Exhibit space will be assigned in rooms of the Ryoshinkan, the main venue of WAC-8. Residual space will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and additional rooms will be used depending on the number of exhibitors.
Details of the exhibition rooms can be found below:

Rental Package
Sold out
All exhibit space for Ranks A and B is on tables in the rooms. No booths will be allocated.
Exhibitors can sell books or products, but the LOC of WAC-8 does not accept any responsibility concerning transactions, including tax issues (especially VAT).
Openning hours:
- 29th to 30th Aug and 1st Sep.: 10:00-17:00 clock
- 2nd Sep.: 10:00-15:00 clock
- 31st Aug: Closed
Price: JPY 100,000
- Two 1.8m x 0.6m draped tables and four chairs
- Two 0.9m x 1.8m board panels (nearly 1.8m in height)
- Power supply (100V power strip for rent)
- One table identification sign
- Includes registration fee for one person (Accompanying person: JPY 15,000 per person (up to 4))