Special Appeal:
We are trying to put all the back issues of WAB on the web site as a permanent record. Unfortunately we are unable to trace electronic copies of much of the material. If you were the editor of an isue of WAB or wrote an article for WAB which you have in electronic format, please get in contact with us.
World Archaeological Bulletin
The World Archaeological Bulletin (WAB) is published periodically by the World Archaeological Congress. The table of contents and some of the articles from issues 1-15 are below:
Number One
Academic freedom and apartheid
compiled by Paul Crake
Apartheid divides the archaeologists
Neal Ascherson
Apartheid is wrong but the rot starts here
Conor Cruise O’Brien
Intellectual rot about South Africa
Neal Ascherson
A dirty word in archaeology?
Tim Champion
Michael Kelly and Arthur Willoughby
Academic action weakens apartheid stand
Peter Ucko
The World Archaeological Congress 1986 reviewed
The Politics of the Past
Olivia Harris
Southampton 1986
Philip Rahtz
Short Reviews:
Sir Shridath Ramphal
Extracts from letters
The Steering Committee
Peter Ucko
International Forum for Women in Archaeology
Charlotte Cane
Cultural Imperialism: American Indian Remains
Jan Hammil
Post-Congress Publications
Peter Ucko
The Future of the Past in Education
Robert Mackenzie
Robert Ross’s Museology Exhibition Reviewed
Waldemar Januszczak
Number Two
Final Report of the World Archaeological Congress Steering Committee
Michael Day
The Disposition of the Dead
Jane Hubert
White American Attitudes Concerning Burials
Randall H McGuire
Racism through the Looking Glass: An Afro-American Perspective
Michael L Blakey
The National Socialist Perversion of Archaeology
Bill McCann
UNESCO’s Role in the Fight against Apartheid
Peter Ucko
Out of the Ashes . . . The Mainz Congress and the World Archaeological Congress
Peter Stone
The Role of ‘Cultural Centres/Cultural Houses’ in the Presentation and Maintenance of Tradition
The First Inter-Congress: Papua New Guinea, September 1988
Archaeological Ethics and the Treatment of the Dead
The Second Inter-Congress: United States of America, August 1989
The Second World Archaeological Congress: Venezuela, September 1990
Academic Freedom and Apartheid: Some Further Views
A ‘Genuine World Archaeology’?
Post-Congress Publications
Book News:
Academic Freedom and Apartheid: The Story of the World Archaeological Congress
Conor Cruise O’Brien and Tania Monteiro
Number Three
Kate Golson
Announcement of Conference to be held in La Plata, Argentina
The Relevance of the Past in the Present in Mochudi, Botswana – Initiation and Museum
Sandy Grant with Chief Linchwe II Kgafela
The Tuniq Project
John Jamieson
The local Culture of Uttarakhand in North India and the Folk Culture Museum at Bhimtal
Yashodhar Mathpal
The Role of Culture Centres amongst the Saami
Inga Maria Mulk
The Scope of KAERA Centres’ Operation: The Gosi Case
Osaga Odak
Urban Origins in Eastern Africa: A Regional Cooperation Project
Paul Sinclair
The Ethnic Question and Social Change in Latin America
Hector Diaz-Polanco
Brazilian Archaeology and World Archaeology: Some remarks
Pedro Funari
Teaching Archaeology – A New Resource
Peter Stone
Discussing Race in a Racist Society
Alan Morris
A Rejoinder
G T Nurse
The Second World Archaeological Congress, Merida, Venezuela, September 1990
Jacqueline Clarac de Briceño
Report from the International Council of Archaeological Heritage Management Symposium in Stockholm in 1988
Gustaf Trotzig
Results of the First Elections for the Executive of the World Archaeological Congress
Michael Day
Draft Statutes for the World Archaeological Congress
Michael Day
Draft Statutes
