Volume 31 December 2009
Editors: Shoshaunna Parks and Marisol Rodriguez Miranda
shoshiparks@hotmail.com; marirodz@gmail.com
1. Executive News
The Executive would like to thank all WAC members who have worked on various projects during 2009. WAC is an organisation of volunteers and its strength comes from the commitment of its members to growing and sharing archaeological knowledge globally. WAC’s achivements are truly the achivements of its members.
Inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award
The World Archaeological Congress’ Inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award was recently awarded to Jack Golson and Clare Golson for exceptional contributions that have produced an enduring legacy globally. The award ceremony took place at the annual meeting of the Australian Archaeological Association in Adelaide, Australia, on 14th December, 2009. The citation for the award is as follows.
Jack Golson and Clare Golson
Jack Golson and Clare Golson have been major supporters of the World Archaeological Congress from its instigation. They were part of the team that established the World Archaeological Congress in 1986. This was a period of some controversy associated with the academic ban on South African participation in support of the lifting of apartheid in that country, and their support won over many who could not decide.
Over the last 25 years, Jack Golson and Clare Golson have been a mainstay of the World Archaeological Congress. They have been active participants in all of the WAC Congresses, and many of the Inter-Congresses, and they have worked at all levels within the organisation to make certain that the World Archaeological Congress achieves success. Jack Golson led in the drafting of the original WAC statues and codes of ethics. As President of the World Archaeological Congress from 1990 to 1994, he steered the organisation through some difficult times. He kept in sight WAC’s wider objectives as well as its immediate responsibilities, and in this work his wife, Clare Golson, has ably assisted him. Jack and Clare are extraordinarily generous people, and they have personally supported many scholars and community people from throughout the world, especially those who were most in need.
Jack Golson’s research, teaching and professional service has had a profound impact on archaeology globally. In his early career he was based in New Zealand, where he led in some of the earliest productive collaborations between Indigenous peoples and archaeologists, and where he actively sought to educate collecting groups. He was instrumental in the establishment of the New Zealand Archaeological Association in 1954. He joined the Australian National University as a Research Fellow in 1961 and, in 1969, was appointed foundation Professor of Prehistory in the Research School of Pacific Studies. He has been a pioneer and major player in the development of archaeological studies of Papua New Guinea, and in March 1992 his contribution to academic research in this region was recognised when the University of Papua New Guinea awarded him an honorary doctorate. Jack also initiated study of the inter-relationships between environment, ecology and people in the Australasian region, and this is now a thriving area of research. Moreover, Jack has been a prime-mover in many other important initiatives, including the establishment of a radiocarbon dating facility at the Australian National University in the early 1960s.
Jack Golson could only have achieved what he has done with the active assistance of his wife, Clare Golson. They are a real team, in which the achievements of one are also the achievement of the other. This inaugural award is given in recognition of their shared legacy.
Membership Renewal
We remind members that it is time to renew our membership fees. These dues cover the cost of the journal, and contribute towards a range of activities, such as the Global Libraries Program. If you have any doubts about your membership status, please check this with the WAC Membership Secretary, Akira Matsuda, akira-m@gd5.so-net.ne.jp.
Sponsored Memberships
We would like to encourage WAC members to nominate Indigenous people, and people from economically disadvantaged countries for sponsored membership of WAC. Our aim is to increase representation in under-represented regions, as well as our Indigenous membership. In order to be eligible for nomination, the person should have not been a member of WAC in the past. Sponsored membership is a once up benefit for a duration of two years, after which we hope sponsored members will join WAC in the normal way. Nominations should be sent to the WAC Membership Secretary, Akira Matsuda ,akira-m@gd5.so-net.ne.jp.
Inter-Congresses in 2010
Two WAC Inter-Congresses are scheduled for 2010. These are the Archaeology in Conflict Inter-Congress, which will be held in Vienna, Austria, in April, 2010, and the Indigenous People and Museums Inter-Congress, which will be held in Indiana, USA, in June, 2010. More information on these Inter-Congresses can be found on the WAC website at:
Finally, we wish all of you all the best for the holiday season.
Claire Smith, for the Executive
2. News Items
The Australian Government is appointing a committee of eight Indigenous Australians for six months to improve the repatriation process of Indigenous remains from international institutions.
While the Government continues to make progress in securing repatriation agreements with foreign institutions and governments, there are still around 1000 Indigenous Australian remains held in museums around the world, mostly in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Poland and the USA.
Over the past 18 months, the Government has worked with traditional owners across the country to negotiate the return of more than 100 remains from countries including the United Kingdom, the USA, Austria and the Netherlands.
Through the establishment of the International Repatriation Advisory Committee, the Government will have access to Indigenous expertise on the most effective mechanism to deliver the International Repatriation Program. This includes reviewing current policy to ensure grassroots input and a focus on the priorities of local Indigenous communities.
The members of the International Repatriation Advisory Committee are:
Mrs Christina Grant (NSW) Co-Chair
Mr. Phil Gordon (NSW) Co-Chair
Ms. Jeanette Crew (NSW)
Mr. Henry Atkinson (VIC)
Mr. Neil Carter (WA)
Ms. Olivia Robinson (QLD)
Mr. Robert Weatherall (QLD)
Mr. Christopher Wilson (SA)
Throughout much of Australia’s history Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander remains were collected, usually without consent, by explorers, travellers and scientists and sent to museums and private collections in Australia and across the world. The Australian Government recognises that the repatriation of ancestral remains is important to heal the pain of past injustices. The repatriation of Indigenous remains must occur respectfully, unconditionally and as quickly as possible, and we will continue to work with countries to ensure their return.
by Jean-Michel Chazine
A second survey mission in the southern shores of Misool’s archipelago islands (NW of West Papua-Indonesia) where remarkable paintings, mostly marine fauna with large fishes, located on cliffs plunging into the sea, observed in late 2007, has enhanced the number of paintings sites and provided unexpected structural clues. In fact, four parameters have been isolated, which permitted the survey team to directly locate the painted cliffs. These parameters imply the association of a large wall with a more or less dark cavity intimately linked to a reddish coloured outflow. These three geomorphologic parameters (the fourth, i.e. a shallow step of coral, is an option), are “necessary as much as [a] sufficient” indication of an ornate cliff. Practically 13 out of 14 sites have been self re-discovered by the author, excluding all apparently suitable places where these three parameters were not intimately associated (see International Newsletter On Rock Art n°55, p.12-19; www.misoolecoresort.com & “Discovery of a new Rock Art off Northwest of West Papua and identification of paintings locations system”, CCSP-Valcamonica Bull (in press).
