAC Executive met in Melbourne, Australia, 3-5 October. In addition to most members of the Executive, Gabriel Cooney (Academic Secretary, WAC-6); Bayo Folorunso (Senior Representative, Western Africa); Alejandro Haber (Standing Committee on Ethics); and Ken Isaacson (Indigenous Council Representative) also attended this meeting. A wide range of issues were discussed, ranging from the organization of on-going programs, such as the journal Archaeologies, and the Global Libraries program, to the passing of Peter Ucko, and plans for a WAC medal and lecture to be presented in his honour at Congresses. I anticipate that the minutes for this meeting will go up on the members-only section of the WAC web site in the near future.

The meeting of the WAC Executive followed a two day meeting between WAC and representatives of the mining company, Rio Tinto. This meeting was initiated by Rio Tinto, which was seeking to explore the possibility of a relationship between WAC and Rio Tinto, with the goal of improving its cultural heritage management capacity and performance. It was decided that the decision for WAC to undertake a partnership with a transnational should be taken by the WAC Council in WAC-6. The Executive is currently exploring ways in which WAC can enhance its capacity to make informed decisions on engagements with external organizations.

Dr Alejandra Koestanje has stepped down as a member of the WAC Executive, and the Executive is currently considering options for replacing her. We would like to thank Alejandra for her commitment to WAC, and we look forward to meeting with her at WAC-6, in Dublin.

Finally, the production of the newsletter is being taken over by Sean Ulm, WAC‟s junior representative for South-eastern Asia and the Pacific. The Executive would like to thank Sean for taking on this task. We would like to thank Madeleine Regan, who has produced the first 18 issues of this newsletter. Madeleine has been wonderful to work with, and we are very grateful for her professionalism, and ability to work with us under sometimes difficult circumstances.

All the best,

Claire Smith, for the Executive

2. WAC News

The planning for WAC-6 is moving forward smoothly. It has been pleasing to see the correspondence between members on the WAC email list about joint papers and preparations for WAC-6. The program is now available on the WAC-6 web site.

3. News from WAC Members

Dr. Ajay Pratap, Ph.D, Reader, Department of History,
FSS, Banaras Hiundu University, Varanasi, India has completed the Manuscript of a book entitled “Indigenous Archaeology in India: Prospects for an Archaeology of The Subaltern”. The book is now in Press with .A.R., Oxford, U.K.

He has also written an extended paper of The Interpretation of Indian Rock-Art in a Gender Perspective”.

“Dr. Pratap’s Blog http://archaeologicalhistory.blog.co.uk is now seven
months old and has had no less than 2994 pageviews”.

4. New publications

New From Left Coast Press, Inc. WAC members receive a 20% discount on hardcovers and a 30% discount on paperbacks (insert discount code L187 at checkout)

From the One Word Archaeology Series sponsored by the World Archaeological Congress

Archaeologies of Art:Time, Place, and Identity
Inés Domingo Sanz, Dánae Fiore, and Sally K. May, eds
Coming Soon! Expected publication June 2008, 320 pages

ISBN: 978-1-59874-264-0

This international volume draws together key research that examines visual arts such as rock art, portable art, and body art of past and contemporary indigenous societies. Placing each art style in its temporal and geographic context, the contributors show how depictions represent social mechanisms of identity construction, and how stylistic differences in product and process serve to reinforce cultural identity. The volume reflects the diversity of approaches used by archaeologists to incorporate visual arts into their analysis of past cultures and should be of great value to archaeologists, anthropologists, and art historians.

Underwater and Maritime Archaeology in Latin America and the Caribbean
Margaret E. Leshikar-Denton and Pilar Luna Erreguerena, eds

Coming Soon! Expected publication June 2008, 320 pages

ISBN: 978-1-59874-262-6

The waters of Latin America and the Caribbean are rich with archaeological sites, including coastal settlements, defensive forts, freshwater sources, fishing-related activities, navigational aids, anchorages, harbours, ports, shipbuilding sites, shipwrecks and survivor camps. Case studies written primarily by Latin American and Caribbean archaeologists demonstrate exciting and cutting edge research, conservation, site preservation, and interpretation. As a result, this groundbreaking book documents the emerging research interests of maritime archaeologists in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Rethinking Agriculture:Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives
Timothy P. Denham, Jose Iriarte, Luc Vrydaghs, eds

