Both before and after the WAC-5 congress, special workshops are organized to take advantage of the gathering of international archaeologists in Washington, D.C.. You are invited to enroll in any of these by contacting the workshop organizer:
FRIDAY, June 20th:
The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model as a Tool for Integrating Cultural Information
This workshop is a tutorial about the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM), a top-level ontology and proposed ISO standard for the semantic integration of cultural information. It will explain the scope and objectives of the model. It will detail the construction principles used and the major concepts it defines.
In order to use the model for information integration, multiple data structures have to be mapped to the model, so that data contents can be transformed automatically into a CRM compatible form and be merged. Alternatively, the mappings can be used to transform queries against the CRM into queries against local data structures. The mapping is the critical step, in which the domain expert’s knowledge is needed. IT tools can automatically execute later steps. The mapping process also shows compatibility with the CRM.
The tutorial will explain in practical examples and exercises how to map a data structure to the CIDOC CRM. Participants are invited to bring examples of their data structures to the workshop.
Stephen Stead, Vice-chair of CIDOC, Paveprime Ltd, UK
Contact by email before 15/6/03
Or after by phone on +44 7802 755 013
The workshop is scheduled to run on 20th June 2003 but additional tutorials can also be arranged
SATURDAY, June 21st:
(Contact person Lloyd Anderson, E-mail at:
All-day workshop Saturday, 21 June, 2003, 9 am – 5 pm, with lunch break.
In central Washington, DC, metro accessible.
The study of Nahua writing is entering a new stage, reaffirming the
existence of a phonetic syllabary. This workshop is intended for those
with interests in Mesoamerican Writing or in Nahua culture. The
workshop will be led by Alfonso Lacadena, Universidad Complutense de
Madrid, Spain, and Søren Wichman, Dept. of General and Applied
Linguistics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark with the assistance of
Marc Zender, Univ. of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Registration Fee is $85, and early registration is strongly urged so attendees can receive information and prepare in advance, however they
Sunday, June 22nd:
6:00 – 7:30PM
Organized by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, WAC-5 will feature a special workshop for non-USA researchers that focuses on North American sources of funding. This will be a unique opportunity to learn about private and federal programs that support archaeological research and management initiatives in various parts of the world, using funds from the USA and Canada. Representatives from different agencies and organizations will be on hand to discuss their programs with interested individuals. No advance sign-up or additional costs are involved.
Participant organisations are very strong in funding archaeology and are open to non-US applications. They include National Geographic, Leakey, World Monuments Fund, Getty Grants, Earthwatch, and FAMSI (Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies Inc.)
(Contact person Dan Cole, E-mail at:
A one-day workshop dealing with geographic information systems (GIS)
will be held on Friday, 27 June 2003. The class will cover the basics
of GIS while using ArcView 3.3 GIS software. The workshop leader is
Daniel G. Cole, the GIS Coordinator for the Smithsonian Institution. No
prior experience with GIS is necessary for the class although
familiarity with the Windows operating system would be helpful. There
is no charge for the session but pre-registration is required to obtain
a security pass to the classroom. The workshop will be held in the
National Museum of Natural History’s computer classroom (room ECG29/30)
from 8:30-4:30. The class has room for 16 participants, who will be
registered on a first-come, first-serve basis. To register, please
contact Daniel Cole (
Organizers: Anne Pyburn and Michael Ashley Lopez.
(Contact person Michael Ashley Lopez, E-mail at:
Four-hour workshop Friday, June 27th, from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
Over the past five years, archaeologists working at Çatalhöyük, Turkey, have developed a set of digital recording practices that augment, rather than replace traditional photography and illustration. Many of these techniques have proven invaluable, especially in recording friable, at-risk archaeological features, such as burials and painted walls. Digital planning of skeletons, for example, can dramatically reduce desiccation of the bones through exposure by cutting the recording time from hours (or days) to minutes. Quicktime VR technology allows us to holistically document pit walls in cuts too narrow to photograph with ‘real’ film cameras. Digital photography and video provides us with windows into the daily practice of the archaeological process. We tie all of these “digital artifacts” together to the site data in a multi-authored, visual database. By situating digital media as an integral component of archaeological recording, we are attempting to move away from the 20th century view of a fixed, static archaeology to one where the site is defined by an ever-growing and dynamic web of data, analysis, interpretation and intrigue.
