Convened By
Maa-ling Chen (Taiwan) and Ravindra Nath Singh (India)
Theme Details
This theme contains sessions that focus on recent developments in particular geographic regions, including Thailand, Korea, India, Meso-America, Native North America and Africa. These sessions will provide an international forum for archaeologists to present the results of their most recent research and showcase the developments occurring in different parts of the world.
Aspects Of Epigraphy In Thailand: Archaeology And Interpretation In Action
Organized By
Phasook Indrawooth (Thailand) and Amarjiva Lochan (Thailand)
Session Details
Organised by
Prof. Phasook Indrawooth,
Faculty of Archaeology,
Silpakorn University,
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Dr Amarjiva Lochan,
Assoc. Professor in Ancient History and Culture,
Delhi University,
126 Vidya Vihar,
Outer Ring Road,
Pitampura, Delhi,
110034, India.
Thailand has a rich archaeological past where scholars have worked on various aspects. Thought the pre-historic Thailand is well known to us, the regions’ epigraphical records have been in recent times not subject to a rigorous multi-disciplinary study. However, it may be noted that several new interpretations have come forth, which shed new light on the historical past of the region. At the same time, the newly discovered inscriptions especially from north and northeastern Thailand await a proper evaluation in the hands of experts. The region’s proximity to Cambodia might further help us in re-assessing the hydraulic superiority of Khmer kings and the contemporary religious scenes of this part of fascinating southeast Asia. The panel proposed plans to include at least one speaker from Cambodia. At the moment there are already three paper proposals committed, one by each of the organisers and one by a Sanskrit and Khmer language expert with special reference to the region’s epigraphy.
Dvaravati Kingdom: Epigraphical Records
Phasook Indrawooth (Silpakorn University, Faculty of Archaeology, Bangkok) Society as Recorded in the Early Inscriptions of found in Thailand
Chirapat Prapandvidya (Sanskrit Studies Centre, Silpakorn University, Bangkok)
Session Time
Day Thursday Date 26th June
Time 11.30AM-1PM Room No Details Available
Recent Developments In Korean Archaeology. A Commemoration Of The 10th Memorial Anniversary Of Dr. Kim Won Yong
Organized By
Sarah M. Nelson (University of Denver, USA) and Hyo-Jai Im (Seoul National University, Korea)
Session Details
University of Denver
Hyo-Jai IM
Seoul National University,
Chong Pil CHOE
Dept. of History
Sejong University
Ki-Dong BAE
Dept. of Anthropology
Hanyang University
Session schedule:
Paper presentations:
9:00 Introduction, by Im Hyo-jai
9:15 Kidong Bae, Hanyang University, New Age of Acheulean Type Stone Tool Industries of the Chongokni Site
9:30 Mou Chang Choi, Kunkook University, Lower and Middle Paleolithic Artifacts from the Wondangni Site, Korea
9:45 Eun-Sook Song, Chonnam University, Transition in the Subsistence Patterns in Neolithic Korea
10:00 Im Hyo-jai Cultural Relationship between Korea and China in the Neolithic Age.
10:45 Chong Pil Choe, Sejong University, Reconsideration of the Development of Dolmens in the Korean Peninsula
11:00-11:30 Break
11:30 Changbom Park, Seoul National University and Kong-jin Yang, Kyungbook National University, Astronomical Aspects of Dolmens in Korea
11:45 Yangjin Pak (Chungnam National University), Rethinking the Korean Bronze Age
12:00 Sung-rak Choi, The Ancient Culture of the Yeongsan River Basin frpm 3rd to 4th Century AD.
12:15 Young-jin Yim, A Comparative Study on the Stone Chamber Tombs between Korea, Japan, and China.
12:30 Jong-Taik Choi, Department of Archaeology and Art History, Korea University, Koguryo Pottery.
