Pedro Paulo A. Funari (Senior South American Representative)

The First International Meeting on Archaeological Theory in South America was held in Vitória, Brazil, in April 1998. It was co-sponsored by the World Archaeological Congress, the Brazilian Anthropological Association, the Forum for the Advancement of Archaeology in Brazil, the universities of Campinas and São Paulo and the São Paulo State Science Foundation. The proceedings have been published by the Archaeological and Ethnological Museum at São Paulo University.

The book, titled Anais da I Reunião de Teoria Arqueológica na América do Sul (1999, São Paulo: MAE-USP/IFCH-UNICAMP/FAPESP, US$15.00), is edited by Pedro Paulo A. Funari, Eduardo Góes Neves and Irina Podgnory. It has 402 pages, 32 authors and 29 chapters, all of them in Portuguese or Spanish.



Paula Montero

Introduction – the First International Meeting of Archaeological Theory in South America: issues and debates

Pedro Paulo A. Funari, Eduardo Góes Neves and Irina Podgorny 1-12

Theory and Method

Materiality and the Social

Julian Thomas 15-20

Why is there material culture rather than nothing? Archaeology’s forgotten question

Harkan Karlsson 21-30

The study of cultural interaction in archaeology

Erika Robrahn-González 31-34

Geosciences and their implication in archaeological method and theory

Astolfo Gomes de Melo Araújo 35-46

Discussing some scales of cultural transmission: artifact and space

José Luiz Lanata and Hector Neff 47-56

Bodies in prehistory: beyond the sex/gender split

Benjamin Alberti 57-68

The archaeology of image: theoretical and methodological aspects of the iconography of Hestia

Haiganuch Sarian 69-84

Theory and Method in the Historical Context

Network theory and the archaeology of modern history

Charles E. Orser, Jr. 87-102

The archaeology of the European-Amerindian contact: theoretical discussion and models of analysis in marginal areas

María Ximena Senatore 103-118

The archaeology of architecture: another brick on the wall

Andrés Zarankin 119-128

Caspinchango, the metaphysical rupture and the colonial question in South American archaeology: the northwestern Argentinean case

Alejandro Haber 129-142

Changing landscapes: the Inka domination in the northern Calchaquí valley, Argentina

Félix Acuto 143-157

Theory and History of Latin American Archaeology

Nationalism and archaeology: from the Old to the New World

Margarita Díaz-Andreu 161-180

Between motorcycles and rifles: the Anglo-Saxon and Hispanic radical archaeologies

Randall H. McGuire and Rodrigo Navarrete 181-200

Brazilian archaeology: a historical and comparative perspective

Cristiana Barreto 201-212

The importance of international archaeological theory for South American archaeology: the Brazilian case

Pedro Paulo A. Funari 213-220

Notes for an essay on the reception of New Archaeology in Argentina

Máximo Farro, Irina Podgorny and María Dolores Tobías 221-234

Academy and culture in Mesoamerica: two realities?

Bernd Fahmel-Beyer 235-244

Notes about the development of Classical Archaeology in Brazil: the trajectory of the MAE-USP

Elaine F. Veloso Hirata and Maria Beatriz Borba Florenzano 245-248

Archaeology and Ethnicity

Stylistic categories in the study of prehistoric art: archaeofacts or realities?

André Prous 251-262

Children activities in the production of the archaeological record of hunter-gatherers

Gustavo G. Politis 263-284

Rethinking the labels and the history of the Brazilian southern Jê from and interdisciplinary interpretation

Francisco Silva Noelli 285-302

Ethnicity and ceramic traditions: some thoughts on the ancient Bororo villages from Mato Grosso

Irmhild Wüst 303-318

Archaeology, indigenous history and the ethnographic record: examples from the Upper Rio Negro

Eduardo Góes Neves 319-330

Heritage and Material Culture

The importance of museum processes for heritage preservation

Maria Cristina Oliveria Bruno 333-338

Museum, education and archaeology: prospections between practice and theory

Elizabete Tamanini 339-346

Archaeological survey in environmental planning

Solange Bezerra Caldarelli 347-370

Travelling objects and spatial images: exchange relations and the production of social space

Marisa Lazzari 371-386

Archaeology as political action: the Colorado Coal War Project

Randall H. McGuire 387-397