Coming Soon! Expected publication November 2007, 600 pages, $99.00 Hardcover

ISBN: 978-1-59874-260-2

Although the need to study agriculture in different parts of the world on its „own terms‟ has long-been recognized and re-affirmed, a tendency persists to evaluate agriculture across the globe using concepts, lines of evidence and methods derived from Eurasian research. This volume highlights new archaeological and ethnoarchaeological research on early agriculture in understudied non-Eurasian regions, including Island Southeast Asia and the Pacific, the Americas and Africa, to present a more balanced view of the origins and development of agricultural practices around the globe.

Also available in the One Word Archaeology Series

African Re-Genesis: Confronting Social Issues in the Diaspora
Jay B. Haviser and Kevin C. MacDonald
Published May 2006, 294 pages, $34.95 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-59874-283-1

Archaeology to Delight and Instruct: Active Learning in the University Classroom
Heather Burke and Claire Smith
Published January 2007, 288 pages, $29.95 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-59874-257-2

A Fearsome Heritage: Diverse Legacies of the Cold War
John Schofield and Wayne Cocroft, eds
Published March 2007, 336 pages, $79.00 Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-59874-258-9

Envisioning Landscape: Perspectives and Politics in Archaeology and Heritage
Dan Hicks, Laura McAtackney, and Graham Fairclough, eds.
Coming Soon! Expected publication November 2007, 400 pages, $79.00 Hardcover
ISBN 978-1-59874-281-7

Archaeology and Capitalism: From Ethics to Politics
Yannis Hamilakis and Philip Duke, eds.
Coming Soon! Expected publication November 2007,352 pages,$79.00 Hardcover
ISBN 978-1-59874-270-1

Living under the Shadow: Cultural Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions
John Grattan and Robin Torrence, eds.
Coming Soon! Expected publication December 2007,416 pages,$79.00
ISBN 978-1-59874-268-9

To order, visit our website at:

For more information, contact Caryn Berg at archaeology@LCoastPress.com

New for 2008 from Left Coast Press, Inc:

Heritage Management – a new journal

Editors: Kelley Hays-Gilpin and George Gumerman IV, Northern Arizo
na University
Semi-annual in March and September, 288 pages per volume

First Issue: March 2008 ISSN: to follow

One year subscription prices: Individuals: $40; Heritage Orgs: $89 (paper), $140 (paper and electronic); Institutions: $149 (paper), $249 (paper and electronic)

Heritage Managementis a global, peer-reviewed journal that provides a venue for using scholarly, professional, and indigenous knowledge to address broader societal concerns about managing cultural heritage. We address issues of resource management, cultural preservation and revitalization, education, legal/legislative developments, public archaeology, and ethics. The journal presents an engaging forum for those who work with governmental and tribal agencies, museums, private CRM firms, indigenous communities, and colleges and universities. It facilitates a multivocal arena for disseminating and critically discussing cultural heritage management issues collaboratively among professionals and stakeholders. Heritage Management will include peer-reviewed research on policy, legislation, ethics, and methods in heritage management and will showcase exemplary projects and models of public interpretation and interaction. A peer-reviewed Forum section presents position statements and responses on key current issues. The journal also includes reviews of books, web pages, exhibits, and resources in various media.

Submission Guidelines:Heritage Management welcomes submission of original manuscripts of no more than 30 double spaced pages that focus on management of the world’s heritage resources. All manuscripts are subject to anonymous peer review by knowledgeable scholars and professional practitioners and, if accepted, may be subject to revision. Materials submitted to HMJ should not be under consideration by other publishers, nor should they be previously published in any form.

Submissions should include an original manuscript sent via email in MS Word or RTF format to Heritage.Management@nau.edu. Manuscripts should be submitted with low resolution illustrations that can be easily be transmitted via email They should include a title page that has the article title, names and full contact information of all authors; and an abstract of no more than 200 words.

Manuscript style generally should conform to Society for American Archaeology Style Guide

http://www.saa.org/Publications/StyleGuide/styframe.html. Non-conforming manuscripts will be returned to the author(s) for revision. Additional details concerning preparation of final manuscripts accepted for publication can be located at www.LCoastPress.com or from the editors.

