The WAC Executive will meet in Athens in early November.  Details of business will be outlined in WAB 11, which is due in April-May of 2000.


We need volunteers to translate the WAC statutes, Code of
Ethics and Vermillion Accord into various languages. No language will be excluded if there are willing translators. French, Portuguese and Spanish are obvious starters for European languages with a global reach. We should also think about Russian and common non-European languages in Africa and Asia, such as Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Cantonese, Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin, Tagalog, Thai and Urdu. Those interested should contact Peter Stone, whose address is inside the front cover of this issue.

This is an urgent task

Please help.


While on the issue of translation, there have been no offers to help with non-English abstracts for anything published in WAB. Anglophones may well see English as an emerging international language, but there are undoubtedly others who would prefer to see some concrete acknowledgement of our polyglot membership.  If you are one of them, and can help, please contact the Editor.