12:45 Discussion
New Age Of Acheulean-type Stone Industries Of The Chongokni Site And Problems In Understanding The Development Of Stone Tool Technology
Kidong Bae (Dept. of Anthropology, Hanyang University, Korea) Lower and Middle Paleolithic Artifacts from the Wondangli Site, Korea
Mou Chang Choi (Kunkook University, Korea)
The Transition In The Subsistence Patterns In Neolithic Korea
Song Eun-Sook (Chonnam National University, Korea) Reconsideration of the Development of Dolmens in the Korean Peninsula
Chong Pil Choe (Sejong University, Korea)
Rethinking The Korean Bronze Age
Yangjin Pak (Chungnam National University, Korea) The Ancient Culture of the Yeongsan River Basin from 3rd to 4th Century A.D.
Sung-rak Choi (Mokpo National University, Korea)
A Comparative Study On The Stone Chamber Tombs Of Korea, Japan And China
Yim Young-Jin (Chonnam Nationnal University, Korea) The Koguryo Pottery
Choi Jong-Taik (Department of Archaeology and Art History, Korea University, Korea)
Cultural Relationship Beween Korea And Japan In Ancient Times
Tadashi NISHITANI ( Kyushu University, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City, Japan 813-00) Astronomical Aspects of Dolmens in Korea
Changbom Park (Seoul National University, Korea) and Hong-Jin Yang (Kyungbook National University, Korea)
Session Time
Day Wednesday Date 25th June
Time 9AM-1PM Room No Details Available
Suyanggae And Her Neighbors
Organized By
Michael Jochim (USA), Yung-jo Lee (Korea) and Jae-ho Kim (Korea)
Session Details
Proposed Format:
Suyanggae site in central Korea is one of the most important sites for understanding the Upper Palaeolithic in northeastern Asia. Many international scientific discussions of this site are in progress, especially about the development of the microlithic culture at the site and its vicinity, including Japan, Siberia, and China. A series of annual scientific meetings focused on this site was begun in 1996, titled “SUYANGGAE and Her Neighbors,” and the 20th anniversary of its first excavation will be celebrated this year. This session will contain multidisciplinary presentations concerning the site’s Quaternary geological setting, palaeoenvironment, zooarchaeology, and lithics, as well as complementary studies from adjacent regions.
The Suyanggae Lithic Assemblage, With A Focus On The Microblade Industry
and Tanged Tools
Lee Yung-jo (Department of Archaeology and Art History, Chungbuk National University)
and Kong Sujin (Institute for Jungwon Culture, Chungbuk National University) Quaternary Geology and Environment of Suyanggae Site in Korea
Kim Ju Yong, Yang Dong Yoon (Quaternary Research Team, Korea Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources, Taejon), Lee Yung jo (Department of Archaeology and Art History, Chungbuk National University) and Yum Jong Gwon (Postdoctoral Fellow, Chungbuk National University)
Species Of Charcoal Excavated At The Suyanggae Palaeolithic Site In Central Korea
Park Won-kyu and KimYojung (School of Forest Resources, Chungbuk National University) The Suyanggae Site and the Northeast Asian Palaeolithic in Light of European Palaeolithic Studies
Michael Jochim (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Behavior And Subsistence Of The Paleolithic Occupants Of Gunang Cave
Lee Yung-jo, Cho Tae-sop (Department of Archaeology and Art History, Chungbuk National University) and Woo Jong-yoon (Chungbuk National University Musuem) The Oldest Sorori Rice 15,000 BP: Its Findings and Significance
Lee Yung-jo (Department of Archaeology and Art History, Chungbuk National University) and Woo Jong-yoon (Chungbuk National University Musuem)
The Dynamics Of The Peopling Of The Southern Part Of The Russian Far East During The Late Pleistocene
Nina Kononenko (Russian Academy of Science, Vladivostok) Approach to the Stone Age in the Japanese Archipelago from the Standpoint of Obsidian Archaeology
Ambiru Masao (Meiji University, Japan)
C14 AMS And The Dating From Sorori Paleolithic Site
Kim Jong-chan (Seoul National University) and Lee Yung-jo (Chungbuk National University)
Session Time
Day Sunday Date 22nd June
Time 9AM-1PM Room No Details Available
Recent Developments In Indian Archaeology
Organized By
Ravindra Nath Singh (India)
Session Details
