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Standards for forum postings
1. Key points that will not be tolerated in the forums:
1.1 Sexual or offensive language or content;
1.2 Harassment of other users;
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Forum participants should:
2. keep questions and comments relevant to the discussion. Focus should be on one subject per post and should include a pertinent subject title for the post.
3. not post comments that don’t add anything to the discussion.
4. when quoting another person, edit out whatever isn’t directly applicable to the participant’s reply. Time should be taken to edit any quotations down to the minimum necessary to provide context for the participant’s reply.
5. adhere to the same standards of behaviour online that is consistent with the WAC Codes of conduct which can be viewed in Appendix Five of the WAC Communications Position paper.
6. respect other people’s time and bandwidth. Not expect instant responses to all postings, and not assume that all readers agree with participant’s viewpoints or arguments.
7.not use offensive language, and not use postings in a confrontational manner just for the sake of being confrontational.
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