In this workshop, we will cover ‘real world’ digital imaging and database techniques using off-the-shelf, inexpensive and easy to learn tools. We will have on hand the tools of the ‘digital archaeologist’ – digital still cameras, video cameras, portable cd/dvd burners, laptop computers and Palm devices. We will take you through the field recording and archiving process we use at Çatalhöyük and then work together to practice the techniques and apply them to your projects and particular circumstances.
What to bring to the workshop – We encourage you to bring materials, computers, technical problems and your imagination. Specifically,
* Images, video footage, maps and other documents on CD-ROM
* Laptop computers – we will only have two or three on hand
* Digital cameras using CompactFlash cards
* Digital video cameras using Firewire (IEEE 1394 standard)
Requirements: No Charge. You needn’t know anything about digital technology nor bring any materials with you to benefit from this workshop.
Feel free to email us with specific questions or requests –
FRIDAY June 27th – SUNDAY June 29th
(Contact person Robyn Woodward, E-mail at:
The Nautical Archaeology Society (NAS) was founded in 1981 to further research in all aspects of nautical archaeology and advance the practice of maritime archaeology by promoting skill development, understanding and enjoyment of all types of submerged and foreshore sites. Our training program was developed to educate the general sport divers about the basics in underwater survey and excavation techniques, so that they might survey and monitor maritime sites or assist professional archaeologists in the excavation of submerged sites. The program introduces people of all skill levels to a wide range of underwater archaeological techniques including survey, remote sensing, photography, excavation, and conservation. NAS has offered courses and conducted tutor’s training programs in Europe, North America, Africa and Australia and our training materials have been translated into French and Spanish for courses in South and Central America.
Day One: Introduction
Will be a one-day introduction to our multi-part training program with presentations and discussions on our “Diving with a Purpose” Project; distance learning; continuing professional development; university accreditiation; and future developments. This will be especially helpful to archaeologists, resource managers and government organizations seeking to start programs in maritime archaeology or avocational archaeologists seeking to enhance their skills.
Day Two/Three: Tutor-training
Depending on the number of participants, this will be a 1-2 day session to train tutors how to establish and teach the NAS courses in either their home countries or to their local archaeology societies. Participants will be required to present a short (10+ minute) talk that focuses on any archaeological subject of their choice.
The courses will be classroom based and feature multi-media presentations. Divers and non-divers are most welcome.
Date: June 27-29, 2003
Place: Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Cost: $ 100.00 USD
Congress REGISTRATION will be on the campus of Catholic University, just inside the main door of the new Pryzbyla Center, on the ground floor. The registration desk will be open Saturday, June 21st, 10:00 am – 9:00 pm, and on Sunday from 8:30am -8:30pm. You will get your program and meal tickets at that time.
HOUSING will be handled by Catholic University in the same place. If you reserved a housing package of 5 or 8 nights, you will receive a room assignment at the time of registration. A small number of rooms may be requested at the door, but these are not guaranteed.
REMEMBER that if you want to reserve one extra night after the congress (the night of June 26th), you must pay ($57.25) at the time of check-in. If you want to reserve one extra night before the congress (the night of June 20th), please e-mail ahead of time to Courtney Wheeler, the Conference Assistant for WAC-5, to
Please try to arrive before 10:00pm. If you arrive late, when the registration desk is closed, you can find your room asssignment by going to the Campus Safety Office (in Leahy Hall), and a conference assistant will be called. Please TRY to arrive before then! Do not arrive after hours if your room is not previously reserved.
HOUSING RESERVATIONS are only being made through WAC-5 until FRIDAY, MAY 30th. After that, you take a chance that there will still be rooms available at the door. And as before, requests for housing must be accompanied by, or relate back to, a paid congress registration.