Cist Burials In Kinnaur, Western Himalayas: A Preliminary Report On Recent Discoveries
Dr. A. K. Singh (Associate Professor/Reader Department of History of Art, Faculty of Arts, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India) Terracotta Discs: The Non-Metallic Coins. A Comparative Study of Symbols with Punch-Marked Coins
O.P. Srivastav (Centre of Advanced study, Department of History, A.M.U., Aligarh, India)
Indian Ocean And Tribal Ornaments
Alok Kumar Kanungo (Dept. of Archaeology, Deccan College, Pune, India) High-Tin Bronzes in Middle Ganga Plain: Some Chemical Considerations
Ravindra N. Singh (Department of AIHC & Archaeology, Banaras Hindu University, India) and John F. Merkel (Institute of Archaeology, London, UK)
Archaeology Of Material Manifestations In The Tribal Habitats, South India
P. Vijaya Prakash (Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India) Using Analytical Tools for Representing Archaeological and Historical Knowledge of Indian Temples
Sanhita Mallick (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
A New Approach To Explain Culture In Prehistory
Manoj Kumar Singh (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, India) Significance of Forest Resources in Tribal Economy: A Case Study of Muria-Gonds of Bastar, Chhattisgarh (India)
Arun Kumar (Dept. of Anthropology, Ravi Shankar Univ., Raipur, India)
Early Sindh Vedic Archaeology
Rama Krishna Pisipaty (Geo-Archaeologist, Faculty of Sanskrit & Indian Culture, Sri Chandra Sekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Maha Vidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram -631 561)
Landscapes of Settlement in Ancient Pundranagara, Bangladesh
S. S. Mostafizur Rahman (Associate Professor, Dept. of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh)
Recent Archaeological Discoveries In Kalahandi District Of Orissa
Pradeep Mohanty (Senior Fellow, Dept of Archaeology, Deccan College, Pune 4116)
Session Time
Day Sunday Date 22nd June
Time 4-6PM Room No Details Available
Recent Developments In The Archaeology Of Southern Asia
Organized By
Maa-ling Chen (Taiwan)
Session Details
No details are available
Inscribing Tools And Technology In The South Asian Epigraphy And Its Reflection On Southeast Asia
Dr. Ravindra K Vashishta (Reader in Sanskrit, Shivaji College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India)
Physicochemical-Compositional analysis with social and economic interpretation on ceramic collections from Kenting National Park, Southern tip of Taiwan
Maa-ling Chen (Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University, Roosevelt Rd. Sect. 4th No. 1, Taipei, Taiwan ROC)
Modelling Hominid Mobility During The Pleistocene In The Siwaliks Region Of South Asia
Parth R. Chauhan (Department of Archaeology & Prehistory, University of Sheffield, Northgate House, West Street, Sheffield S1 4ET U.K) Middle Pliocene hominids from the Siwalik hills of South Asia and their bearing on the human origins and archaeological implications
M. P. Singh (Department of Biochemistry, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India)
Session Time
Day Monday Date 23rd June
Time 11.30AM-1pm Room No Details Available
American Indians And Water: The Past And Present Of The Southwest
Organized By
Richard M. Leventhal (USA)
Session Details
Richard M. Leventhal
School of American Research
PO Box 2188
Santa Fe, NM 87504-2188
Telephone: (505) 954-7211
FAX: (505) 954-7235
Human history clearly shows the tight connection between cultural developments and the availability of water. This connectivity is evident in the history of the southwest with its arid environment and changing environment.
This gathering of scholars will examine the connection of Native American communities to water and water resources in the past and in the present. The shifting patterns of land occupation and use can often relate to the changing patterns of water and access to water. This delicate balance of land use, occupation, and access to water is found in both the archaeological past and in the current discussions and disputes of land and water in the Rio Grande Valley. Inherent to this discussion is an understanding of the modern Native American perception of water, water use, and land control in today’s world.