For other questions and correspondence, contact one of the co-editors at Kelley.Hays-Gilpin@NAU.EDU or George.Gumerman@NAU.EDU.

Editorial Board is in the process of formation.

5. News Items

36th Annual Conference
on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology

On the Road to Reconstructing the Past

Budapest, 2–6 April 2008

The CAA Conference

The 36th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology will be held on 2-6 April 2008 in Budapest, Hungary.

The conference is organized by the Archaeological Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Archaeological Sciences of Eötvös
Loránd University, Budapest, the Hungarian National Museum, the Budapest Historical Museum, the Central European University, Archaeolingua Foundation, and the Research Institute for Visualisation, Architecture and Archaeology.

The conference is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Directorate of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The main theme of the conference is the use of computer applications and quantitative methods at large-scale (rescue)
excavations that usually precede infrastructural investments and construction works, and the use of these methods and applications during processing and analyzing the huge amount of data from such excavations.

New publications from Archaeolingua

Anthony Harding: Warriors and Weapons in Bronze Age

Serios Minor 25
228 pp., with illustrations
ISBN 978-963-8046-86-4
HU-ISSN 1216-6847
Price 36 €

The Bronze Age of Europe was a time of major changes in society, economy and technology. One of these was the emergence of a warrior class, equipped with a new set of artefacts that can for the first time be called weapons. This book discusses the evidence for the existence of these warriors, and the stages by which they emerged from the Neolithic and Copper Ages, when farming was the main means of subsistence but hunting was also a prestige activity. From beginnings when dagger graves were the norm, in the Early Bronze Age, to the appearance of lavishly equipped sword graves, complete with armour and items for personal adornment, in the Late Bronze Age, the book charts the rise of warrior elites in Europe over the period ca 2500 to 700 BC, drawing on the specific evidence of weapon distributions and deposition contexts. It considers the rise of fortified hilltop sites, and the evidence for territorial organisation based on them. The emergence of warrior bands, with a fighting mode based on inter-group raiding, is seen as a major component of aggression in the later stages of the Bronze Age. This is coupled with a consideration of what such aggression should be called (whether warfare or something else), and how to identify it from the evidence of prehistoric archaeology.

Erika Gál: Fowling in Lowlands
Serios Minor 24
149 pp., with illustrations
ISBN 978-963-8046-85-7
HU-ISSN 1216-6847
Price 28 €

Archaeo-ornithology is a special field within archaeozoology: it deals with the analysis of avian remains found during archaeological excavations and the historical study of bird exploitation. Bird remains do not only help in the reconstruction of past habitats, but also illustrate ancient cultural attitudes towards animals and the natural environment. In spite of the rich information provided by the avian remains, their study has often been neglected. The lack of high-precision water-sieving and dry-screening indispensable in the systematic recovery of typically small bird bones, the scarcity of specialists trained in the analysis of avian remains and the need for comparative bird bone collections for professional identification explain why relatively few works have been published in this field world-wide.

The goal of this volume is to present evidence for the prehistoric use of birds identified from 27 Neolithic and 15 Chalcolithic sites in South-East Romania and the Great Hungarian Plain. In addition to the comparable chronological age of finds, the two geographically similar regions made it possible to compare the avifauna that once lived in these marshy lowlands on the one hand, and the characteristics of fowling practiced by the inhabitants of prehistoric settlements on the other hand. Results concerning the mammalian and fish remains from the sites under discussion have also been considered when the economic role of fowling was appraised. Special attention was paid to the description and illustration of taphonomic processes, including the culturally driven selective transport of body parts and wing curation, butchery marks and traces of burning and gnawing.

Domestic fowl was not yet introduced to Europe at the time of the Neolithic and Chalcolit
hic, which explains the rich variety of identified birds, as well as the need for fowling (procuring bird meat and feathers, collecting eggs). The seasonal characteristics of the identified species and remains from young birds suggested that fowling, a rather opportunistic activity – most probably linked with other seasonal occupations such as fishing and gathering –, was practiced mainly during the warmer months. Ethnographic parallels concerning the methods in bird hunting and consumption have been cited in the hope for a better understanding of bird exploitation. Recent ornithological data on the decrease of populations in certain species illustrates the danger of over-hunting together with the decline of natural habitats.

