The World Archaeological Congress has many opportunities for members and non-members to get involved.
Congress Travel
WAC frequently provides travel grants to assist people from countries experiencing economic hardship and from Indigenous groups to travel to WAC Congresses. The allocation of these grants is determined by WAC’s Travel Grants Committee.
Calls for applications for Congress travel are made around eight months prior to a major WAC Congress.
Archaeologists Without Borders
Archaeologists Without Borders is a unique endeavor aimed at supporting archaeological education and training in economically disadvantaged countries and strengthening regional networks of students in archaeology. Through a network of training programs, WAC members in different parts of the world may travel to the host institutions of other WAC members to provide educational opportunities, and to learn from the archaeological communities they visit. This program derives from the WAC mission to foster international academic interaction, and to redress economic barriers to education about archaeology.
The World Archaeological Congress provides support for students from the host country and neighbouring countries to attend lectures, workshops and other events. The host university is expected to provide accommodation, food and ground transport for the guest lecturer, and the guest lecturer is expected to provide their expertise in a voluntary capacity. Scholars from the first world are encouraged to finds outside support to cover the cost of international airfare, where possible, though WAC may also provide this support.
Global Libraries Program
The Global Libraries Program aims to develop the archaeological literary collections of economically-disadvantaged institutions. The program relies on the donations of WAC members, philanthropic organizations and members of the general public. Any book/journal/CD/video/etc or subscriptions are gratefully received. Click here for more information.
WAC Listserve
We have established an electronic mailing list (commonly referred to as “WAC List”) as a service to the members and friends of the World Archaeological Congress (WAC). The purpose of this mailing list is to facilitate global communication in archaeology and to act as a forum for disseminating information in line with the aims and agendas of WAC. The list server is generously hosted at the Flinders University. Subscribe here and once subscribed send a message to this email: .
Standing Committees
Join one of WAC’s many standing committees:
- Archaeologists without Borders
- Awards
- Ethics
- Global Libraries
- Grants
- Membership
- Publications
- Public Education
- Repatriation
- Students
Click here to learn more.
Taskforces are established by the WAC Executive to enquire into issues of contemporary topical, political interest that relate to the aims of the World Archaeological Congress. Current WAC taskforces include:
- Internet and Global Communications
- WAC Publications
- Archaeologists and War
- Space Heritage
Click here to learn more.
Publication Subsidies
Publication Subsidies, limited support towards the publication of high quality archaeological research on topics that further the aims of WAC. Priority is given to publications that are most closely aligned with the WAC objectives and support the Codes of Ethics. WAC occasionally provides small subsidies, usually around $US 1000, in support of publications of volumes from regions or on subjects where archaeological publication is difficult or the subject under-represented. Usually these will be edited volumes of conference proceedings where the subject might have an impact beyond the regional audience. WAC also encourages publication of such materials in non-print media.
Organizations or individuals requesting such a subsidy should provide a prospectus describing the importance of the materials, probable audiences, an outline of chapters or contributors, and a plan for distribution of the volume. All requests will be considered by the Executive (or an appointed sub-committee of the Executive), and their decision is final. WAC usually will respond within one month of receipt of the application. Please be aware that funds are limited and that requests will be dealt with on a first-come-first-served basis.