
Each paper should have maximally 15 minutes (10 minutes of the presentation + 5 minutes of a discussion).

List of Sessions


1. Global Perspectives on Rock Art

1. The artists behind the art: Rock art created by known artists (Session)

2. Multidimensional Materials: Rock Art, Relationality, and Change Through Time and Space (Session)

6. Revisiting regionality to understand world rock art (Session)

7. From within: current approaches to the study of human/other-than-humans in (rock) art studies (Session)

2. Why Archaeology Needs Ethnoarchaeology

2. Breaking Bread and Raising a Glass: Bridging Ethnoarchaeological and Archaeological Research on Food and Culinary Habits (Session)

3. Global Perspectives on the Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology of Salt (Session)

4. Ethnoarchaeology and Later European Prehistory – Venturing the Ridge between Hypothesis, Plausibility, and Evidence (Session)

5. Ethnoarchaeology: From Research Tool to Foundational Archaeological Epistemology (Session)

3. Contemporary Archaeologies

1. Archaeology, resistance and engagement: the archaeology(ies) of contemporary past under dictatorship (Session)

3. The Archaeology of Zoos – Reloaded (Session)

5. Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Cultural Erasure (Session)

6. Archaeologies of Contemporary (Political) Global Settings / Arqueologías de contextos políticos contemporáneos globales / Arqueologias de Cenários Globais Contemporâneos (Políticos) (Session)

7. Archaeologies of pain and resistance: unveiling subaltern stories (Session)

4. High-Spirited Gatherings or Lightning Sessions

1. Lightning Strike Wakes Archaeologists and they Challenge Colonial-Indigenous Master Narratives! (Session)

2. The Archaeology of Coincidence? (Session)


5. Evaluating Archaeological Knowledge

1. From Ethics to “New Ethics” – Theory and Praxis (Session)

3. Indigenous Peoples and New Techniques for Provenance Research: Opportunities, Challenges and Risks (Session)

6. WAC Archaeological Ethics Bowl (Round Table)

6. Discrimination and Injustices

1. Thirty years on: has the Vermillion Accord steered change? (Session)

4. Decolonization of Classics and Classical Archaeology (Session)


7. Community Approaches to Archaeology and Heritage Management

1. African Archaeologists, African Heritage Managers (Session)

2. Straight talk: What does and what does not constitute community archaeology? (Round Table)

3. Heritage as An Action Word: Uses Beyond Communal Memory (Session)

4. How Should We Carry Out a Public Archaeology Project? Towards a Methodology for Public Archaeology in the context of Development (Session)

5. From community engagement to engaged community: lessons from public archaeology for sustainable heritage (Session)

6. Recipes for community-engaged art and archaeology (Round Table)

7. Values, Heritage, and the ‘Package’ (Session)

10. For people, places and the past: Transnational perspectives on the impact on volunteers of archaeological participation within the places where they live (Session)

11. Changing contemporary understanding and use of the past (Session)

12. Politics and Ethics of the Heritage Archaeology (Session)

8. Transdisciplinary and Unbounded: Contemporary Approaches to Critical Heritage Studies

2. Changing heritage policy and practice in the Middle East in an age of neoliberalism (Session)

4. International Perspectives on Heritage and Public History Education (Round Table)

5. Archaeogaming and decolonising narratives: retelling the stories of the marginalise (Session)

8. Archaeology and the management of sensitive cultural heritage: trends and directions (Session)

9. Exploring histories of collecting human remains: local and international contexts, networks and repatriation processes (Session)

13. A Critical Visualization of Archaeological Time (Session)

9. Trade in Art, Culture, and History: Heritage Tourism in the Twenty-First Century

1. Community Archaeology and Management of heritage Sites and Museums (Session)

2. Heritage Tourism: A boon or threat for Management & Sustainability of Heritage sites (Session)

3. Archaeology as an Engine for Sustainability in the Countries of the Maya World (Session)


11. Archaeology as indigenous Advocacy

1. Recent Issues and Future Possibilities of Public Archaeology and Anthropology on Indigenous People in East Asia (Session)