Filling a gap in the history of archaeozoological investigations in Romania and Hungary, this comprehensive work offers a unique possibility for sharing our knowledge on the diversity of identified birds and their use in the studied regions with those interested in the past and present of wild birds.

6. Excerpts from other archaeological associations’ newsletters (used with permission)

6 (a) SALON (August and July 2007)

SALON – the Society of Antiquaries of London Online Newsletter

Salon 173: 8 October 2007

SALON Editor: Christopher Catling

– New on the website
– Switzerland‟s „oldest known building‟
– Neanderthals roamed as far as Siberia
– Remembering Robina McNeil

New on the website

The “News and Events‟ page of the Society‟s website now has pictures and short reports on the Royal Academy exhibition launch and David Starkey‟s lecture on „The Antiquarian Endeavour‟ given on 26 September 2007 to launch the Society‟s Tercentenary public lecture series. Pictures of the refurbished public areas of our Burlington House apartments have been posted on the „Room Hire: Facilities‟ page, along with downloadable information sheets on hiring the rooms for meetings, dinners or conferences. Don‟t forget that Fellows and charities qualify for a special discount when booking the Society‟s rooms.

Switzerland’s ‘oldest known building’

Underwater archaeologists in Switzerland have found a structure dated by dendrochronology to 3863 BC in the middle of Lake Biel, north west of the Swiss capital, Bern. Divers working for the cantonal archaeological service came upon the site in the winter of 2006 when they were recording the lake‟s prehistoric pile villages, which date mainly from the period 1750 to 1660 BC. This much older rectangular structure stood apart from the pile houses, some 200 metres from shore, and is surrounded by the remains of fish traps, suggesting that the building was used by fishermen to store equipment and perhaps to smoke fish. The Swiss government has announced that it intends to apply for the inclusion of its lake village sites on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list.

Neanderthals roamed as far as Siberia

Up to now it has been thought that Neanderthals lived mainly in Europe: a Neanderthal skull from the Teshik-Tash cave in the south east of modern-day Uzbekistan has been taken as the most easterly evidence of their dispersal. Now Svante Pääbo and colleagues, of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, have managed to extract genetic material from fragmentary bones found in the Okladnikov cave in the Altai Mountains and they have found a close match with Neanderthal DNA from remains found in Belgium.

The match was „quite a bit of a surprise‟, according to Pääbo, since the new evidence extends the territory of this hominid some 2,000 kilometres further east, into modern-day southern Siberia. The bones date from between 30,000 and 38,000 years ago and show that Neanderthals migrated very long distances, and were even more adaptable than some people give them credit for.

Eric Trinkaus at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, USA, has questioned whether the DNA match definitively proves the Okladnikov bones to be those of Neanderthals. He argues that other species of hominid could have had the same mitochondrial DNA sequence as Neanderthals and that the mitochondrial sequence found by Pääbo’s team can only be used to identify individuals as Neanderthals if they can rule out a match with the mitochondrial DNA of other archaic hominids.

Remembering Robina McNeil

Salon 171 published John Walker‟s obituary for our late Fellow Robina McNeil, which was primarily concerned with the work she undertook in Manchester from the late 1980s. The following memories of Robina have been contributed by Bevis Sale and help to fill in the details of her early archaeological career.

„Prior to her success in Manchester Robina had already acquired a solid grounding in archaeology, starting with her first dig at Carn Euny as a teenager in 1968, where she met and later married the artist and archaeologist Bevis Sale. Her degree at the Institute of Archaeology produced her first publication, on the Stogursey hoard. Later, with her husband, she ran excavations in the Po valley foothills for Stanford University on Bronze Age terramare settlement sites, with occasionally spectacular results. In Britain they both worked for the Clwyd-Powis Archaeological Trust in its early years of establishing excavation as a profession.

