Kasubi royal tomb world heritage site destroyed by fire
A fire has destroyed the thatched Kasubi tombs UNESCO world heritage site. This historic burial site of four Bugandan kings is located near the Ugandan capital, Kampala. A week of […]
Australian National Commission UNESCO Grant Scheme 2009
This short note is to advise you that applications for the Australian National Commission UNESCO Grant Scheme 2009 – 10 are now being sought.
Final CFP on Education and Information/Communications Technologies
We would like to inform you that the final set of deadlines for submitting a paper/abstract to in the area of “Education and Information/Communications Technologies” (or other area) included in […]
Doctoral and postdoctoral research grants available from the Musee du Quai Branly, Paris, France
Research Grants
Academic year 2010 – 2011
Every year, the musée du quai Branly offers pre- and post-doctoral grants to
help doctoral students and young Ph.D. graduates in pursuing innovative
research projects.
West Bank Archaeological Database now online
We are pleased to announce that the full text PDF and data files of the 2009 publication Israeli Archaeological Activity in the West Bank 1967 – 2007: A Sourcebook, are now available online at the USC Digital Library, where the searchable map based on the data files is housed as well: http://digitallibrary.usc.edu/wbarc/ (look for “full database file” and “Archaeological Sourcebook” in the download box).
Italy Summer 2010 Archaeological Programs
We would like to announce the following programs this coming summer in San Gemini, Italy.
Programs in Italy
We would like to announce the following programs this coming summer in San Gemini, Italy.
Fourth International Conference On Design Principles And Practices
University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, USA 13-15 February 2010 www.Design-Conference.com The Design Conference explores the meaning, purpose and future of ‘design’, including design processes and the use of objects […]