SHA 2011 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology

Opportunity for Early Proposal Submission

SHA 2011 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology

The Hilton Austin, Austin, Texas

January 5 – 9, 2011

In order to encourage more international participants, the planning committee for SHA 2011 is offering an opportunity for early review of session and paper proposals. Our customary deadline for submission of proposals for SHA is in the summer, with acceptances in the early fall, but we have learned that this does not allow sufficient time for some of our international colleagues to apply for travel funds and visas. Therefore, for sessions which include international participants, we will review proposals and provide written acceptances early, in the hope that more people from outside the U.S. will be able to attend. If you are interested, read on.

Wanted – Highly skilled researcher to lead 2 social research projects

The Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation is one of the Peak Aboriginal organisations in Darwin. The Larrakia people are the descendants of the original inhabitants of the Darwin region. Through their representative body, the Larrakia Nation, we host fourteen distinct programs, some of which are Larrakia specific, others provide frontline services to homeless and internally displaced Aboriginal Territorians.