„After some years working in Chester, she became freelance, building up a body of published sites in North Wales and Cheshire, ranging from later prehistory to post-medieval, and including the Wilkinson cannon foundry at Bersham, medieval salt houses in Nantwich, and the Pool of Liverpool. She was modest about her abilities, rarely mentioning her part in the excavation of Lindow Man. For many years she lectured for Liverpool University Extra-Mural Department, and for a time organised its archaeology classes. Her marriage ended in the late 1980s, at about the time she started her work in Manchester; nevertheless, with characteristic strength and optimism she created the lasting memorial that has already been described.‟

SALON – the Society of Antiquaries of London Online Newsletter

Salon 172: 24 September 2007

SALON Editor: Christopher Catling

– ‘Bad Archaeology’
– New research on the origins of cities

Bad Archaeology

Two enterprising archaeologists have set up a new website dedicated to investigating and exposing „pseudo-archaeology, hoaxes and other archaeological aberrations of the modern world‟. James Doeser and Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews say they are „fed up with the distorted view of the past that passes for knowledge in popular culture‟, and that they are „unhappy that books written by people with no understanding of real archaeology dominate the shelves at respectable bookstores‟.

Keith is a local authority archaeologist working in North Hertfordshire who says he has „grown increasingly concerned at the profession‟s evident unwillingness to deal with bad archaeology‟, while James Doeser is currently finishing his PhD in government and archaeology at the UCL Institute of Archaeology; he is intrigued by the contradictions between rigorously scientific archaeology and the view that „everybody has a right to understand the past in whichever way they want‟.

Their heroic and selfless labour includes regular features dissecting the distortions and half truths that underlie celebrated examples of bad archaeology – the authors promise new features every week or so, and they intend to show that archaeology simply doesn‟t need rhetorical tricks, paranormal explanations, the suppression of contradictory evidence or the wilful misuse of data to make it fascinating.

New research on the origins of cities

Recent research carried out at Tell Brak, located in northern Mesopotamia (today‟s north-eastern Syria), suggests that some ancient cities grew from the agglomeration of smaller settlements rather than by the decree of centralised political power.

Analysing the pattern of surface finds in the landscape around the central mound, Joan Oates, of the McDonald Institute, Cambridge, Augusta McMahon and Salam Al Quntar, of the Department of Archaeology, Cambridge, Philip Karsgaard, of the University of Edinburgh, and Jason Ur, of Harvard University, found six distinct settlement clusters. These clusters were separated from one another, indicating social distance between the different groups. The patterns of settlement and distance from the central mound also signified autonomy from the political centre of the city.
The research – published in Antiquity for September 2007 and partly funded by the Society of Antiquaries, along with the British Academy, the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, the Charlotte Bonham-Carter Charitable Trust, the University of Michigan and Harvard University – suggests that the clusters, dating from between 4200 and 3900 BC, probably resulted from migrants coming to the city to settle for economic reasons. The distribution of later ceramics, from the period 3900 to 3400 BC, suggested that the satellite settlements expanded inwards towards the middle rather than the middle expanding out.

Ur suggests there is no single pattern when it comes to city development, and that the study points to diversity in early political structures, though: „some of these political structures may have been less autocratic than historians have previously assumed. Urbanism does not always appear to have originated with a single, powerful ruler or political entity. Instead, it was the organic outgrowth of many groups coming together.‟

The Antiquity paper also reports on the latest excavations of fifth and fourth-millennium BC levels at Tell Brak, and presents convincing evidence for monumentality, industrial workshops and prestige goods in northern Mesopotamia well before the emergence of large urban centres in the south – turning upside down the idea that cities and civilisation originate at such southern sites as Ur and Uruk. Taken with the evidence from sites like Hamoukar, Tepe Gawra and Qalinj Agha, and at Arslantepe in south-eastern Turkey, the paper argues that the „world‟s earliest cities‟ are as likely to have been located in north-eastern Syria as in southern Iraq, and that the model of a core from the south developing a periphery in the north is now ripe for revision.

(b) ICOMOS Australia (October and September 2007)

Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 304

Friday 19th October, 2007

– International Call For Abstracts for the 11TH US/ICOMOS International
– All 22 years of ORAL TRADITION now online and free!

International Call for Abstracts for the 11TH US/ICOMOS International Symposium

Developing a comprehensive approach to US participation in the global heritage community

May 28 – 31, 2008, Washington, DC, USA

(Deadline for abstract submittal: November 15, 2007)

The 11th US/ICOMOS International Symposium will initiate a process for implementing the recommendations of the PreserveAmerica Summit‟s “Participating in the Global Community” panel that will reinvigorate and enhance the U.S. role in international preservation. The Global Community panel made recommendations in four areas: community building, stewardship, leadership, and capacity-building.