Table of Comparison of the Organizations of the WAC und the UISPP
Conference in Honour of Thurstan Shaw
Review of the ‘One World Archaeology’ series
Peter Ucko
Number Four
Peter Ucko
World Archaeological Congress 2
Draft Statutes
WAC First Inter-Congress
First WAC Inter-Congress, Vermillion, South Dakota, USA
Jane Hubert
Archaeological Ethics and the Treatment of the Dead
Christos Doumas
Patrick Mbunwe-Samba
Challenges and opportunities at the Inter-Congress
Larry Zimmerman
Executive Meeting August 1989
WAC Second Inter-Congress
Obituary: Caroline Jones
Active Museum of Fascism and Resistance in Berlin
Number Five
Cressida Fforde
The Second World Archaeological Congress
Cressida Fforde
WAC Executive and Council Meetings
Cressida Fforde
The Academic Boycott of South Africa
Peter Ucko
The Preservation of Cultural Property
Cressida Fforde
The Maori Delegation to WAC 2: Presentation and Reports
Hirini Matunga
WAC 2 and the Code of Ethics
David Johnston
The Development of Archaeological Theory in Poland under Conditions of Isolation
A. Marciniak and W. Raczkowski
On the Threshold of Isolation: The Dilemma of Archaeological Practice In Nigeria
Anselm Ibeanu
Efforts to Mitigate the Effects of Isolation: World Bank Initiatives in Nigeria
Eileen Nkwanga
Why so Little is Known About Modern Soviet Archaeology: Archaeological Data in the USSR
Victor Trifonov
Spreading the Word
S. P. Q. Rahtz and P. Reilly
One World Archaeology Series
Farewell to the Murray Black Australian Aboriginal Skeletal Collection
Colin Pardoe
Archaeology in Brazil: Politics and Scholarship at a Crossroads
Pedro Funari
WAC Statutes
Addresses of the WAC Executive and Council 1990
Cressida Fforde
Number Six
Peter Ucko
Non-Darwinian Reasons for the Collection of Human Skeletal Remains: An Example from Russia
Peter Ucko
The Royal College of Surgeons of England: A Brief History of Its Collections and a Catalogue of Some Current Holdings
Cressida Fforde
Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton
English Collections of Human Remains: An Introduction
Cressida Fforde
Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton
Racism, Archaeology and Museums: The Strange Case of the Stuffed African Male in the Darder Museum, Banyoles
(Catalonia), Spain.
Damia Jaume, Guillem Pons, Miquel Palmer,Miquel McMinn, Josep Antoni Alcover, and Gustavo Politis
The posthttmotts History of William Lanac
Cressida Fforde
Number Seven
Introduction:Historical Archaeology for the World
Charles E. Orser JR
‘Real’ Aborigines and ‘Real’ Archaeology: Aboriginal Places and Australian Historical Archaeology
Sarah Colley and Anne Bickford
Historical Archaeology in Australia
R. Ian Jack
Historical Archaeology in South Africa
Martin Hall
Documents, Oral Histories, and the Material Record: Historical Archaeology in West Africa
Christopher R. DeCorse
Historical Archaeology In Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina
Pedro Paulo A. Funari
Beyond National Boundaries and Regional Perspectives: Contrasting Approaches to Spanish Colonial Archaeology in the Americas
Jack S. Williams and Patricia Fournier-Garcia
Matters of Inclusion: Historical Archaeology and Native Americans
Patricia E. Ruberton
Historical Archaeology in the American West: Examples from South Dakota and Nevada
Allyson Brooks and Elizabeth Prine
The Importance of Historical Archaeology in the United States
Barbara J. Little and Paul A. Shackel
The Politics of ‘Race’ and Cultural identity at the African Burial Ground Excavations, New York City
Terrence W. Epperson
Towards the Further Development of Feminist Historical Archaeology
Suzanne M. Spencer-Wood
Postmedieval Archaeology in Spain: An Overview