We are also pleased to announce the recent publication of our coffee-table book “Bornéo: La Mémoire des Grottes” by Jean-Michel Chazine & Luc-Henri Fage, Paris, G. Fage (ed.), 176p. (see: www.kalimanthrope.com).
por Jean-Michel Chazine
Una segunda temporada de reconocimiento en la costa sur del archipielago de Misool (al noroeste de Papua-Indonesia) donde pinturas importantes, en su mayoria fauna marina con peces grandes localizados en acantilados frente al mar, y observados a finales del 2007, han aumentado el numero de lugares con pinturas y provisto claves estructurales inesperadas. De hecho, se han aislado cuatro parametros, que han permitido al equipo de trabajo localizar directamente los acantilados con pinturas. Estos parametros implican la asociacion de una pared grande con una cavidad mas o menos oscura ligada a un flujo de color rojizo. Estos parametros geomorfologicos (el cuarto ejemplo; un escal?n bajo de coral es opcional) son un indicativo “necesario tanto como suficiente” de un acantilado decorado. Practicamente 13 de los 14 sitios se han descubierto por su mismos, excluyendo aquellos sitios aparentemente apropiados donde estos tres parametros no han estado internamente ligados (Vea el boletin internacional On Rock Art Num. 55 pag-12-19; wwwmisoolecoreresort.com y “Discovery of a new Rock Art off Northwest of West Papua and identification of paintings locations system,” CCSP-Valcamonica Bull en imprenta).
Ademas, nos place anunciar la reciente publicacion del libro de referencia“ “Borneo: La Memoire des Grottes” by Jean-Michel Chazine & Luc-Henri Fage, Paris, G. Fage (ed.), 176p. (see: www.kalimanthrope.com).
Since the beginning of comparative philology, the origins of Indo-Europeans and their arrival in their historical locations have been a controversial issue. Two major current theories suggest a late invasion from East Europe in the Bronze Age or a demic dispersion from Anatolia as consequence of early Neolithic civilization. In the last 15 years, by using different approaches and through independent research, a number of scholars have obtained converging evidence that indicates an uninterrupted, local continuity of Indo-European languages and cultures from prehistoric to the present times. The workgroup engaged with this website argues that the appearance of Indo-Europeans coincides with the first regional settlement of Homo Sapiens Sapiens in the Middle/Upper Paleolithic, and proposes a comprehensive, interdisciplinary framework for the Indo-European origins: the Paleolithic Continuity Paradigm (PCP).
The official website http://www.continuitas.org/ makes available texts, bibliography, debates and news related the PCP. The workgroup includes archaeologists (e.g. Marcel Otte and Alexander Hausler), linguists (e.g. Franco Cavazza and Alfio Lanaia), anthropologists (e.g. Henry Harpendig and Matteo Meschiari) and historians (e.g. Paolo Galloni). The scientific committee is composed of Mario Alinei (University of Utrecht), Xaverio Ballester (University of Valencia) and Francesco Benozzo (University of Bologna).
El sito oficial : www.continuitas.org tiene disponible: textos, bibliografias, debates y noticias relacionadas al PCP. El grupo de trabajo incluye arqueologos (e.j. Marcel Otte and Alexander Hausler), linguistas (e.j. Franco Cavazza and Alfio Lanaia), antropologos (e.j. Henry Harpendig and Matteo Meschiari,) historiadoes (Paolo Galloni). El comite cientifico es compuesto por Mario Alinei (Universidad de Utrecht), Xaverio Ballester (Universidad de Valencia) y Francesco Benozzo (Universidad de Bologna).
Recent conflicts in Europe and beyond have brought the deliberate destruction of heritage to the foreground. With this has come the realisation that the processes and long-term consequences of these actions are poorly understood. The CRIC project investigates the ways in which the destruction and selective reconstruction of cultural heritage shapes memories of this destruction and affects individual and national notions of belonging and identity.
The first year of work has considered multiple sites and monuments dating from WW I to the 1990’s, in case study areas in France, Spain, Germany, Bosnia and Cyprus. The research has tracked sequences of events and identified changing meanings associated with these sites, bringing to light several key themes in the complex relationship between heritage, conflict and identity:
* Memorialization and commemoration – these events influence constructions of meanings, including perceptions about rights and victimhood.
* Monuments and symbols – these play important social roles by cementing particular versions of history in the public sphere.
* The role of the media – how different historical events can become part of a collective set of references and impact issues of collectivity, authorship and authenticity.
* The effect of time – both as a distancing factor and as a transformative one. The passing of time, the evolution of memorial practices, and the transmission of historical narratives are all central to understanding the impact of destruction and its aftermath.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under grant agreement n° 217411.
Further details can be found on the project website http://www.cric.arch.cam.ac.uk/ and the project’s open access visual data repository at the University of Cambridge, D-Space http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/214815.
Los recientes conflictos en Europa y más allá han traído la destrucción deliberada del patrimonio al primer plano. Con esto ha llegado la constatación de que los procesos y las consecuencias a largo plazo de estas acciones son poco conocidas. El proyecto CRIC investiga la forma en que la destrucción y la reconstrucción selectiva del patrimonio cultural le da forma a los recuerdos de esta destrucción y afecta las concepciones individuales y nacionales de pertenencia e identidad.
El primer año de trabajo consideraron multiples sitios y monumentos que datan desde la Primear Guerar Mundial a la década de 1990, en las áreas de estudio en Francia, España, Alemania, Bosnia y Chipre. La investigación ha seguido las secuencias de los acontecimientos e identificados cambios los significados asociados con estos sitios, sacando a la luz temas clave en la compleja relación entre el patrimonio, los conflictos y la identidad:
* Conmemoración y celebración – estos acontecimientos influyen en la construcción de significados, incluyendo las percepciones sobre los derechos y la victimización.
* Monumentos y símbolos – estos desempeñan un papel social importante al consolidar las versiones particulares de la historia en la esfera pública.
* El papel de los medios de comunicacion – como diferentes hechos históricos pueden formar parte de un conjunto colectivo de referencias e impactar asuntos colectividad, la autoría y la autenticidad.
* El efecto del tiempo – tanto como un factor de distanciamiento y como uno de transformación. El paso del tiempo, la evolución de las prácticas de memoria, y la transmisión de las narrativas históricas, son fundamentales para entender el impacto de la destrucción y sus consecuencias.
La investigación que conduce a estos resultados ha recibido financiación de la Comunidad Europea del Séptimo Programa Marco [FP7/2007-2013] en virtud del acuerdo de subvención n ° 217411.
Más detalles se pueden encontrar en el sitio web del proyecto http://www.cric.arch.cam.ac.uk/ y abrir visual del proyecto de acceso al repositorio de datos en la Universidad de Cambridge, D-Espacio
Mr. Phillip Segadika, an archaeologist from the Republic of Botswana and head of the Archaeology and Monuments Division of the National Museum, Monuments, and Arts Gallery in Gaborone, Botswana, and who is also a Ph.D. student at the University of Witswaterstrand, South Africa, is on a two week research study at the Osun Grove in Osogbo in Southwest Nigeria. He is working there in conjunction with and assisted by the curator and heritage site manager of the UNESCO World Heritage site, Mr. Oluremi Adedayo. Mr. Olakunle Makinde, an archaeologist and heritage management specialist (who has also been to Botswana for a workshop under the AFRICA 2009 programme,where he met Segadika) is also participating in the work.
The central study area of the Ph.D. research is Tsodilo Hills World Heritage Site. But Segadika will spend this research period in Osun Grove to make observations on the site as it shares criteria IV with Tsodilo Hills and both sites are well celebrated for their intangible heritage attributes and values.
