Call For Submissions PIA Volume 20
Call for Submissions to Volume 20 of Papers from the Institute of Archaeology Journal (PIA.)
Call for Submissions to Volume 20 of Papers from the Institute of Archaeology Journal (PIA.)
Location : Athénée Municipal de Bordeaux, Tuesday 26th October 2010 Organised by the Icronos and Kineon associations (under the patronage of Archaeology in Contemporary Europe) Deadline for submission : 15th of March
We are pleased to announce that the 5th Italian Conference on Ethnoarchaeology will be held in Rome at the IsIAO – Istituto per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Rome, from the 13th to the 14th may 2010. This is the first time that the conference of Italian Association of Ethnoarchaeology (AIE, Associazione Italiana di Etnoarcheologia) is open to non Italian contributors.
ICCROM and National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo are pleased to announce the following course JPC 2010 International Course on Conservation of Japanese Paper DATES: 30 August to 17 […]
NEW YORK, NY (AP).- A New York City auction house says a human skull that had been used as a ballot box by Yale’s elite Skull and Bones society has been […]
Cordial saludo,
Estamos extendiendo la invitación a los interesados en participar en el simposio: Hacía un nuevo bosquejo del paisaje arqueológico en Latinoamérica a desarrollarse en el marco de la V Reunión de Teoría Arqueológica en América del Sur que se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Caracas, Venezuela del 21 al 25 de junio de 2010.
Call for Papers and Participation
Deadline: February 15, 2010
Martes 12 de enero de 2010. La organización World Archaeological Congress hace un llamamiento para que la casa de subastas estadounidense Christies suspenda la venta de un craneo y dos fémures humanos sacados a la venta como antiguos artículos de la Sociedad Secreta Skull and Bones de la Yale University. Entre los antiguos miembros de dicha Sociedad constaban el presidente George H.W. Bush y su hijo, el presidente George W. Bush, así como su oponente en las elecciones presidenciales del 2004, el senador John Kerry.
Proposed session: “Intellectual property and ethics regarding access to data and reports / Propriété intellectuelle et éthique concernant les données et rapports” 17th Inuit Studies Conference October 28-30, 2010 Val […]
The Diplomacy Training Program is calling for applications for Indigenous Peoples, Human Rights and Advocacy: A Training Program in Human Rights and Advocacy for Indigenous Advocates from the Asia-Pacific Region. […]
The fourteenth annual meeting of the Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA) will be held in Kiev-Ukraine at 23-24-25 April 2010. As it has been through the past successful meetings, this […]
The School of Advanced Study at the University of London welcomes applications from your institution to the following professorial fellowship opportunities in the humanities and social sciences. I would be […]