General Criteria
WAC Travel Support seeks to provide financial support to deserving participants to attend the WAC 8 Congress to be held for the first time in East Asia (from 28 August 2016 to 02 September 2016) at the Doshisha University in Kyoto. Funding shall be allocated, in particular, to participants (students, Indigenous representatives, and other professionals) from economically disadvantaged countries as per the above criteria.
Priority will be given to Rate B members from under-represented regions, Rate A students, and Rate A Indigenous people. Professionals from Rate A countries are not eligible for this funding.
Rate A countries are Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, USA and Western Europe.
Rate B are all countries not listed in Rate A.
Membership of WAC:
Only WAC members can apply for WAC-8 travel support. Non-members who wish to be considered for financial support are thus encouraged to apply and pay for a four year WAC membership. To the extent possible, priority shall be given to WAC members who have shown commitment to the organisation.
Participation at WAC-8:
Applicants must demonstrate that they shall either be organising a session or presenting a paper at the WAC-8 Congress (in either of the approved formats – symposia, workshop, forum, debates, or demonstration). See the WAC-8 website for further details in the definition of the various session formats. Funding priorities have been determined in the following order: (i) Coordination of a session (in any format) during the WAC-8 Congress, (ii) presentation of a paper, and (iii) presentation of a poster. The Travel Support Committee shall also consider any activity relating to WAC standing committees that will take place during the WAC-8 Congress.
A strong intention to travel:
Applicants must indicate other sources of financial support for their travel. This can include personal resources.
Application Form
The application form (PDF or MS-Word) is available from bottom of this page with the deadline set at 30th April 2016. Fill in the form electronically, and upload the completed form by pressing the ‘submission’ tab. Contact the WAC-8 Travel Support Committee if you have any inquiries. Please refrain from contacting the members of the Travel Support Committee personally.
Successful applicants shall be notified by the Chair of the WAC Travel Support Committee.
Important message:
It is highly unlikely that the successful applicant will be offered full travel support that covers all the costs necessary to attend WAC-8 (i.e. registration fee, accommodation cost, and travel cost). You are therefore strongly encouraged to seek additional funding. In addition, applicants must be willing to share a room to reduce accommodation costs.
WAC-8 Travel Support Committee
Ndukuyakhe Ndlovu (Chair), María Florencia Becerra, Naheed Sultana, Basil Reid, Kenneth Isaacson, and Naoko Matsumoto.