Robin Torrence (Australian Museum)
The accounts are now shown in US Dollars, despite problems caused the fluctuating Australian dollar (I used A$1=US$0.65). We started the millennium with a relatively healthy balance, almost $3000 ahead of 1998, but there are still bills from the Athens Inter-Congress and WAB10 that have been paid in 2000. They will appear on next year’s accounts. It is important to keep the membership up, so please send back the renewal notices that will arrive in June. It costs us money to send you a second reminder!!! Everyone should also kept me informed of address changes.
Please remind your library of our new Library rate of just $40. This will allow a much wider readership and help encourage new members. Members in Western Africa can join by paying a small fee to their local representatives Bayo Folorunso or Obare Bagoda and in Central Africa to Raymond Asonbang. Similar arrangements can be made for other parts of the world who face financial hardship. A waiver can also be made. Please contact me and we will establish a workable system.
This year’s winner of a Life Membership for recruiting new members is Helga Seeden. Congratulations! How many of you can top her 10 student members? Do take up the challenge in 2000.
We gratefully acknowledge donations received in 1999 from I. Lilley, R. Sim, D. West, I. McBryde, J. Gero, J. Golson, G. Winchkler, A. Laguens, H. Davis, R. Hirschon, H. Hoeh, P. Wyche, and L. Burger. We also thank Peter White and Deidre Koller of Oceania Publications, University of Sydney who look after our banking and accounts and the Australian Museum, which has assisted with postage and email.
Financial Statement as of December 31, 1999
(Amounts in US dollars)
Carried forward $9034.40
Publication sale WAC4 $397.80
Subscriptions and
back issues $4460.75
Interest $241.80
Total $14,134.75
WACNEWS Dec 98 $1037.40
WAB9 $1164.47
Postage of renewals $21.12
Secretariat office expenses $300.82
Total $2523.81
Balance $11,610.94