El Sr. Phillip Segadika, un arqueólogo de la República de Botswana y jefe de la División de Arqueología y Monumentos del Museo Nacional de Monumentos y Artes de la Galería en Gaborone, Botswana, y quien tambien es estudiante de Doctorado en la Universidad de Witswaterstrand, Sudáfrica, está realizando un estudio de dos semanas en el Grove Osun en Osogbo en el suroeste de Nigeria. El está trabajando allí en conjunto y asistido por el curador y manejador del sitio patrimonial Mundial de la UNESCO Sr.Oluremi Adedayo. El Sr. Olakunde Makinde, arqueólogo y especialista en la gestión del patrimonio (que también ha estado a Botswana para un taller en el programa AFRICA 2009, donde se conocio a Segadika) también está participando en el trabajo.
El área de estudio central de la investigacion doctoral es el Tsodilo Hills Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Pero Segadika pasará este periodo de investigación en Osun Grove haciendo observaciones ya que comparte el criterio IV con Tsodilo Hills y ambos sitios son muy famosa por sus atributos inmateriales y valores del patrimonio.
The 12th Biennial Colloquium of West African Archaeological Association/Association Ouest Africaine ‘Archaeologie took place in Jos, Nigeria between the 25th and 30th of October 2009. A welcome address co-signed by Dr. J. O. Aleru (Senior Rep. for West Africa) and Dr. Didier N’Dah (Junior Rep. for West Africa) on behalf of the President (WAC), members of the Executive, WAC Council was circulated at the conference (see attachment). The conference drew participants from five West African Countries, namely: Nigeria, Benin Republic, Côte d’Ivorie, Togo, Germany and Switzerland/Mali.
A new Executive Committee to run the affairs of the Association for the next two years was elected. They are President, Dr. Kiè’non-Kaboré T Helène, Chef du Dèpartement, University De Cocody, Abidjan Côte d’Ivorie; the 1st Vice President, Dr. J. O. Aleru, Dept of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria; the 2nd Vice President Dr. Banni G. Umopu, Benin Republic; Secretary Dr. Obare Bagodo (5 year term), University of Abomey, Calavi, Benin Rep.; Treasurer Dr. Benedicta Mangut, Nigeria. Two Ex-Officio members in persons of Prof. P. Breunig (Germany) and Prof Eric Huysecom were also elected. Details of other members of the EXCO would be provided in the annual report in Dec. 2009.
The occasion provided opportunity for archaeologists from different parts of the region to show interest in WAC activities in the region. At the end of the conference a communiqué was issued. The communiqué among other things addressed issues such as: (a) the ethical challenge of archaeological practice in the region; (b) repatriation of cultural materials from foreign countries and; (c) the need to review the legal instruments of archaeological practice in the region Members were sensitized to the need to participate more actively in WAC activities in the region, most especially French-speaking countries outside Benin Rep. and English-speaking countries outside Nigeria. In this regard facilitators from countries outside these two were to be suggested. They are to assist in mobilizing their colleagues for inter/interactive sessions within the region (i.e. workshops etc). Dr. Olu Aleru along with colleagues from different parts of the region would mobilize for English-speaking West African countries while D. Didier N’Dah and other colleagues would the same for French-speaking West African countries.
59 cultural heritage leaders from 32 countries, including representatives of Africa, the Middle East, South America, and Asia, unanimously passed the Salzburg Declaration on the Conservation and Preservation of Cultural Heritage. The declaration was the culmination of “Connecting to the World’s Collections: Making the Case for Conservation and Preservation of our Cultural Heritage,” the Salzburg Global Seminar (SGS) held October 28 – November 1, 2009 under the auspices of the U.S. federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and SGS. The declaration will be widely distributed to cultural ministries and other policymaking entities; it has already been translated into Arabic.
The seminar built on the findings of “Connecting to Collections: A Call to Action,” IMLS’s multi-year initiative on collections care, putting them into a global context. It combined presentations by leading experts in conservation and preservation throughout the world with small working groups tasked with making practical recommendations for future action on specific topics. Those guiding topics included emergency preparedness, education and training, public awareness, new preservation approaches, and assessment and planning. One evening was devoted to a fireside chat on “conservation in the developing world,” with a panel of participants representing Benin, Iraq, Mexico, Singapore, and Trinidad and Tobago.
59 dirigentes del patrimonio cultural de 32 países, incluidos representantes de África, Oriente Medio, Sudamérica y Asia, aprobaron por unanimidad la Declaración de Salzburgo sobre la Conservación y Preservación del Patrimonio Cultural. La declaración fue la culminación de “Conexión de colecciones del mundo: Haciendo el caso de conservación y preservación de nuestro patrimonio cultural”, el Seminario Mundial de Salzburgo (SGS), celebrado del 28 octubre-1 noviembre, 2009 bajo los auspicios del Instituto Federal de EE.UU. Servicios de Museos y Bibliotecas (IMLS) y la SGS. La declaración se distribuirá ampliamente a los ministerios culturales y otras entidades políticas, y ya ha sido traducido al árabe.
El seminario se basó en las conclusiones de la “Conexciones a las Colecciones: Un Llamado a la Acción,” una iniciativa mutianual de IMLS para el cuido de las colecciones, ponerlas en un contexto global. Esta combinó presentaciones por expertos de todo el mundo en la conservacion y preservacion con pequenos grupos de trabajo encomendados a hacer recomendaciones practicas para accion futura en topicos especificos. Estos temas guia incluyen preparación para emergencias, la educación y la formación, la sensibilización del público, nuevos enfoques de conservación, y evaluación y planificación. Se dedicó una tarde a una charla informal sobre “la conservación en el mundo en desarrollo” con un grupo de participantes en representación de Benin, Iraq, México, Singapur, y Trinidad y Tobago.
Claude Lévi-Strauss, the French anthropologist whose revolutionary studies of what was once called “primitive man” transformed Western understanding of the nature of culture, custom and civilization has died at 100 of cardiac arrest on Friday October 30, 2009 at his home in Paris. His death was announced Tuesday, the same day he was buried in the village of Lignerolles, in the Côte-d’Or region southeast of Paris, where he had a country home.
A complete obituary is available at http://www.cubaarqueologica.org/document/levi-strauss.pdf.
El antropólogo francés, cuyos estudios revolucionarios de lo que fue llamado el “hombre primitivo” transformaron la comprensión occidental de la naturaleza de la cultura, las costumbres y la civilización, ha muerto a los 100 anos, de un paro cardíaco el viernes 30 de octubre 2009 en su casa de París. Su muerte fue anunciada el martes, el mismo día en que fue enterrado en la aldea de Lignerolles, en la Côte-d’Or región sureste de París, donde tenia una casa de campo.
Una necrologia completa esta disponible en http://www.cubaarqueologica.org/document/levi-strauss.pdf.
The 20th International Archaeological Film Festival of Rovereto has just finished. After seeing the growing interest of the public and the world of archaeology through scientific communication, images and film, we have come up with a new way of spreading information about the ancient world in collaboration with Archeologia Viva of Florence: a web television channel entirely devoted to archaeology.