Water In The Flow Of Pueblo Time And Community: Managed Landscapes Of Movement, Rest And Renewal
Kurt Anschuetz (Program Director, Rio Grande Foundation for Communities and Cultural Landscapes, USA) The Colorado River: Plans Gone Awry
William deBuys (Writer and conservationist, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)
The Sound Of Flute Music At Night
Dolly Naranjo-Neikrug (Santa Clara Pueblo, Coordinator of the Native American Heritage Program for the Indian Arts Research Center at the School of American Research, USA) The Cochiti Dam Project: Pueblo Water Rights in New Mexico
Regis Pecos (Cochiti Pueblo, USA)
Water: The Key To Navajo Economic Tribal Development, Past And Present
Timothy Begay (Diné, Cultural Specialist in the Traditional Culture Program, Representative of the Navajo Nation, Historic Preservation Department, Window Rock, Arizona, USA)
The Snake River Basin: the Nez Perce Claims
Steve Moore (Attorney, Native American Rights Fund in Boulder, Colorado, USA)
Conclusions: Water In The Past And In The Present
Richard M. Leventhal (President, School of American Research, USA)
Session Time
Day Monday Date 23rd June
Time 9AM-1PM Room No Details Available
Recent Developments In The Archaeology Of Meso-America
Organized By
John E. Clark (USA) and Antonio Prado Cobos (Guatemala)
Session Details
No details are available
Some Principles Of Olmec Geometry
John E. Clark (BYU) Design in Maya Flints
Antonio Prado Cobos (Guatemalan citizen, architect)
Agriculture, Politics, And Linguistic Geography In Mesoamerica
Alexander F. Christensen (US Army Central Identification Laboratory–Hawai’i, 310 Worchester Ave, Hickam AFB, HI, USA) The elite political structure at Late Classic Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico
Damien Marken (Proyecto Grup de las Cruces, GeoOntological Development Society, San Francisco, USA)
Session Time
Day Monday Date 23rd June
Time 4-6PM Room No Details Available
Recent Developments In African Archaeology
Organized By
Scott MacEachern
Session Details
This session will canvass some of the most recent developments in African archaeology. From current ethnoarchaeological perspectives, to cultural heritage management projects, palaeoecological studies and museum research, African archaeology has many contributions to make to the international arena. At the heart of many of these projects is the desire to make archaeology socially relevant and to find innovative ways in which it can be applied practically to make it relevant to rural development and Indigenous peoples.
Ownership, Conservation And Exploitation Of Archaeological Heritage
Eustace Gitonga (Community Museums of Kenya) The Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition in North Africa
Abdeljalil Bouzouggar (Senior Lecturer, Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine, Av. John Kennedy, 10000 Rabat-Morocco)
Ancient Cisterns, And Modern Boreholes In Gerinshanu, Northern Ghana: Applied Archaeological Insights
J. Ako Okoro (Department of Archaeology, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana) Anthropogenic impact on natural vegetation and land: a case study of Egbeda local government and its environs
Azeez Owolabi
The Architectural Phases Of Calabar From The Pre-colonial Period To The Present
Showale Jelil Abiodun (Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, Faculty of science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria) Museum: an All-Embracing Institution
Ademosu Adewale John (300 Level geology student, University of Ibadan, Nigeria)
Impact Of Oil Prospecting On Culture In Niger-Delta Of Nigeria
Jemikalaja David Morphogenèse and paléoenvironements of means and higher Pleistocene in the Moroccan central Plate (area of Maaziz) Morocco
Mostapha BELHILALI (Laboratoire de géomorphologie, Facultés des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Rabat, Maroc)
Inverted Gender: The Case Of The Agikuyu Of Kenya
Herman O. Kiriama (Fort Jesus Museum, Mombasa, Kenya) Archaeological prospects of abandoned sites at Ijaye Orile, Akinyele local government area, Oyo state, Nigeria
Fagbemi Samsondeen Abolore (Dept. of Archealogy & Anthropology, Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria)
Metal Working In Nigeria 800 B.C. – 19th Century A.D.
Dapo Dapo
Session Time
Day Wednesday Date 25th June
Time 4-6pm Room No Details Available