2. Indigenous archaeologies and histories from the South America (Session)

3. Global perspectives on decolonising rock art knowledge (Session)

5. Indigenous and Community Archaeology (Session)

12. Fission or Fusion? Indigenous Engagement

5. Repatriation, Restitution, and Reburial from a South American Perspective (Session)

7. Looking Back, Looking Forward: 40 years of repatriation (Session)

9. Engaging indigenous communities in Africa with archaeological research (Session)


13. Historical Archaeology: Global Alterities and Affinities

3. Where to from here? Decolonising historical archaeology in practice and theory (Session)

6. Historical Archaeology in South America (Session)

14. Maritime Histories: The Seas in Human History

1. Aquatic Neolithic Formations in Global Perspective (Session)

2. Global Evidence of the Late Pleistocene Seafaring and Maritime Adaptation: When, Where, and How (Session)

3. Peninsular Maritime Trade and Interaction during Prehistoric and Historic Periods in East Asia (Session)

4. Cultural interactions across the Bay of Bengal and beyond (Session)

5. Stone Age Seas: Mapping Voyages and Maritime Diffusions (Session)

7. Maritime Archaeology in Latin America and Iberoamérica: New perspectives in the 21st century (Session)


15. Archaeologies of Identity

1. Social and symbolic significance of Neolithic houses (Session)

2. The Beaker Age. Exploring the Third Millennium BC spread of shared cultural identity in Eurasia (Session)

3. Archaeology in conflict zones: a zero-sum game? (Session)

4. Children, Personhood and the Archaeology of Identity (Session)

5. The Prehistory of Beer (Session)

8. Prehistoric kinship beyond ‘family’: concepts, scales, inference, and significance (Session)

12. Crafting identities through ceramic practice. Global histories on the origins of pottery technology among foragers (Session)

13. Vernacular & Indigenous Material Culture and Architecture – Tracing the Homogeneity and Diversity (Session)

14. Approaching the sounds of the past. Music, acoustics and identity (Session)

15. Excavating Identity in Palestine from Prehistory to the Present (Session)

17. Archaeology of meat – Meat as source of nutrition, status and identity (Session)

18. Megaliths & Earthworks: making the World together (Session)

19. Archaeology of Material Culture, Art, Landscape and Settlement (Session)

20. Social archaeology (Session)

21. Artefactual Archaeology (Session)

16. Landscapes, Forests, Groves, Rocks, Rivers, and Trees: Ontological Groundings and Seeking Alternative Theories

2. World Approaches to Landscape (Session)

3. Community archaeology: Decolonizing archaeological practices to empower descendant communities (Session)

6. Cave Ontologies: Why are caves significant to humans? (Session)


17. The aDNA Revolution: Its Issues, Potentials, and Implications

2. Northeast Asia and the ancient DNA revolution in interdisciplinary perspective (Session)

18. A New Bioarchaeology: Telling the Difficult Stories

4. Ethics in Bioarchaeology (Session)

6. What we can gain from analysis of masticatory system (Session)


19. Climates of Change and Environmental Pasts

1. Migration, Trade and Settlement patterns within extreme landscapes and challenging climatic conditions (Session)

4. Fields, peoples and power: approaches to agrarian archaeologies of the preindustrial world (Session)

6. Climate Change and Heritage (Session)

10. The human – environment conundrum in palaeoanthropology through the integration of high-resolution multi-proxy techniques (Session)

11. Archaeology of Environment and Human Culture (Session)


21. World Archaeologies: the past, the present and the future

4. World archaeo-geophysics: State of the art & case studies (COST Action SAGA-CA 17131) (Session)

6. Remote sensing in the documentation, monitoring and research of archaeological landscapes (Session)

7. Developers and Archaeology: Global Perspectives (Session)

8. “Being human”: Integrated approach to the transformation of the material world, through cognitive experiences of body and mind (Session)

12. Mobility, migrations and diasporas from the perspective of world archeologies (Session)

15. The collapse of ancient societies (Session)

16. South Asia and the World: Tackling the big archaeological questions through South Asian evidences (Session)

18. Memory (and forgetting) in archaeology (Session)

19. Challenges and new approaches for protection of cultural heritage around the world (Session)