Standford Archaeology Center – April 19th – April 21st 2007
Members of the WAC Committee on Ethics held their first face-to-face working meeting April19-21, 2007 at Stanford University as guests of the Stanford Archaeology Center. Among other business, the committee began a process of identifying a general framework for thinking through the often complex ethics issues that face archaeologists, heritage practitioners, and those affected by decisions of these fields.
Attending were (L to R): (back row) Audie Huber (Umatilla Tribe, USA), Alejandro Haber (Argentina), Ian Hodder (USA), Ian Lilley (Australia); Julie Hollowell (Canada); Anne Pyburn (USA); Joan Gero (USA); Sean Ulm (Australia); Alexander Herrera (Colombia); (front) – Margaret Rika-Heke (Tainui-Waikato and Ngapuhi, New Zealand); Lynn Meskell (USA); Jill Reed (Australia), Makoto Tomii (Japan).
Other members of the committee include: Obare Bagodo (Benin); Lawrence Foa’na’ota (Solomon Islands); Nick Shepherd (South Africa); and Rasmi Shoocongdej (Thailand). A report of the meeting will follow, and the committee will be seeking input from all WAC members and others as their work progresses. Photo by Aileen Augustin.