Convened By
Michael Blakey (USA), Ian Lilley (Australia) and Emma Blake (USA)
Theme Details
Michael Blakey
Institute for Historical Biology
Department of Anthropology
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795
(757) 221-1060
Emma Blake
Teaching Fellow in Humanities
Stanford University
Bldg 250, Room 251J
Stanford, CA 94305-2020
tel: +1 650 724-2966
Ian Lilley
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072
tel. (+61 7) 3365 7051 direct (GMT+10hrs)
fax (+61 7) 3365 6855
Diaspora, Identity And Community
Organized By
Emma Blake (USA) and Ian Lilley (Australia)
Session Details
Processes of diaspora have profound implications for the creation and maintenance of social identity and a sense of community, as people on the move and those amongst whom they are moving strive to maintain their sense of themselves while all about them is changing. This session will examine questions of identity and community in seemingly divergent cases of diaspora to identify commonalities as well as differences in the ways archaeologists approach such phenomena. In addition to the classic case of the trans-Atlantic African diaspora, which tends to dominate recent archaeological consideration of the issues in question, speakers will address the historical Chinese and British diasporas, the Neolithic settlement of north-central Europe (LBK) and ‘enclave colonization’ of the Iberian Peninsula, and the ‘neolithic’ Lapita colonization of the southwest Pacific as well as the Phoenicians and Greeks in the Mediterranean and Romans in Britain.
Cultural Reticence And The Phoenician Diaspora
Emma Blake (USA) A Roman diaspora
Richard Hingley (UK)
The African Diaspora In Brazil And The Role Of Archaeology
Pedro Paulo A. Funari (Brazil) Lapita in Oceania: identity and Diaspora beyond the Black Atlantic
Ian Lilley (Australia)
Foreign Tastes: Becoming Chinese In Sydney, Australia
Jane Lydon (Monash University, Australia) The origin and emergence of the LBK culture in Central Europe – a case of an early farming diaspora in prehistory?
Marek Zvelebil & Alena Lukes (UK)
Introduction To Session
Ian Lilley
Session Time
Day Thursday Date 26th June
Time 9AM-1PM Room Pryzbyla Center C
Interpreting And Presenting The Archaeology Of Slavery To The Public
Organized By
Fiona J.L. Handley (UK) and Barbara J. Heath (USA)
Session Details
The last fifteen years has seen a growth in the amount of archaeological research directed towards issues of the African Diaspora and thus to the archaeology of slavery. This has been concomitant with increasing pressure from many directions to encourage heritage sites and museums to present issues relating to slavery to the public. Whilst many heritage sites still ignore the issue of slavery, some sites have embarked on archaeological programmes which have influenced interpretation programmes dealing with slavery. As a result, now would seem as appropriate time to share experiences, assess the quality of the relationship between the archaeology and the presentations, and to discuss the range of future directions that the presentation of archaeology of slavery is going in.
Presenting Slavery At Heritage Sites: What’s Behind The Difficulties Of Interpretation And The Continuing Issues Of Neglect?
Fiona J.L. Handley (Institute of Archaeology, London, UK)
Interpreting Slavery at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest: Challenges and Opportunities
Barbara Heath (Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, USA)
Slavery In The Danish West Indies: Archaeology And Education At Annaberg Plantation
Lori Lee (St. John, USVI)
Interpreting Slavery: the Transatlantic Slavery Gallery in Liverpool
Anthony Tibbles (Merseyside Maritime Museum, Liverpool, UK)
“Great Hopes” Or Grave Concerns? Archaeology And The African-American Past At Colonial Williamsburg
Ywone Edwards-Ingram (Department of Archaeological Research, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, USA) Yet to come
Laura Gates (Cane River Creole National Historical Park, Louisiana, USA)
Monuments And The Experience Of Historical Reality: African Americans And Ghana’s Slave Castles On A Transnational Landscape
Brempong Osei-Tutu (Department of Archaeology, University of Ghana, P O Box LG3, Legon, Accra, Ghana)
Session Time
Day Wednesday Date 25th June
Time 4-6PM Room Pryzbyla Center C
African Diasporas
Organized By
Michael Blakey (William and Mary College, USA) and Ian Lilley (The University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD, Australia)
Session Details
Enslaved Communities: Slave Cabins And Cemeteries On Virginian Plantations
Lynn Rainville (Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology/Archaeology, Sweet Briar College) Dental Enamel Hypoplasia and Childhood Health among Enslaved Africans in Colonial New York City
ML Blakey (William and Mary), ME Mack (Howard), AR Barrett, SS Mahoney (William and Mary), and AH Goodman (Hampshire)
The African Diaspora, An Ancient Natural Ongoing Process
Elias M. Nwana (Bamenda University of Science and Technology (BUST), Cameroon) Survival Strategies of Fugitive Slaves in Mauritius: 1640-1835
Amitava Chowdhury (University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius)
The Emergence Of Slavery In The Late Seventeenth-Century Chesapeake: The Evidence From Recent Archaeological Excavations From The Atkinson Site.
Mark Kostro (Department of Archaeological Research, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, USA) Excavations at a Slave Master’s House, Brockman, Ghana
J Boachie-Ansah
Session Time
Day Wednesday Date 25th June
Time 11.30AM-1PM Room Pryzbyla Center C