In the wake of www.sperimentarea.tv, a web channel managed by the Town Museum of Rovereto, we invite you to have a look at http://www.archeologiaviva.tv/a web channel wholly dedicated to archaeology. The new web channel was inaugurated on October 20, 2009. The editorial staff is managed by Archeolgia Viva whereas the institutional, technical and administrative aspects are managed by Gruppo Giunti Editore and the Town Museum of Rovereto (The Town Council of Rovereto).
Archeologia Viva TV features mainly news and the latest developments of international archaeological research. It also features all of the conversations-interviews in archaeological research which have been filmed and recorded in past festivals in Rovereto, and films about the millenary history of man and the ancient world. The films will be changed every 2 weeks or every month.
If you would like any further information please email the Festival organization staff below or Piero Pruneti, Director of the Archeologia Viva review, at archeologiaviva@giunti.it.
El 20vo Festival Internacional de Cine Arqueológico de Rovereto acaba de finalizar. Después de ver el creciente interés del público y el mundo de la arqueología a través de la comunicación científica, las imágenes y películas, hemos llegado con una nueva forma de difusión de información sobre el mundo antiguo, en colaboración con Archeologia Viva de Florencia: un canal de televisión por la web totalmente dedicado a la arqueología.
A raíz de www.sperimentarea.tv, un canal de web gestionado por el Museo de la ciudad de Rovereto, le invitamos a echar un vistazo a www.archeologiaviva.tv un canal web totalmente dedicado a la arqueología. El nuevo canal de web se inauguró el 20 de octubre 2009. El equipo editorial está dirigido por Archeolgia Viva mientras que los aspectos institucionales, técnicos y administrativas son manejadas por Grupo Giunti Editore y el Museo Municipal de Rovereto (El Ayuntamiento de Rovereto).
Archeologia Viva TV presenta principalmente noticias y los últimos avances de la investigación arqueológica internacional. También ofrece todas las conversaciones y entrevistas sobre la investigación arqueológica que se han filmado y grabado en los festivales pasados en Rovereto, y películas sobre la historia milenaria del hombre y del mundo antiguo. Las películas se cambian cada dos semanas o cada mes.
Si desea más información por favor escriba al personal de la organización del Festival o a Piero Pruneti, Director de la revisión de Archeologia Viva, en archeologiaviva@giunti.it.
“The Archaeological Sites of the Aegean Minoans” – a three-dimensional (3D) GIS mapping of the Minoans in the Aegean Sea area based on Google Earth – has been released anew. This is an ongoing project and always subject to improvement but thanks to contributing scholars and public volunteers it is by far the most comprehensive and accurate mapping of its kind ever made and includes the sites and geographical features listed below.
The latest version of the Aegean Minoan 3D GIS Project is always available for preview/downloading on the Google Earth Community Website. It is found in the “Attachments” section at the end of the list of archaeological sites. Please make sure you have Google Earth installed on your computer before attempting to open the GIS file. If not Google Earth is available at: Download Google Earth 5.
Included is a new publication on the effects of the tsunami inundation of Minoan Crete’s coastlines due to the Bronze Age eruption of Thera (Santorini). The article is available at: “The Extent of the Santorini Eruption’s Tsunami Inundation of Minoan Crete”
It is accompanied by a 3D GIS mapping that highlights a theoretical limit to the tsunami’s inundation of the coastal plains of mountainous Crete. Simply zoom in on the northern or eastern coastlines to view the areas of possible tsunami devastation.
Please contact minoanatlantis@gmail.com if you have any trouble accessing the maps.
“Los sitios arqueológicos de los minoicos Egeo” – una cartografía de SIG tridimensional (3D) de los minoicos en la zona del Mar Egeo, sobre la base de Google Earth – esta nuevamente disponible. Este es un proyecto en curso y siempre sujeto a mejoras, pero gracias a contribuciones de estudiosos y voluntarios del público, es hasta ahora la más completa y precisa cartografía de su tipo jamás realizada de los sitios y las características geográficas que figuran a continuación.
La última versión del Proyecto Egeo 3D Minoan SIG está siempre disponible para accesar y descargar en el sitio web de Google Earth Community. Se encuentra en los “Archivos adjuntos”, al final de la lista de los sitios arqueológicos. Por favor, asegúrese de que tiene Google Earth instalado en su equipo antes de intentar abrir el archivo de los SIG. Si no se tiene Google Earth este está disponible en: Descargar Google Earth 5.
Se incluye una nueva publicación sobre los efectos de la inundación del tsunami en las costas debido a la erupción de la Edad de Bronce de Thera (Santorini) Creta. El artículo está disponible en: “La magnitud del tsunami la erupción de Santorini Inundación de la Creta minoica.”
Esta acompañado de una cartografía que destaca un límite teórico de la inundación del tsunami de las llanuras costeras de Creta montañosas. Simplemente amplie en las costas del norte o del este para ver las zonas de devastación posible tsunami.
Si tiene alguna problemas para acceder a los mapas contacte a minoanatlantis@gmail.com.
The Indiana University School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI is pleased to announce the launch of a new MA degree in Applied Anthropology. The first class of incoming MA students will be accepted in Fall 2010. Through coursework and collaboration with faculty members engaged in on-going research, students will develop skills in applying anthropological concepts in such areas as: community -based archaeology and archaeology along the color line; urban ethnography; the archaeology of homelessness; the representation of indigenous peoples; Midwest prehistory; medical anthropology; educational policy regarding minority student access to the sciences and studies of the African Diaspora.
IUPUI is located in downtown Indianapolis, the country’s 13th largest city as well as the capital of Indiana, offering students opportunities to work with a range of public entities toward the goal of contributing to public policy debates and initiatives. Department members have extensive connections with a range of not-for-profit and community-based organizations, museums and other cultural and non-governmental institutions, which are well-suited for student research projects and internships. The campus is also home to a number of Indiana University’s professional schools including Nursing, Medicine, Law, Public and Environmental Affairs and Education, thereby providing Applied Anthropology students with additional possibilities for professional collaboration and training. Our campus is also known for its commitment to the values of civic engagement, a mission that the Anthropology Department particularly embraces.
For more information about our department, our faculty, our MA program, and for instructions on how to apply, please see our Web site at: http://liberalarts.iupui.edu/anthropology/
3. New publications by WAC members
by Tom King (Dog Eared Publishing 2009)
On July 2, 1937, nearing the end of a flight around the world, aviation pioneers Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan disappeared over the Pacific. Despite a massive search, they were never found. Their fate remains a mystery to this day.
Earhart’s last generally accepted radio message put her on course that likely would have brought her close to Nikumaroro – then called Gardner Island – a tiny, uninhabited atoll in the Phoenix Islands.
In early 1939, British authorities in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony launched the Phoenix Islands Settlement Scheme, and began to clear Gardner Island for coconut planting. In early 1940, the colonists found thirteen human bones near the island’s southeast end, along with a sextant box, a Benedictine bottle, some corks, and a woman’s shoe.
In Thirteen Bones, author Tom King imagines the discovery and its aftermath through the eyes of the discoverers.Thirteen Bones is fiction, incorporating facts uncovered by The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery – TIGHAR – during twenty years of investigation into Earhart’s and Noonan’s disappearance. It includes the flurry of telegrams that went between Settlement Scheme Administrator Gerald B. Gallagher and his superiors in Fiji, reporting the discovery and deciding what to do about it. It proposes a geopolitical reason that the British authorities did not report the discovery to the Americans – even though the bones were suspected to be Earhart’s.
