Convened By
Alice Gorman (Australia)
Theme Details
This theme presents global perspectives on a range of archaeological issues, such as lithics; technology, trade and exchange; traditional processing practices; and the construction of memory.
The Origins Of Social Complexity
Organized By
Sawang Lertrit (Thailand)
Session Details
Sawang Lertrit
Department of Archaeology
Silpakorn University
Bangkok 10200
The Chicken And The Egg Revisited: Maya Statecraft And Pan-Mesoamerican Complexity
William A. Saturno Were Early States in Southeast Asia Primary or Secondary States? A View from Recent Archaeological Research in Central Thailand
Sawang Lertrit (Department of Archaeology, Silpakorn University, Bangkok 10200, Thailand)
Urban Centers And The Development Of Empire In Central Asia
J. Daniel Rogers (Department of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, USA), Erdenebat Ulambayar (Center for Archaeology, Institute of Mongolian History) and Mathew Gallon (Department of Anthropology,Smithsonian Institution, USA)
Session Time
Day Sunday Date 22nd June
Time 9-11AM Room Hannan 132
Lithic Studies Around The World: Different Views Of The Human Past Through Stone Tool Analysis
Organized By
Pierre Desrosiers (Avataq Cultural Institute and Université Sorbonne, France)
Session Details
As stated by numerous archaeologists, our knowledge of the major part of the history of humanity depends mainly on lithic studies since it is often the only remains of past human activities. Thus, this session emphasises recent developments in lithic studies all around the world with the objective to share different experiences, visions and specific regional difficulties or success in the understanding of prehistoric behaviour through the study of lithic productions. Raw material procurement strategies, technology, typology, spatial analysis are used to appreciate the peopling of the world from the circumpolar north to southern hemisphere and from Africa to America passing through Asia.
Proposed schedule:
9h15- Introduction
9h20- Dorset Lithic Technology: Some Examples from Nunavik, Eastern Arctic Pierre M. Desrosiers (Avataq Cultural Institute-Université Sorbonne)
9h40- Tales from a Blue Scorpion Robert A. Rowe (Aztlan Archaeology, Inc.)
10h00- Reconstruction of settlement structure: Multivariate analysis of lithic material Vyacheslav Moiseyev (Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of Peter the First)
10h20- Prehistoric obsidian mining in the central Highlands of Japan: archaeological investigations at the Takayama sites Shimada Kazutaka and Sasaki Ken’ichi
10h40- The Identity Crisis of the Soanian: To be or not to be? Parth R. Chauhan (University of Sheffield)
11.00-11.20: Morning tea
11h30- A study of the heavy-duty tool component from the Mesolithic industries of Orissa highlands, India Pradeep K. Behera (Sambalpur University)
11h50- Vertical Nomadism a Firm Adaptation in Central Zagros
(Lithic artifacts & site interpretation in Central Zagros based on Contemporary Nomadism Patterns) Emran Garazhian and Leila Papoli Yazdi (Tehran University)
12h10 Microlith Typology and Technology of the Upper and Epi-Paleolithic Jordan Maysoon Al-Nahar (University of Jordan)
12h30-2h00 Lunch
4h00- The indigenous arrivals and the first people Ferdinand William Bekoe Akuffo A. Zyambo (University of Zambia)
4h20- The Early Acheulean of Africa with Pick: A case study at KGA4 A2 assemblage Konso-Gardula, (Ethiopia) Yohannes Zeleke
4h40- Archaeology as Palaeo-Ethnography Eleanor Crosby
5h00- Viking age flint use Bo Knarrström
5h20- Technology as a Social Science: a North African Example Noura Rahmani (Avataq Cultural Institute-Université Bordeaux 1) and Pierre M. Desrosiers (Avataq Cultural Institute-Université Sorbonne)
5h40- Discussion
Dorset Lithic Technology: Some Examples From Nunavik, Eastern Arctic
Pierre M. Desrosiers (Avataq Cultural Institute, Université Paris I, Sorbonne, France) Reconstruction of settlement structure: Multivariate analysis of lithic material
Vyacheslav Moiseyev (Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of Peter the First, Universitetskaya Emb. 3, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russia)
Microlith Typology And Technology Of The Upper And Epi-Paleolithic, Jordan
Maysoon Al-Nahar (Department of Archaeology, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan) Prehistoric obsidian mining in the central Highlands of Japan: archaeological investigations at the Takayama sites
Shimada Kazutaka (Assistant Curator, Archaeological Museum, Meiji University, Japan) and Sasaki Ken’ichi (Associate Professor, Archaeology, Meiji University, Japan)
A Study Of The Heavy-duty Tool Component From The Mesolithic Industries Of Orissa Highlands, India
Pradeep K. Behera (P.G. Department of History, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar – 768019, Burla, Orissa, India) Technology as a Social Science: a North African Example
Noura Rahmani (Université Bordeaux I, France) and Pierre M. Desrosiers (Avataq Cultural Institute, Université Paris I, Sorbonne, France)
The Identity Crisis Of The Soanian: To Be Or Not To Be?
