Guidelines for Proposing WAC-5 Sessions
Sessions for WAC-5 may be proposed within established congress themes or as stand-alone sessions. The number of participants in different sessions may vary, but each session should be planned for no longer than a two hour time slot.
Sessions should emphasize international participation and global perspectives, and thus are expected to include participants from at least three different nations/tribal groups. Ideally, sessions will be undertaken by pairs of organizers from different nations.
Format for WAC-5 Sessions
WAC-5 sessions can be planned in different formats but we discourage series of individually read papers. We can “pre-circulate” or post papers on our web-site if session organizers provide these to us at least 5 weeks before the congress. We can make different room arrangements available, indoors and outdoors. Possible session formats include:
- Abbreviated positions or arguments briefly presented by participants at the beginning of the session (summarizing their web-posted papers), followed by discussion among participants and/or with the audience.
- A well-developed position paper initially read by a single author and then commented on by different participants and/or by the audience.
- Posters presented in related groups and offered for discussion during specific time slots.
- Demonstrations, workshops, debates, panels and forums are all suitable formats for WAC-5 sessions.
How to Propose a WAC-5 Session
To participate as part of an established theme, please contact the theme convener/s (on the web site or by other means) and coordinate your session through them. You will be asked to submit:
- The names of the two international organizers
- A session rationale of approximately 250 words for posting on the web site
- An idea of the range of participants and perspectives to be included
- The format you propose for the sessionFor independent sessions, please submit the materials listed above to:
WAC-5 Program Committee
Department of Anthropology
American University
Washington, D.C. 20016 USAOr e-mail to:
Deadline for WAC-5 Session Proposals
Proposals for sessions were accepted up to the new deadline of 15th January 2003. No new session proposal can be accepted.