Francisca Represa
Number Eight
Julian Thomas
Preface: Archaeological Theory in Action – The Post Soviet Vision
Non-Archaeological Theory and the Problem of Cultural Heritage
V.D. Gukin, I.V. Manzura, R.A. Rabinovich and M.E. Tkachuk
The Use of Ethnographic Models in the Reconstruction of Social and Economic Patterns (with Reference to Materials from Research Undertaken in Siberia)
L.I. Koyakova and A.S Sergeyev
On the Bibliographical and Directory of World Theoretical Archaeology: A Project
l.S. Klejn
Arl-Tree/Tumulus: A Project for Establishing a Database on Materials from Excavations of Stepp-Land Tumuli and its Practical Application
M.V. Andreyeva, G.G. Dzhanikyan, I.A. Sorokina
Aspects of the Palaeo-sociological Approach in Soviet Archaeology
E.P. Bunyatyan
An Assessment of the Experimental/Use-Wear Approach to the Study of Stone-Knapping Technology
E.Y. Girya
Burial – The Historical Phenomenon
Yuri Smirnov
The End of Theoretical Archaeology: The Silent Conflict between Theory and Practice
Victor Trifonov
Theory and Method in Contemporary Russian Palaeolithic Archaeology
Sergei A Vasil’ev
Church Archaeology in Russia: Past and Future Prospects
Deacon Alexander Musin
Middle Palaeolithic Burials in Eurasia: New Approaches and Traditional Interpretations – A View from Eastern Europe
V.A. Alyokshin
The Search for Mechanisms of Cultural Change in Prehistory: From Theory to Stone Tools and Back
L. Vishnyatsky
Arkendiuz Marciniak
Polish Archaeology: Reality and Challenges of the 1990’s
Paul M. Bradford and Stanislaw Tabaczynski
A Short History of Polish Archaeology
Jacek Lech
Theoretical Traditions in Contemporary Polish Archaeology
Danatu Minta-Tworzowska and Wlodzimerz Raczkowski
Main Directions in Neolithic Studies in Poland in the Second Half of the 20th Century
Lech Czerniak
Bronze and Early Iron Age Research in Poland
Janusz Kokwski
Research on the Pre-Roman and Roman Periods in Postwar Poland
Andrezej Kokowski
Early Medieval Archaeology in Poland: Successes and Failures
Zbigniew Kobylinski
Urban Archaeology in Poland
Przemyslaw Urbanczuk
Studying Archaeology in Poland
Przemyslaw Krajewski
Number Nine – April-May 1999
WAC Meetings
Ayodhya Committee
Rowlands and Funari
Working Group on Representation
WAC Regional Electoral Colleges
Research Notes
Owen (Dating at Jinmium, Australia)
Regional Reports
Opinion and Commentary
Blinkhorn and Cumberpatch (UK)
Book Reviews
Campbell (Social Complexity, USA)
News and Conferences
Download the Entire 9 bulletin (pdf format)
Number Ten – September-October 1999
WAC News
Research Notes
Various authors. Reports from around East Africa.
Bonsall, J. The nature of lower palaeolithic social and economic organisation: a student essay.
Farro, M. The business of museums: towards a history of collections in La Plata’s museum, 1888-1906.
Howell-Meurs, S. Exploitation of upland and lowland environments: early bronze and iron age sites from eastern Turkey.
Qunhu, G. Some preliminary hypotheses about the early territories of Tai-Kadai languages.
Regional Reports
Conference Reports
Koerner, S. & J. Hawcroft Origins research at the turn of the millennium: paradigm change and continuity. EAA99, Bournemouth, U.K
Book Reviews
Mulvaney, D.J. & J. Kamminga 1999. Prehistory of Australia (Bryce Barker)
Murray, T. (ed.) 1998. Archaeology of Aboriginal Australia: A Reader (Amy Roberts)
Rice, M. 1991. Egypt’s Making (Michael Brass & Francesca Jourdan)
Ayodhya (WAB 9:16)
Jinmium (WAB 9:32-37)
News and Conferences
Number Eleven – April-May 2000
WAC News
Treasurer’s Report
Regional Reports
WAC Taskforce Report
Ronayne, M. The destruction of cultural property in conflict situations.