Parth R. Chauhan (Department of Archaeology & Prehistory, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 4ET, U.K) The Early Acheulean of Africa with Pick: A case study at KGA4 A2 assemblage Konso-Gardula (Ethiopia)
Yohannes Zeleke
Vertical Nomadism A Firm Adaptation In Central Zagros (Lithic Artifacts & Site Interpretation In Central Zagros Based On Contemporary Nomadism Patterns)
Emran Garazhian and Leila Papoli Yazdi (Prehistoric Archaeology, Tehran University) Tales from a Blue Scorpion
Robert A. Rowe (TRC-Denver, USA)
The Indigenous Arrivals And The First People
Ferdinand William Bekoe Akuffo and A. Zyambo (Department of Development Studies, The University of Zambia, P.O. Box 35296, Lusaka, Zambia)
A New Approach to Classification as a Tool for Understanding the Past
Eleanor Crosby (Turnix Pty Ltd, Nerang Queensland Australia)
Viking Age Flint Use
Bo Knarrström (National Heritage Board, Sweden)
Session Time
Day Wednesday Date 25th June
Time 9AM-1PM & 4-6PM Room Hannan 132
Cultural Spaces: Houses, Habitations And Communities
Organized By
Seong Hyun Park (USA)
Session Details
Reconstruction Of Dwelling From The Upper Paleolithic Settlement Of Pushkari I
Valentina Belyaeva (Russia) Sacred and Profane Space in Archaeological Record
Magdalena Krutova (Institute of Archaeology Prague, Czech republic)
Early Iron Age Houses In Israel – An Analysis Of Spatial Configuration
Seong Hyun Park (Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Harvard University, USA) Palaeoentomological studies from North Atlantic sites
Eva Panagiotakopulu (Dept of Archaeology and Prehistory, University of Sheffield, Northgate House, West St, Sheffield S1 4ET, UK)
Re-evaluation Of The Fortaleza, Ollantaytambo, Peru
J.L. Hollowell (Independent Scholar, Hockessin, Delaware 19707, USA) Investigation into the Settlement Stratigraphy of Vin_a Culture: Layers, memories and continuities
Boban Tripkovi (Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Archaeology, _ika Ljubina 18-20, 11 000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia)
Conservation Of Superpose Archaeological Areas Hippodrome, Great Palace & Sultan Ahmet Complex In Istanbul
Ayse Gulcin Kucukkaya (University of Trakya, Faculty of Architecture & Eng., Dept. Of Restoration, Edirne TURKEY)
Archaeogenetics and the Transition to farming in Southeast Europe
Mihael Budja (Department of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana, Askerceva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia)
A Roman Diagonal Road In The Territory Of Aquincum In Budapest: Protecting The Archaeological Heritage
Orsolya T. Láng (Aquincum Museum, Záhony Street 4, H-1031 Budapest, Hungary)
Session Time
Day Monday Date 23rd June
Time 11.30AM-1PM & 4-6PM Room Hannan 132
Materials In The Making: Social Perspectives On Traditional Manufacturing Processes
Organized By
Randi Håland (Norway)
Session Details
Persistence For Two Millennia Of Toxic Elements Released By Roman Metallurgical Industry, Extremadura, Spain
Cathy M. Ager (U.S. Geological Survey, MS 973, Denver, CO 80225) and Robert G. Schmidt (U.S. Geological Survey, MS 954, Reston, VA 20192, and Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C) Copper in pre-urban societies of the Middle East and Northeast Africa
Nils Anfinset (Department of Archaeology, University of Bergen, Norway)
Folk Medicine
Aditi Sen Chowdhury Iron in the making: European Iron Working seen in a cross-Cultural Perspective
Randi Håland (Joachim Frielesgt. 1, Department of Archaeology, University of Bergen, Norway)
Construction Practices, Wear Patterns And Replication Of Prehistoric Footwear From The North American Midwest And Midsouth
Jenna Tedrick Kuttruff, Marie S. Standifer, Carl Kuttruff and Sandra G. DeHart (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA) Shell as a Construction Material in North and South America
Virgil Roy Beasley III (Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University, 1810 Hinman Ave, Evanston, IL, USA)
Changing Patterns, Changing Processes: An Analysis Of The Dynamics Of Roman Trade And Exchange In The Eastern Mediterranean, Based On The Amphorae From Cyprus
Anthi Kaldelis (The Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 31-34 Gordon Square, London, UK)
Session Time
Day Sunday Date 22nd June
Time 4-6PM Room Hannan 132
Representing The Past: Archaeology, Identity And The Construction Of Memory