Woven around the tale of the bones, Thirteen Bones tells the story of the Nikumaroro colony, its tragic hero Gallagher, and its adventurous Tunguru (I-Kiribati) and Tuvaluan colonists. The Phoenix Islands Settlement Scheme (whose acronym its creators cherished) was one of the last expansions of the British Empire. It was created as the world spiraled into war, and it died as Great Britain struggled to adapt to post-war realities. Nikumaroro is a tiny island, and its people had limited contact with the outside world – a world that Thirteen Bones’ protagonist, Keaki, dreams about and struggles to understand. But that world imposed itself on the island’s small community in many ways – not least, perhaps, by making Nikumaroro the place where Amelia Earhart left her bones.
Paperback: $15.95
ISBN: 9781608441853
by Julian Thomas and Vítor Oliveira Jorge (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2008)
Archaeology is intimately connected to the modern regime of vision. A concern with optics was fundamental to the Scientific Revolution, and informed the moral theories of the Enlightenment. And from its inception, archaeology was concerned with practices of depiction and classification that were profoundly scopic in character. Drawing on both the visual arts and the depictive practices of the sciences, employing conventionalised forms of illustration, photography, and spatial technologies, archaeology presents a paradigm of visualised knowledge. However, a number of thinkers from Jean-Paul Sartre onwards have cautioned that vision presents at once a partial and a politicised way of apprehending the world. In this volume, authors from archaeology and other disciplines address the problems that face the study of the past in an era in which realist modes of representation and the philosophies in which they are grounded in are increasingly open to question.
Hardcover £39.99
ISBN: 9781443800501
by Jane Lydon (AltaMira 2009).
From their earliest encounters, white settlers evaluated Australian Aboriginal people on the
basis of their material culture. This book shows how colonial practices of controlling and
transforming Indigenous people centred upon material goods and practices, and especially their domestic environment. In this view objects are equated with identity, an essentializing approach that still persists within archaeological analysis. Through the example of Ebenezer Mission in south-eastern Australia, this study explores the complex role of material culture and spatial politics in shaping colonial identities.
Paperback $49.95
ISBN: 9780759111059
Available from:
Australia:) Readings Carlton, 309 Lygon St, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Phone 93476633
US and Europe: http://www.altamirapress.com/
by Raphael Greenberg and Adi Keinan
This publication provides the first unified source of information on surveys and excavations conducted under Israeli license in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from 1967 to 2007. It encompasses nearly 6000 archaeological features, 1600 excavations, and 1000 referenced publications. Derived from published and unpublished sources, the database provides as full an account as possible, within the authors’ limitations, of the extent of archaeological knowledge accumulated by Israeli research since 1967 in the occupied territories. Prepared under the auspices of the Israeli-Palestinian Archaeology Working Group, it is an important source of information on the cultural inventory of the Central Highlands of ancient Israel/Palestine and a contribution to the ongoing project of recording and mapping the deep history of the Near East.
Raphael Greenberg, Ph.D. (Hebrew University), is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of
Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at Tel Aviv University.
Adi Keinan, M.A. (Tel Aviv University), is a Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Heritage studies at the Institute of Archaeology, University College, London.
Available in print: 180 pp. (text and excavation gazetteer), 20 figs., database on CD, or as CD alone (with PDF text).
The publication is distributed by Emek Shaveh (CPB)* To obtain a copy, please apply to eshaveh@gmail.com. Contributions to help cover costs of production and distribution will be welcomed: suggested contribution for printed volume, $50; for CD, $10.
WAC members receive a 20% discount on hardcovers and a 30% discount on paperbacks (insert discount code L187 at checkout).
Now Available in Paperback:
Landscapes of Clearance: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives
Angèle Smith and Amy Gazin-Schwartz, editors
*Also available as an eBook
Managing Archaeological Resources: Global Context, National Programs, Local Actions
Francis P McManamon, Andrew Stout, and Jodi A Barnes, editors
Living Under the Shadow: Cultural Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions
John Grattan and Robin Torrence, editors
*Also available as an eBook
Coming in 2010 (and available for preorder!):
Being and Becoming Indigenous Archaeologists
George Nicholas
Coming in February 2010! 352 pages, $69.00 Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-59874-497-2
What does being an archaeologist mean to Indigenous persons? How and why do some become archaeologists? What has led them down a path to what some in their communities have labeled a colonialist venture? What were are the challenges they have faced, and the motivations that have allowed them to succeed? How have they managed to balance traditional values and worldview with Western modes of inquiry? And how are their contributions broadening the scope of archaeology? Indigenous archaeologists have the often awkward role of trying to serves as spokespeople both for their home community and for the scientific community of archaeologists. This volume tells the stories—in their own words– of 37 indigenous archaeologists from six continents, how they became archaeologists, and how their dual role affects their relationships with their community and their professional colleagues.
Bridging the Divide: Indigenous Communities and Archaeology into the 21st Century
Harry Allen and Caroline Phillips
Coming in April 2010! 304 pages, $79.00 Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-59874-392-0
The collected essays in this volume address contemporary issues regarding the relationship between Indigenous groups and archaeologists, including the challenges of dialogue, colonialism, the difficulties of working within legislative and institutional frameworks, and NAGPRA and similar legislation. The disciplines of archaeology and cultural heritage management are international in scope and many countries continue to experience the impact of colonialism. In response to these common experiences, both archaeology and indigenous political movements involve international networks through which information quickly moves around the globe. This volume reflects these dynamic dialectics between the past and the present and between the international and the local, demonstrating that archaeology is a historical science always linked to contemporary cultural concerns.
Handbook of Postcolonial Archaeology
Jane Lydon and Uzma Rizvi
Coming in June 2010! 600 pages, $129.00 Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-59874-182-7
This essential handbook explores the relationship between the postcolonial critique and the field of archaeology, a discipline that developed historically in conjunction with European colonialism and imperialism. In aiding the movement to decolonize the profession, the contributors to this volume—themselves from six continents and many representing indigenous and minority communities and disadvantaged countries—suggest strategies to strip archaeological theory and practice of its colonial heritage and create a discipline sensitive to its inherent inequalities. Summary articles review the emergence of the discipline of archaeology in conjunction with colonialism, critique the colonial legacy evident in continuing archaeological practice around the world, identify current trends, and chart future directions in postcolonial archaeological research. Contributors provide a synthesis of research, thought, and practice on their topic. The articles embrace multiple voices and case study approaches, and have consciously aimed to recognize the utility of comparative work and interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the past. This is a benchmark volume for the study of the contemporary politics, practice, and ethics of archaeology.
This is a sampling of WAC-sponsored titles. To order or for more information on additional WAC-sponsored titles, visit our website at:
For more information, contact Caryn Berg at archaeology@LCoastPress.com
Join Left Coast Press online at: http://www.new.facebook.com/pages/Left-Coast-Press-Inc/26366019052?ref=ts or
4. Conferences and Opportunities
13-14 March 2010, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
The International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies and the Council for British Archaeology are organising and hosting a major conference titled Portable Antiquities: Archaeology, Collecting, Metal Detecting. This will take place in Newcastle upon Tyne on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th March 2010.
