Robin Torrence
Here I am back for another term. Thanks to the Council for its vote of confidence. I hope I will be able to help WAC with another successful and productive four years. One of my main goals is to update and perfect our database so that Officers and the Executive can communicate more effectively with members. I need your help to keep me informed of your address and email changes. Martin Hall and I are also looking for new ways to raise our revenue. Send us any ideas you may have about fund raising for WAC.
Renewal forms are sent out in June only to those whose memberships have expired. So if you receive a renewal form, take it seriously and act quickly before it gets buried under the other paperwork on your desk. I am happy to receive credit card details by email, but please also include current address, telephone, fax, and email so we can maintain an up-to-date membership database. If you need to have your fee waived, please fill out the form with current address details and return it with a note requesting a waived membership. This also helps me keep a check on addresses, etc. WAC is one of the few organisations that has kept its membership fee stable. We are incredible value for money so don’t forget to
A financial statement for 1998 is presented below. We have a very healthy balance at the moment only because we are behind on the publication of the Bulletin. An issue with papers from the Croatia Inter-Congress discussing the Ayodyha question will be appear soon in the new, twice-yearly series of the Bulletin. Up to now, the WAC offices run by the Officers and Editor have been operating on a voluntary basis with no subsidies from the membership. At WAC-4 the Executive agreed to a small subsidy for running expenses of the Chief Executive Officer, Secretary, and Editor. Since we are replacing WAC News with two Bulletins a year, we will consume our surplus over the next four years. Hopefully by then increased membership will be bringing in higher revenues.
We need your help to recruit new members. Here is an attractive incentive. In June 2000 I will award a Life membership to the member who has recruited the most new members in the 18 months beginning with WAC-4 (students will count as half members). If this initiative is successful, the award will be given annually. Helga Seeden is already in the lead with 10 new student members and her sterling efforts gave me the idea for the award. Let’s see what the rest of you can do.
At WAC-4 the Executive approved a new membership category for libraries. Library members will be charged only US$40 per year for a subscription to the World Archaeological Bulletin. Library membership will not replace Institutional membership, which provides the members of the subscribing institution with the benefits of WAC membership (i.e. discounts on conferences, voting, etc.), but provides only one copy of publications. Please urge your library to subscribe at this new discount rate and consider the benefits of Institutional memberships where there is a group of members at one university or institution.
US$20 Full
US$10 Student
US$40 Library
US$100 Institution
We gratefully acknowledge financial donations received from the following members this year: Mary-Jane Mountain, Ernestine Elster, Ingareth Macfarlane, Phillip Partington, Jack Golson, Marianne Cordale Schrimpff, Ben Rhodd, Izumi Niiro, Jenny Coy, Andres G. Laguens. We also thank Peter White and Deidre Koller of Oceania Publications, University of Sydney, who look after our banking and accounts and the Australian Museum, which has assisted with postage and email.
Financial Statement as of December 31, 1998
(Amounts in Australian dollars)
Carried forward $6767.39
Subscriptions and
Back issues $7337.65
Interest $267.39
Total $14,372.43
Printing WAC News $680.00
Postage $415.78
Total $1095.78
BALANCE $13,276.65