Also, visit the PreserveAmerica website at http://www.preserveamerica.gov for more information on the PreserveAmerica Summit (at http://www.preserveamerica.gov/summit.html) and the Global Participation panel report (pdf file). For the full PreserveAmerica report, please visit http://www.preserveamerica.gov

Also, visit the US/ICOMOS website for more information on this and past symposia at http://www.icomos.org/usicomos.

All 22 years of ORAL TRADITION now online and free!

The Center for Studies in Oral Tradition at the University of Missouri (http://oraltradition.org) is gratified to be able to offer Oral Tradition to anyone worldwide with an internet connection and a browser. We hope that the online, open-access format will enlarge and diversify the journal‟s readership, and particularly that it will offer everyone interested in the world‟s oral traditions regardless of their location and academic context an equal opportunity to contribute actively to the discussion. Our shared field will prosper most readily if it operates as an academic democracy without financial or distributional barriers. All 22 years of the journal are now available on-line at http://journal.oraltradition.org

As for future contents, the next issue of Oral Tradition (volume 22, number 2) will be a special collection devoted to Basque traditions, and will include descriptive and analytical articles, interviews with oral poets, and an eCompanion with photographic, audio, and video support. Beyond that issue we will be publishing articles on Albanian oral law, Native American storytelling, modern Greek oral poetry, Welsh saints‟ lives, modern Balinese epic, and many other topics across the international spectrum. We welcome your comments and especially your submissions for publication. John Foley Editor, Oral Tradition

Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 303

Friday 12th October, 2007

– Art2008 9th International Conference – Israel
– Invitation for EOI in joining a network on “preventive conservation, monitoring, maintenance of the heritage”

Art2008 9th International Conference – Israel
Theme: Non destructive investigations and microanalysis for the diagnostics and conservation of cultural and environmental heritage

Date: 25-30 May, 2008
Location: Jerusalem Israel
Abstract deadline One page abstract by 30 November, 2007

*Tours available
Contact ISAS International Seminars
PO Box 574 Jerusalem, 91004, Israel
Ph: ++972-2-6520574
Fax: ++972-2-6520558
Email meetings@isas.co.il
Homepage: www.isas.co.il/art2008

Invitation for EOI in joining a network on “preventive conservation, monitoring, maintenance of the heritage”

Dear ICOMOS colleague,
As member of ICOMOS and being involved for many years in its activities I take the opportunity to contact you with a request to forward the attached message to the ICOMOS members who maybe be interested in this initiative.

The Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation and Monumentenwacht Vlaanderenaim at establishing a network on preventive conservation, monitoring and maintenance. As we understand that ICOMOS members, national representatives and representatives of scientific committees could be interested to be informed and are possibly willing to collaborate, I would be grateful if you could be able to forward this message to them at short notice.

As we aim at setting-up a chair on this matter, we particularly are looking forward to expressio
n of interest from ICOMOS members linked to Universities.

Sincerely Yours,
Prof. Koenraad Van Balen
Prof. Koenraad Van Balen, dr. ir. arch.
Dept. Burgerlijke Bouwkunde en R. Lemaire Internationaal Centrum voor Monumentenzorg
Civil Engineering department and
R. Lemaire International center for Conservation
Kasteelpark Arenberg 40
B-3001 Leuven (Heverlee)
T. +32-(0)16-32.11.72
F. +32-(0)16-32.19.76
E. koenraad.vanbalen@bwk.kuleuven.be

Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 302

Friday 5th October, 2007

News from ICCROM

Heritage news in the media worldwide
A new feature on the web site: a monthly compilation of media articles on heritage topics. Obviously, these all reflect the viewpoints of the authors.
September: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2007_en/field_en/09press_en.shtml
August: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2007_en/field_en/08press_en.shtml
July: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2007_en/field_en/07press_en.shtml

Armed conflict and conservation 20 September . The volume on ‘Armed conflict and conservation: promoting cultural heritage in postwar recovery’ is now available. http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2007_en/various_en/09_20pubForum2005_en.shtml


Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 301
Friday 28th September 2007

– Heritage 2008 World Heritage and Sustainable Development: International Conference

Heritage 2008 World Heritage and Sustainable Development: International Conference
Vila Nova de Foz Coa PORTUGAL
7-9 May 2008
The GREEN LINES Institute for Sustainable Development is proud to announce the official support of the Portuguese Ministry of the Culture to Heritage 2008.