Due to the high level of interest already expressed, there is a wider call for papers. Staff at the Council for British Archaeology and the International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies would like to thank those who have already offered papers, and would urge interested individuals to send an abstract of no more than 200 words to Suzie Thomas, suziethomas@britarch.ac.uk by no later than Friday the 8th of January 2010.
We anticipate there being a lot of interest in this conference, and remind potential contributors that papers should look at the current issues facing those involved and interested in portable antiquities, whether from an archaeological, collecting or metal detecting background. Papers should address recent research, new initiatives and ultimately discuss what the future holds for portable antiquity management and protection in the UK and further afield.
For general enquiries or to be kept informed with conference updates, contact Suzie Thomas suziethomas@britarch.ac.uk.
November 12-14, 2010, The University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Call for papers
Northern worlds have always suffered from stereotyping. Since the Enlightenment, ‘North’ played the role of frontier of geographic knowledge and wilderness of harrowing and sublime proportions. The last century saw its diversification as a space of untapped resources, from fur and gold to oil and gas. In other historical moments, north figured large as a relational concept in the formulation of identities and mentalities, especially by those farther south.
Drawing on the point of view that material culture can provide, CHAT North at the University of Aberdeen seeks to question and move beyond caricatures to explore, compare and reassess the diversity and significance of northern worlds.
Papers are invited that focus on the north broadly defined. Questions addressed by the conference may include, but are not limited to:
• How have changing perceptions of ‘north’ and ‘northern’ been articulated within historical and contemporary archaeology?
• To what extent has northern as a relational concept contributed to the formulation and negotiation of social and cultural identities?
• How has north been couched within colonial and post-colonial dialogues?
• To what degree has capitalism and industry reshaped landscapes of the north?
• What is the place of the north in relationships between modernity and aesthetics?
• What is the value of northern studies in historical and contemporary archaeology?
The organizing committee would like to invite papers on the broad theme of ‘North’. Please send a short title and abstract for paper and/or session proposals by May 31st 2010 to CHAT2010@abdn.ac.uk
A downloadable conference flyer for distribution and use within your academic networks will shortly be available at http://www.contemp-hist-arch.ac.uk/news.htm.
More information, including details of conference venue and registration, will be available on the CHAT website in the New Year at http://www.contemp-hist-arch.ac.uk/.
Please send any queries about the conference to the organizers at CHAT2010@abdn.ac.uk.
26-27 March, 2010, Philadelphia, USA
The Graduate Program in Historic Preservation/School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania in collaboration with the R. Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (University of Leuven) are organizing an International Symposium on Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTDoc Heritage), March 26-27, 2010 in Philadelphia, USA.
Beginning in 2006 Robin Letelier brought his vision of an integrated graduate level course in heritage recording, documentation and information management to the Program in Historic Preservation at the University of Pennsylvania. Today that course curriculum, now under the direction of Mario Santana, represents the synthesis of principles and practices
considered fundamental knowledge for all heritage professionals. This symposium, initially planned by Robin at UPenn, is dedicated to that vision and his tireless effort to promote heritage conservation through research, teaching, and public service.
Good decisions in heritage conservation are based on timely, relevant and accurate information about the conditions, materials and evolution of heritage buildings and landscapes. Therefore, documenting, recording and analyzing heritage places are an essential part of their conservation and management.
The rapid rise in new digital technologies has revolutionized the practice of recording the built heritage. Digital tools and media offer a myriad of new opportunities for collecting, analyzing and disseminating information about heritage sites. Issues regarding the proper, innovative and research-focused uses of digital media in heritage conservation are an urgent topic in the global heritage conservation field, and Penn, KU-Leuven and its partners have played a leading role in this area of cross-disciplinary research and practice. The SMARTdoc symposium offers a unique opportunity for educators, professionals, heritage institutions, and managers of heritage places to share, exchange, and explore new approaches, best practices, and research results in the area of heritage informatics.
More information about the symposium: http://www.smartdocheritage.org/.
University College Dublin, Ireland
19-20 May 2010
We would like to invite submissions for papers of c.20 minutes duration on any aspect of the early medieval period (400-1200AD) from any part of the world. In keeping with EMASS tradition, there is no set theme for the symposium but papers addressing theory in the early medieval period are particularly welcome, as are papers addressing other approaches such as experimental archaeology. As this is the first time that EMASS will visit Ireland, we also invite papers addressing ideas of regionality and difference in the early medieval period.
EMASS is a discussion group dedicated to the study of the early medieval period, run by and for postgraduates and early career researchers. It provides a forum for those interested in the early medieval period to discuss their ideas, methodologies, and theories in a friendly and open environment.
This year’s symposium will take place over two days, featuring both oral and poster presentations, keynote lectures and a reception. The registration fee for the symposium is €20 and will cover refreshments and lunch on both days. As this is EMASS’s first visit to Dublin, there may also be a fieldtrip to sites of interest either during or after the papers. We would appreciate it if you could tell us if you would be interested in participating in this, so that we can judge how best to organise this.
Keep an eye on our website at http://www.emass2010.com/ for further details on registration deadlines and payment details which will be posted soon. In the meantime if you have any queries, please contact us at info@emass2010.com.
Pitt Rivers Museum, 5th June 2010
Call for papers
The concept of assemblage seems axiomatic and is ingrained within archaeological terminology. Following the upsurge of interest in material culture studies, materiality, material agency and human-object engagements more generally, we wish to move beyond assemblage as a descriptive term for aggregates of objects to focus more specifically on how material assemblages are created, enacted and recreated over time.
The affective properties of objects in the singular has attracted much discussion; we wish to build upon this work by considering how objects act together as a group. What is the role of objects in the creation of aesthetic environments? Are aesthetic environments created through object interrelations and what role does intentionality and serendipity play in the process? Are the affective properties of assemblages natural – and thus enduring – or socially contingent? In which case, are the decisions that governed the creation of assemblages in the past recoverable in the material record as it is manifested in the present? What is our role in the re-imagining of ancient assemblages? Can there be a phenomenology of aesthetic sensibility that is valid and rigorous?
We invite papers that explore these themes in any time and in any place. Participants may like to consider them from the following perspectives:
(i) the decisions that determine the inclusion or exclusion of particular objects within specific sacred, secular or funerary environments;
(ii) the ways in which assemblages may be added to or subtracted from at different points in their life-cycle: from enactment to the point of the trowel and beyond into the museum environment; (iii) and, following the last point, how authentic our recreations of object constellations and their charismatic affect can ever be.
The organisers expect to publish presented papers in a peer-reviewed proceedings volume.
Charge: £15:00, including refreshments and wine reception.
Please submit abstracts by 31/01/2010. Abstracts and enquiries should be sent to: Alice Stevenson, Pitt Rivers Museum, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PP or Linda Hulin, Institute of Archaeology, 36 Beaumont Street, Oxford OX1 5BE.
Announcement open through 4 Jan 10
Information on the position can be found at http://jobsearch.usajobs.gov/a9IN08i.asp. The announcement number is HQ-2010-0049.