Public Lectures at WAC-5
Public lectures on different aspects of archaeology will be offered in locations throughout Washington, D.C. on the day WAC-5 opens (June 21, 2003) and at different times throughout and after the congress. Stay tuned for new titles as they come in.
What Counts in Archaeology: An Archaeologist tells why archaeology is important in today’s world
Brian Fagan
(June 21st, 2003 at the Catholic University of America/ Brookland, D.C.)
After more than a century-and-a-half of intensive research, North American archaeology is at a dramatic crossroads. We live in a world not of academic archaeology, but of cultural resource management, widespread destruction of archaeological sites, and strenuous objections from Indian societies to archaeology as a viable way of writing history. Brian Fagan celebrates some of the major achievements of North American archaeology and takes a frank look at some of the daunting problems which lie ahead. He believes that archaeology is one of the great scientific triumphs of contemporary science, and makes a passionate case for its importance in today’s world.
Business or Pleasure: The Archaeology of a Capital City Neighborhood
Donna J. Seifert
(June 21st, 2003 at the Charles Sumner School)
The nineteenth-century neighborhood between the White House and the U.S. Capitol included industrial, commercial, and residential establishments. Archeological and historical investigations in this part of the city provided new data on the households in the neighborhood, which included working-class families and brothels. The working-class households yielded material culture comparable to assemblages from similar households in other parts of the city. A distinctive assemblage was recovered from the neighborhood’s major brothel, however. This brothel was one of the largest and best known in the city during the mid-nineteenth century. Analysis of assemblages from both the brothel and working-class households provides an opportunity to better understand the material culture and socio-economic structure of this Washington, D.C., historic neighborhood.
Sankofa: Power and Knowledge of the African Diaspora
Michael Blakey
(June 21st, 2003 at the Martin Luther King Library)
[Abstract to follow]
Books and Materials Exhibits
Books, journals and archaeological materials/supplies will be exhibited during the congress. Registration forms for publishers and vendors will be available online shortly. Once registered, vendors will be listed on the WAC-5 website with links to their homepages. In the meantime, vendors can e-mail Rob Sauders at to express interest or request more information.
Different “Plenary Speakers and Panels” will be offered after lunch (from 2:00 – 3:30pm) each day of the congress. These will include:
Selma Al Radi (speaker)
Research Fellow, New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts, and co director of the ‘Amiriya Mosque and Madrassa Restoration Project in Rada’, Yemen. — Pryzbyla Section A
Doug Williams, New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, Muthi Muthi Traditional Land Owners, Willandra Lakes Region World Heritage Area, and Franchesca Cubillo, National Museum of Australia — Pryzbyla Section B
Meg Conkey (dialogue/panel organizer)
Professor, Department of Anthropology
University of California, Berkeley — Pryzbyla Section C
Rosemary A. Joyce (speaker)
Professor, Department of Anthropology
University of California, Berkeley — Pryzbyla Section A
Panelists: Piotr Michalowski, Professor, Department of Near Eastern Studies, U. Michigan
Peter Stone, C.E.O., World Archaeological Congress
Jim Williams, UNESCO Cultural Office, Kabal — Pryzbyla Section B
George Horse Capture (panel organizer)
Deputy Assistant Director for cultural resources at the Smithsonian’s
National Museum of the American Indian
Panelists: Narcisse Blood, Coordinator of Kainni Studies, Red Crow Community College
George Horse Capture Jr., Pipekeeper and headman of White Clay Society, A’aninin
Danielle Her Many Horses, Oglala Lakota
Jeanette Starlight Tsuu T’ina — Pryzbyla Section C
(Facilitator to be announced)
Open forum about the current international war situation and its effects
on archaeology and heritage
Brian Fagan (speaker)
Professor, Department of Anthropology
UC Santa Barbara — Pryzbyla Section A
Randall Mcquire (panel organizer)
Professor of Anthropology
State University of New York, Binghamton
Panelists: Mercedes Doretti, The Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team
Adel H. Yahya, Director, Palestinian Association for Cultural Exchange
— Pryzbyla Section B
Ramiro Matos M. (speaker)
Curator, National Museum of the American Indian — Pryzbyla Section C
Tuesday’s Activities
WAC-5 participants will be welcome on a tour of the archaeology and landscapes of Dumbarton Oaks, Mount Vernon, which is George Washington’s home, and of the historic district of Annapolis. The tour will be on June 24 and will leave from Catholic University’s campus at 9 am. The tour will return by 5:30 pm. Sites featured are: the Byzantine collection at Dumbarton Oaks and the 20th century garden. At Mount Vernon, the tour will visit the mansion house, the grounds, and the archaeology of Washington’s distillery. Participants will buy lunch on their own in the Mount Vernon’s Visitor’s Center. In the afternoon the tour will visit Annapolis and see the William Paca garden, the landscape of the Maryland State House, and ongoing excavations in the city.