Organized By
Astrid Lindenlauf (Greece)
Session Details
Archaeological Exhibits In The Museum: Creating A Sense Of The Past
Pamela G. Faylona (University Research Associate, Archaeological Studies Program, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City) Constructing the Memory of the Persian Wars in Athens
Astrid Lindenlauf (German Archaeological Institute, Fidiou 1, GR-10678 Athens)
Red Cloud’s Manikin And His Uncle’s Shirt : Historical Representation In The Museum As Seen Through Photo Analysis
Joanna Cohan Scherer and Vicki Simon (Smithsonian Institution, USA) Physical Anthropology and Archaeology in Popular Literature and Television
Heather Gill-Robinson (Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 5V5, Canada)
Archaeology After Freud: A Psychological Study Of Archaeology’s Role In The Construction Of Large Group Identity
Ian Russell (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) ‘He’s Not Macedonian’: The Shifting Identity of Philip of Macedon
Emma Bate (Indiana University, Student Building 130, Bloomington, IN, USA)
An Imaginary Community – Burials Of Former Russian Immigrants In Israel
Talia Shay (The college of Judea and Samaria, Ariel, Israel) Archaeology, Society and National Identity; The Case Study: Tabriz in Southern Azerbaijan
Bahram Adjerloo (NAZAR Institute, No23 Dr. Gharib, Tehran, Iran)
(Pre)history, Identity And Construction Of The Past. The Experience Of Early Americanist Archaeology
Javier Nastri (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Session Time
Day Monday Date 23rd June
Time 9AM-1PM Room Life Cycle 108
Ethnoarchaeology: Contributions And Developments
Organized By
Mari Carmen Serra Puche (Mexico) and Carmen Arellano (Peru)
Session Details
This session will explore the development of this discipline in the past decade, and the contribution to research and interpretation of indigenous cultures. It also aims to fill the historical gap in the data that has been pointed out as a pitfall. Work with indigenous people is part of the mainstream in ethnoarchaeological fieldwork, and this session will bring together both the experience of practitioners and the impact ethnoarchaeology has among indigenous people.
What To Make Of It All? The Archaeological Collections Of The National Museum Of The American Indian
Patricia L. Nietfeld, Ph.D. (Collections Manager, National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, USA) The Practice of Ethnoarchaeology in Cameroon: A Case Study of The Prescraft Centre in Bali-Nyonga
Isaac Akenji Ndambi (Dept Of History, Faculty Of Arts, University Of Buea, P.O.Box 63 Buea, S.W.P, Cameroon, Africa)
Witchcraft Containment And Settlement Locations In Traditional Cameroon: A Case Study Of The Bangsi
Talla Richard Tanto (Department of History, University of Buea, P.O. Box 63, Buea, Republic of Cameroon) Ethno-archaeological reconnaissance of Ijebu-Igbo land (Ogun State, Nigeria)
Afosi A. Alex (Department of Archaeology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria)
“Salaga, A Town Of 1000 Wells”: Archaeological, Ethnohistorical And Ethnographic Findings
John Ako Okoro (Department of Archaeology, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana) Traditional Soap Production and Ashmound Archaeology in Yorubaland (Odo-Owa,Kwara State in Nigeria)
Foster-Aileru (Department of Archaeology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria)
The Building And Maintenance Of Public Structures As Social Construction: A Case Study For An Andean Ethnoarchaeology
Gary Urton Indigenous Technology: Techniques Of Calabash Carving In Oyo, Nigeria
Ayase Friday John (Dept of Archaeology/Anthroplogy University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria)
From Archaeology To History: An Emerging Innu Perspective On The Past.
Anthony Jenkinson (Tshikapisk Foundation, Sheshatshit, Labrador), Richard Nuna (Innu Nation Environment, Sheshatshit, Labrador) and Stephen Loring (Smithsonian Institution) Essay on the provincial Incas from the ethnoarchaeological perspective
Ramiro Matos (National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, 4220 Silver Hill Road, Suitland, MD, USA)
Les Communautés Locales Et Le Travail Des Archéologues, Une Discussion De Méthode
Ernesto Montenegro (Candidat au Doctorat d’Archéologie à l’Université de Paris I. Panthéon Sorbonne)
Session Time
Day Thursday Date 26th June
Time 9-11am Room Hannan 132