Robin Torrence (Australian Museum)

The WAC financial situation summarised below is healthy, but we are far from rich. The current balance is almost identical to last year. Our membership numbers have remained stable for many years now at between 250-300. The relatively large amount of cash on hand is due to tax-related delays at the University of Queensland over sending invoices for WABs 12-14. In reality, current subscriptions are just covering the cost of the WABs with very little surplus for other activities. The officers addressed his problem at their recent meeting. We found no easy solutions, but are trying to implement some changes to ensure that WABs make a significant contribution to achieving WAC’s aims.

As I keep stressing, membership fees are our main source of revenue. The fees have remained stable for 10 years. Is it time to raise the rates? We could avoid this if everyone recruited one new member. It is easy to join WAC through our website or get people to contact me via email. In countries where there is a problem with exchange rates, we can arrange a local rate and/or collect membership fees locally. I am always open to suggestions. Please contact me. We have almost no library subscriptions, even at the very cheap rate of US$40 per year. Convince your institution to subscribe!

Mihriban Ozbassran wins the Life Membership this year for her efforts in recruiting new student members in Turkey. Thanks again to Bayo Foloronso for keeping track of the Nigerian members so efficiently. I wish all the regional representatives were as energetic as these two. We gratefully acknowledge financial donations received in 2001 from the following members: I. McBryde, E. Crosby, D. West, R. Sim, D. Wall, P. Rath and L. Johnson. The majority of these generous people are Australians. Once again I thank Peter White and Deirdre Koller of Oceania Publications, University of Sydney who look after our banking and accounts and the Australian Museum which has assisted with postage and email. Finally, thanks to all of you who renew on time and save me the trouble of sending out back issues of WABs. I also enjoy the friendly notes that come with some renewal forms.

Financial Statement as of December 31, 2001 (US dollars)


Carried forward $11,177.86

Subscriptions and

back issues $4586.87

Interest $192.78

Total $15,957.51


WAB11 $1555.16

Officer’s Meeting, London $1885.45

Total $3440.61

BALANCE $12,516.90