People on the tour should be prepared in case of rain. People should be prepared with umbrellas, rain coats and with low shoes that keep feet dry because we will be in gardens, fields, and streets.
Seating on the bus will be limited. Please sign up for this tour at the WAC-5 Registration Desk, seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
- 9:00 – Bus departs from Catholic University.
- 9:30 – Arrive at Dumbarton Oaks for a tour of the Byzantine collection and tour of the great garden. Tour will be given by docents.
- 10:45 – Leave Dumbarton Oaks for Mount Vernon.
- 11:30 – Arrive Mount Vernon. Tour of Mount Vernon and the archaeology of George Washington’s distillery site. The tour will be given by Dennis Pogue and Esther White, archaeologists of Mount Vernon.
- 12:45 – Lunch at Mount Vernon Visitor’s Center with individuals paying for their own food.
- 1:30 – Leave for Annapolis.
- 2:30 – Arrive Annapolis. Tour of the William Paca Garden, the 18th century landscape of the Maryland State House, and open excavations in the city. The tour will be given by Mark Leone and University of Maryland field school students.
- 4:00 – Leave Annapolis.
- 5:00 – Arrive back at Catholic University.
Walking Tour of the African-american Presence in Washington, D.C.
The capital city of the United States has always had a majority Black population; its citizens have no representative vote in congress. Professor Ed Smith of American University, Director of the American Studies program, will lead a 3-hour walking tour of the historic Shaw District on Tuesday. The tour will gather at Dupont Circle on Tuesday morning, 9:30, and will end at a convenient metro stop at 12:30. FREE of CHARGE: please sign up at the WAC-5 registration desk beforehand. Limited to 30 participants.
Library research opportunities
Library research opportunities are available Tuesday at Catholic University’s Mullen Library, at the Smithsonian Institution’s Anthropology Library, and at the national library (the Library of Congress) where special attention will be given to WAC-5 researchers. There will be reference librarians on hand at the congress for consultations and assistance, to help you locate specific archaeological articles, reports, or other bibliographic materials within the libraries of Washington, D.C.. Hours of reference consultations, at Catholic University, will be posted at the congress. These will take place in Hannan 134:
On Tuesday, you can use the research libraries at Catholic University (Mullen Library – please have a photo identification), at the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS (in the main reading room, ask for Steven Herman), and at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Anthropology Library (from the information desk at the entryway, call the library upstairs at 202-357-1819 to gain admission).
WAC-5 will provide awards of $50 to foreign scholars, for photocopying library materials while you are at WAC-5 that you cannot locate in your libraries at home. To apply for this money, fill out a ‘photocopy-help’ form at the WAC-5 Registration Desk.
Visit public museums and archaeological exhibitions
Visiting public museums and archaeological exhibitions: All the Washington museums that are part of the Smithsonian system are open to the public, free. You will want to see the public parts of the museums, as well as the special archaeological exhibits in various embassies and organizations, displayed especially for WAC-5.
Shopping: One excellent shopping area for a wide variety of American products (but not food products) is Wheaton Plaza. You can travel there by MetroRail on the red line, directly from Catholic University. Go north (towards Glenmont) five stops to the Wheaton Plaza stop.