Shaw, T., Peter Ucko, P. and K. MacDonald A tribute to the life and work of Professor Bassey Wai Andah
Hemming, S. Ngarrindjeri burials as cultural sites: indigenous heritage issues in Australia
Ireland, T. The archaeology of nation in Australia
Lydon, J. The disturbing history of Sydney’s Rocks, the ‘birthplace of a nation’
Research Notes
Bonsall, J. Humanity’s power against the force of nature: An undergraduate essay.
Sand, C., Valentin, F. & T. Sorovi-Vunidilo Recent fieldwork on Cikobia, Fiji
Conference Reports
Harrison, R. & A. Patterson Workshop: The archaeology of culture contact in Australia and beyond
Book Reviews
Coil, J. Easter Island and East Polynesian Prehistory.
Roberts, A. At a Crossroads: Archaeology and First Peoples in Canada
News and Conferences
Number Twelve – August-September 2000
WAC News
Treasurer’s Report
Ronayne, M. The Ilisu Dam Project in southern Turkey
Editor’s note SAA action
Lilley, I. Them dry bones: Archaeology and nation-making in Papua New Guinea
Field Reports
Galipaud, J-C. The Lapita site of Atanoasao, Malo, Vanuatu
Commentary and Opinion
Gero, J. Why? And Whither? WAC.
Frassinelli, P. P. and Ronayne, M. In defence of memory: The struggle for the past and the present in Chiapas
Book Reviews
Lamb, L. Grit-Tempered: Early Women Archaeologists In The Southeastern United States
Frederick, U. The Archaeology of Rock Art.
Adams, W. The Cahokia Chiefdom: The Archaeology of a Mississippian Society
Book Notes
Carmel Schrire Tigers in Africa
Jak Yakar Ethnoarchaeology of Anatolia
Conference Report
Funari, P. P. Report on the publication of the proceedings of The First International Meeting on Archaeological Theory in South America
News and Conferences
Number Thirteen – April-May 2001
WAC Statement on Afghanistan
WAC News
Treasurer’s Report
Dams – Ronayne, M. The Ilisu Dam Project in Southern Turkey
Country Report – Tsonev, T. Archaeology and archaeologists in Bulgaria at the beginning of the 3rd millennium AD
Field Report – Chazine, J-M. Découverte d’un Art rupestre inattendu dans l’Est de Bornéo: datations et problèmatiques
Book Review – Funari, P. P. Archaeology Under Fire. Nationalism, Politics and Heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East.
Book Note – Carmel Schrire Tigers in Africa
Conference Report – WAC Intercongress on the African Diaspora
News – Gray, D. Preliminary Report On the Fourth Meeting of Governmental Experts on the Draft Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, UNESCO, Paris, March 26 – April 6, 2001.
News – From the U.S.
New Course Report – Richards, N. Maritime Archaeological Field School, Flinders University, South Australia
Number Fourteen – August-Sept 2001
Ronayne, M. The Ilisu Dam Project in southern Turkey
Bertilsson, U. CAR-ICOMOS (ICOMOS Rock Art Committee) Report on the mission to rock art sites at Alqueva in Portugal, July 17-21, 2001
Zilhão, J. and A. Baptista Reply by Instituto Português de Arqueologia to CAR-ICOMOS Alqueva Report
Research Paper
Number Fifteen
President’s Statement.
Hall, M. Going Local? The World Archaeological Congress and Effective Action
WAC President’s Letter to Council of Europe regarding Ilisu Dam, Turkey.
One World Archaeology Series Introduction – Volume 43
Rainbird, R. and S. Garling The conflicting boundaries of Australian history.