Relevant information on this event is available at the conference‟s website: http://www.heritage2008.greenlines-institute.org

or, if you need any additional information contact the conference secretariat by e.mail: heritage2008@greenlines-institute.org

You may also download the updated conference’s booklet at: http://www.heritage2008.greenlines-institute.org/pdfs/booklet.pdf

Looking forward to see in Portugal next year, The Organizing Committee

Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 300 Friday 21st September 2007

– ICOMOS-CIAV Meeting in Philippines
– ICOMOS Forthcoming Conferences

ICOMOS-CIAV Meeting in Philippines
Detailed information on the ICOMOS-CIAV Meeting in the Philippines in December 2007 is finally available on https://web.archive.org/web/20150801130729/http://islandcaravan.com/

Please email inquiries to islandcaravan or to icomos.ph@gmail.com

ICOMOS Forthcoming Conferences
The 16th ICOMOS General Assembly will be held in Quebec, Canada from 29th September to 4th October 2008. Because many Australia ICOMOS members are expected to attend, there will not be an Australia ICOMOS annual conference in 2008.

Instead Australia ICOMOS is supporting a symposium on Intangible Heritage organised by the National Trust of Australia (Vic) in association with Deakin University’s Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific to be held in Melbourne from 1st to 2nd July 2008. A range of leading national and international speakers will be invited. Tours will be arranged for 3rd July. These will be organised to complement the 25th annual Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) conference to be held at Deakin University, Geelong from 3rd to 6th July. The theme of the conference will be around „History and Practice‟, bringing together historians, theoreticians and heritage practitioners to celebrate the Society‟s twenty-fifth anniversary. A call for papers will be made after the 2007 SAHANZ Conference „Panorama to Paradise‟ to be held in Adelaide from 21st – 24th September. Australia ICOMOS members will be advised and able to submit abstracts.

Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 298

Friday 7th September 2007

News from ICCROM

CollAsia 2010 – Traditional Knowledge and Scientific Principles of Conservation 2 August. Applications are now open for the CollAsia 2010 course on Traditional Knowledge and Scientific Principles of Conservation to be held in Laos from 19 November – 14 December 2007.
Application deadline: 15 September http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2007_11CollAsia_en.shtml

Heritage news in the media worldwide
A new feature on the web site: a monthly compilation of media articles on heritage topics. Obviously, these all reflect the viewpoints of the authors.
August: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2007_en/field_en/08press_en.shtml
July: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2007_en/field_en/07press_en.shtml

· Holding it all together; ancient and modern approaches to joining, repair and consolidation, 21 – 22 February 2008, British Museum, United Kingdom

· Conference on maritime museums, 22 September – 2 October 2007, Solovki, Russia.

· International Congress on Industrial Heritage, 18 – 20 September, Puerto Madero, Argentina.

· Promoción y Difusión del Patrimonio Inmaterial de Países Iberoamericanos 9 – 14 September 2007, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.

· Seminar on Screen Heritage, 22 September 2007, Roehampton University.

· Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA3), Dublin, Ireland, 10 – 12 July 2008

· Decorated Surfaces on Ancient Egyptian Objects, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 6-9 September 2007

· Cultural Heritage: Safeguard and management, Cuba 17 – 21 March 2008

· Costume Colloquium: A tribute to Janet Arnold, Florence, Italy – November 2008 Forum 2007: Privatisation and Cultural Heritage 24 August. The 2007 ICCROM Forum on ‘Privatisation and cultural heritage’ is now only th
ree weeks away.


Earthquake in Peru
20 August. In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Peru on 15 August 2007 which caused an appalling loss of life and destruction, the Director- General and Staff of ICCROM extend their deepest condolences to the people and government of Peru which have been so disastrously affected by the loss of lives.