This position is located in the Office of the Associate Director for Human Capital of the U.S. Geological Survey located in Reston, VA.
The incumbent of this position is responsible for bureau-level organization, coordination, and facilitation of USGS activities involving American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal governments. This includes developing bureauwide policies, coordinating bureau activities, government-to-government communication with American Indian and Alaska Native governments, Tribal organizations, the Department of the Interior (DOI) and other Federal agencies, and formulating an annual budget for American Indian activities and preparing other documents.
2-4 June 2010, Quebec City, Canada
Due to strong interest we have extended the deadline for the above conference until 21 January 2010 and also extended the duration of the conference.
Please submit your 500 words abstract (in French or English) including a title and full contact details as an electronic file to Professor Maria Gravari-Barbas (Maria.Gravari-Barbas@univ-paris1.fr) or Laurent Bourdeau (laurent.bourdeau@fsa.ulaval.ca) as soon as possible but no later than 21 January 2010.
Publication opportunity: Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration. Best papers from the conference will also be considered for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change.
Conference Organisers: UNESCO/UNITWIN NETWORK for Culture, Tourism and Development, the Faculty of Business Administration at Université Laval, the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change at Leeds Metropolitan University.
For more information on the call for papers, registration, etc please go to http://www.fsa.ulaval.ca/tourisme (French) or at (English).
Lisbon, Portugal. 10-12 Sept 2010
We are pleased to announce the 1st Tourism-Contact-Culture Research Network Conference: Tourism and Seductions of Difference, which will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 10 to 12 September 2010. The Conference builds on previous events organised by the Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change at Leeds Metropolitan University (www.tourism-culture.com) and will mark the establishment of the Tourism-Contact-Culture Research Network as an international group of university researchers interested in critical tourism research.
As tourism research spreads into the social sciences, the aim of this series is to bring together social scientists studying tourism and related social phenomena from different disciplinary perspectives. We wish to discuss and ‘test’ the theoretical premises of foundational texts in tourism studies and to develop ongoing critique and new ideas. We welcome papers both from established academics re-assessing their work in the light of current theoretical developments in the social sciences and from an emergent generation of academics presenting their research outputs. Tourism and Seductions of Difference, the theme of the 2010 Conference in Lisbon, Portugal addresses key issues and theoretical perspectives which have left their mark on tourism research over recent years.
• Ontologies of seduction: boundaries, differences, separations, times, others
• Formations of seduction: social assemblages, contact cultures, attractions
• Fields of seduction: gender, houses, heritages, nations, territories, classes
• Mediums of seduction: texts, bodies, arts, architectures, foods and natures
• Techniques of seduction: performance, flirtation, enticement, friendship, magic, concealment
• Emotions of seduction: temptations, transgressions, ingestions, emancipations
• Threats of seduction: spoliation, contamination, exclusion, death, degradation
• Politics of seduction: hospitality, containment, kinship, power
• Moralities of seduction: obligations, reciprocity, co-habitation
• Consequences of seduction: mobilities, cosmopolitanisms, world society
Call for papers
To propose a paper, please send a 250 word abstract including title and full contact details to tourismcontactculture@gmail.com. The Call for Papers for this event will initially be open until 20 March 2010. Late abstracts may be considered. Contact: Dr. David Picard, CRIA/FCSH-Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon.
Please find a full CFP at www.cria.org.pt and www.tourism-culture.com.
The grants programme for ‘Preserving social memory: History and social movements’ is intended to support small scale projects for the preservation and dissemination of historical knowledge and/or alternative historical sources, such as visual and audio material. It is important that these initiatives are well-connected to local intellectual communities and social movements and that their results will be accessible to a wide audience. In addition, an indication of the relevance of the grants for institutional capacity building and local or national policy making is desired.
Research proposals will be selected by the Sephis Steering Committee, which consists of historians from different regions in the world. The applications will be evaluated according to academic quality, feasibility, relevance to local intellectual communities and social movements, and relevance to Sephis themes.
The applications must be received at our office before April 1st 2010. Applications should be written in English. Incomplete applications, applications by fax or e-mail and applications which exceed the stated length cannot be considered.
The application and all requests about the fellowships and grants programme should be sent to: Sephis Programme, International Institute of Social History, Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Information about the Sephis grants programme can also be obtained via the Sephis web site: http://www.sephis.org
El programa de donaciones para ‘Preservar la memoria social historia y movimientos sociales’ tiene como objetivo apoyar proyectos en pequeña escala para la preservación y diseminación del conocimiento historico y/o de fuentes his-tóricas alternativas, tales como materiales visuales y auditivos. Es importante que estas iniciativas se encuentren bien articuladas a comunidades intelectuales locales y movimientos sociales, y que sus resultados sean accesibles a un public amplio. Además, se require una indicación de la relevancia del proyecto respecto a la capacitación y administración pública.
Las propuestas de investigación serán seleccionadas por el Comité Directivo de Sephis conformado por historiadores de diferentes regiones del mundo. Las solicitudes serán evaluadas de acuerdo a su calidad académica, factibilidad, relevancia para las comunidades intelectuales locales y los movimientos sociales, y relevancia para los temas priorizados por Sephis.
Las solicitudes deben se recibidas por nuestra oficina antes del 1 de abril de 2010. Las solicitudes deberán estar escritas en inglés. Las solicitudes incompletas, las que se envíen por fax o correo electrónico que excedan la longitud establecida, no serán consideradas.
El anuncio de los candidatos ganadores aparecerá en el boletín de Sephis. Usted se puede suscribir al boletín de Sephis enviando un correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección: sephis@iisg.nl informando
La solicitud y toda la documentación para el programa de donaciones deberán enviarse a la siguiente dirección postal: Programa de donaciones de Sephis, Instituto Internacional de Historia Social, Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Amsterdam, Países Bajos
22-25 June, 2010
Conference Venue
The Jamtli museum, with its Open Air Museum, is one of the oldest and largest in Scandinavia and is well known for its pedagogical work.
The Observatory PASCAL is an international research and policy development alliance, which aims to develop, discuss and communicate new concepts and emerging ideas about place management, social capital and learning regions. The central theme of the third mission of universities in regional development is one of the pivotal strands of the PASCAL Observatory.
The Östersund based Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning (NCK) is a joint Nordic initiative, developing and promoting lifelong learning processes at cultural heritage institutions in the Nordic countries. Through collaboration, practise-near research and a pedagogical approach, NCK aims to make cultural heritage easily accessible and integrates the cultural heritage, arts and learning with the ongoing development of society. To find out more, please consult www.nckultur.org.
Subthemes in parallel seminars
– Lifelong learning through heritage and other cultural engagement
– Heritage and social inclusion in development of cultural capital
– Heritage tourism and sustainable development – a contradiction?
– New expectations from stakeholders on heritage organisations in the 21st century
The Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions of the Riva Agüero Institute of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru celebrates 30 years of success with the show “Museum Treasures” beginning November 9, 2009 in the O’Higgins House, located on Union Street 554, Lima.