ICCROM wishes to assure its friends and colleagues in Peru that it remains ready to provide assistance to those responsible for protecting cultural heritage.

AFRICA 2009 ninth regional course begins in Kenya
9 August. The AFRICA 2009 Course on the Conservation and Management of Immovable Heritage in Sub-Saharan Africa was officially inaugurated in Kenya on 3 August. http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2007_en/events_en/08_09courseAfrica2009KEN_en.shtml


Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 297

Friday 31 August 2007

– Fourth International Ename Colloquium – Call for Papers
– Call for papers: 4th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and

Fourth International Ename Colloquium – Call for Papers
Dear Colleague: The Province of East-Flanders and the Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation are pleased to announce

A first call for papers for the: 4th Annual Ename International Colloquium

to be held 26-29 March 2008 in Ghent, Belgium


Re-thinking the Role of Intangible Heritage in Museums, Monuments, Landscapes, and Living Communities

With the adoption by UNESCO of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, a major new field of heritage documentation, conservation, interpretation, and community involvement has emerged. The 78 states-parties who have already ratified or accepted the Convention have initiated national inventories of Intangible Heritage, even as the precise definition, context, and administration procedures for its preservation are still being

This three-day colloquium will present a wide range of perspectives and predictions on the future of heritage policy, funding, interpretive technologies, and public involvement in Europe and throughout the world.

· Is Intangible Heritage merely a new category of heritage subjects? Or does it represent an entirely new approach to heritage that must effectively integrate curated objects, protected places, living traditions, and collective memory?

· What role do traditional rituals, art forms, and crafts play in the life of the individuals and contemporary communities that maintain them?

· What is the appropriate relationship of Intangible Heritage to other elements of “official” heritage like tangible objects, monuments, and sites?

We are therefore seeking innovative contribution from heritage administrators, cultural economists, archaeologists, historians, educators, and cultural policy specialists as well as practitioners of traditional intangible heritage under the following four themes :

What is Intangible Cultural Heritage?
Who Owns Intangible Heritage?
Who Makes Intangible Heritage?
What is the Social Role of Intangible Heritage?

Abstracts for poster presentations, short papers (10 min.) and research papers (20 min.) on these themes will be accepted until 15 November 2007. They should be a maximum of 300 words, in English, sent either by fax to +32-55-303-519 or by email to Claudia Liuzza at colloquium@enamecenter.org . Authors should include full contact information (name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, phone, fax and e-mail address).

Notification of acceptance will be sent by 15 January 2008.

For questions or requests for additional information, please visit our website www.enamecenter.org or contact Eva Roels at colloquium@enamecenter.org.

Please feel free to distribute this announcement to any interested colleagues. We hope you will find this colloquium to be of interest and look forward to seeing you in Ghent next year!

— The Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation

Call for papers: The 4th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure
23-27 April 2008

Otium Hotel Zeynep, Antalya, Turkey..

The 4th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure is one of the research series that has been organised in cooperation with the journal ANATOLIA over the last six years.

The aim of the conference is to provide a research forum among graduate students and faculty members engaged in graduate teaching and research in tourism, hospitality and leisure with an opportunity to meet their counterparts from other universities in order to share their research experience, to receive feedbacks on their dissertations, and to update themselves with current issues and trends in the field. We invite submissions from graduate students or recent graduates either for the thesis/dissertation or the full research category. In either cases, faculty members are urged to encourage their research students to submit papers and/or to help writing co-authored papers. Authors are invited to submit papers across a wide spectrum not only in tourism , travel, hospitality, leisure and recreation but also in other relating areas on the condition that the topic has a close proximity with such subjects as sociology of tourism; management and marketing of tourism, geography of tourism, psychology of tourism and leisure; economics of tourism, leisure and recreation etc.

Papers can be submitted for the following categories:

Thesis/dissertations: Open only for graduate students to reflect the summary of their thesis or dissertations in terms of the development of hypotheses and methodology and showing the way how it may contribute to the literature.

Research papers: Open both for graduates and faculty members who are encouraged to submit their regular conceptual or empirical papers together.

Interdisciplinary papers: Open only for those faculty members who have a background in a different discipline, but have the willingness to expand their research interests into tourism and so forth.

Please click here for more information: http://www.anatoliajournal.com/conference