The Museum collection is today composed of approximately 10,000 pieces of diverse origins and materials including engraved gourds, altarpieces, ceramics, tinsmithing, masks, traditional clothing, all of which will be accessible to the public that attend the exposition. The Museum was created on the 25 of October in 1979 as an initiative of Dr. Mildred Merina de Zela. Since its foundation, the museum has been dedicated to the investigation, conservation, and diffusion of the traditional art of Peru, by means of expositions and collaborations with Peruvian and foreign institutions on themes of patrimony and their safeguarding.
The permanent display will be open to the public until April 15, 2010. Admission is free.
For more information, contact lrepetto@pucp.edu.pe or visit .
El Museo de Artes y Tradiciones Populares del Instituto Riva Agüero de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, celebra sus 30 años de creación con la muestra “Tesoros del Museo”, desde el lunes 9 de noviembre de 2009 en la Casa O’Higgins que se ubica en el jirón de la Unión 554, Lima.
La colección del Museo esta compuesta en la actualidad por aproximadamente 10,000 piezas de las más diversas procedencias y materiales, como mates burilados, retablos, cerámica, hojalatería, máscaras, indumentaria tradicional, serán apreciadas por el público que asista a la exposición. El Museo fue creado el 25 de octubre de 1979 a iniciativa de la doctora Mildred Merino de Zela, y desde ese momento esta dedicado a la investigación, conservación y difusión del arte tradicional del país, mediante las exposiciones y colaboraciones con instituciones del Perú y del extranjero vinculadas a los temas de patrimonio y su salvaguarda.
La muestra permanecerá abierta al público hasta el día 15 de abril de 2010. El ingreso es libre.
Mayores informes al correo electrónico lrepetto@pucp.edu.pe o visite: http://www.pucp.edu.pe/ira.
The Smithsonian Institution encourages access to its collections, staff specialties, and reference resources by visiting scholars, scientists, and students. The Institution offers in-residence appointments for research and study using its facilities, and the advice and guidance of its staff members in fields that are actively pursued by the museums and research organizations of the Institution.
POSTDOCTORAL Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held the degree or equivalent for less than seven years. SENIOR Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held the degree or equivalent for seven years or more. Applicants must submit a detailed proposal including a justification for conducting research in residence at the Institution. The term is 3 to 12 months. Both fellowships offer a stipend of $42,000* per year plus allowances.
* Earth and Planetary Sciences Senior and Postdoctoral stipends are $47,000 per year.
PREDOCTORAL Fellowships are offered to doctoral candidates who have completed preliminary course work and examinations. The applicant must submit a detailed proposal including a justification for conducting the research in-residence at the Institution. Candidates must have the approval of their universities to conduct doctoral research at the Smithsonian Institution. The term is 3 to 12 months. The stipend is $27,000 per year plus allowances.
GRADUATE STUDENT Fellowships are offered to students formally enrolled in a graduate program of study, who have completed at least one semester, and not yet have been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. Program. Applicants must submit a proposal for research in a discipline which is pursued at the Smithsonian. The term is 10 weeks; the stipend is $6,000.
Postmark Deadline for submission is January 15, 2010.
Other 2010 Fellowships and Internships
* Smithsonian Institution Latino Studies Fellowship Program
* Smithsonian Institution Molecular Evolution Fellowship Program
* Smithsonian Postgradute Fellowships in Conservation of Museum Collections
* Minority Awards Program, including Minority Internships
Additional information and application forms are available at www.si.edu/research+Study
Contact: Office of Fellowships, Smithsonian Institution, 470 L’Enfant Plaza Suite 7102, MRC 902 PO Box 37012, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, 202-633-7070, E-mail: siofg@si.edu or Pamela Hudson Veenbaas| Program Manager, Office of Fellowships |Smithsonian Institution
T 202-633-7070 | F 202-633-7069 | Email veenbaasp@si.edu
The Historic Preservation office seeks a technical expert on archaeology and historic preservation. Duties will include training Historic Preservation office staff in archaeology and cultural resource management, develop and carry out plans for archaeological survey and excavation, preparation of final reports, establishing standardized inventories and registration, monitoring projects, and ensuring compliance with Section 106 of the U.S. National Historic Preservation Act.
A qualified candidate will have a Master degree in Anthropology, Archaeology, or a related field from a recognized college or university, plus at least three (3) years of professional experience.
Completed applications must be received at the Public Service Commission by January 31, 2010 at 5:00p.m.
Presented by The Middle American Research Institute and The Stone Center for Latin American Studies, February 26-28, 2010
Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
The ancient lowland Maya civilization of Mexico and Central America is often celebrated for its achievements in an environment unique for its lack of rivers, unlike that of the ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Indus, and Chinese civilizations. Nevertheless many major lowland Maya cities were indeed located along important rivers such as the Usumacinta, Pasión, Belize, Motagua, among others. These “River Cities” provided the rest of the Maya lowlands access to the resource-rich highlands to the south, as well as contact with to both the Caribbean and Gulf coasts. Moreover, they facilitated the movement of peoples throughout the region, allowed for critical movement and trading of exotic goods, and gave rise to innovative artistic and architectural styles. For these reasons, this conference will focus on how and why the great river cities of the ancient lowland Maya represent some of the most intriguing, opulent, and important segments of this civilization.
Keynote, Friday Feb. 26: David Freidel
Presenters, Saturday Feb. 27th: M. Kathryn Brown, Takeshi Inomata, Robert J. Sharer, Arthur A. Demarest, Charles Golden, Rodrigo Liendo Stuardo, Jason Yaeger, Nicholas Dunning
Workshops, Sunday Feb. 28th: Marc Zender, Gabrielle Vail, Christine Hernandez, Marcus Eberl
For scheduling details, registration and any other information go tour website: or contact us at mari@tulane.edu
7 week program: May 23 – July 10, 2010, Yucatán, Mexico
Based in Pisté and Maya Communities surrounding Chichén Itzá, One of the New Seven Wonders of the World.
Students do research on an issue they select according to their interests. Possible areas of work include:
· Art & Intangible Cultural Heritage
· Archaeological Heritage
· Ethnography of Archaeology
· Tourism Development & Urbanism
· Community Strategies of Tourism
· Social History through Life Histories
· Applied and Action Research
· Art Exhibitions and Ethnographic Installation
· Maya Forms of Health & Healing
· Environmental Heritage
Students enroll in two courses and receive 8 credits in Anthropology:”Anthropology Seminar in Heritage Issues” and “Ethnographic Research & Field Work Practicum.” The program also includes intensive training in spoken Yucatec Maya language for ethnographic field work.
Program Requirements
~Open to Undergraduates in sophomore year and higher, with any social science & humanities major. Open to Graduate Students in any social science and humanities fields.
~Minimum 1-year college-level Spanish
~GPA of 2.5 or higher
For Brochure and Poster email contact@osea-cite.org or visit http://www.osea-cite.org/resources/re_materials.php
5. Excerpts from other archaeological associations’ newsletters (used with permission)
5 (a) SALON
Salon 223: 23 November 2009
The History of My House
Here is an idea well worth copying and perhaps building into the national curriculum. With the astonishing growth in popularity of family history research, the next obvious step for archives and libraries is to encourage people to engage with the built heritage through researching the history of their own homes, or those of their parents, grandparents and even older generations. Edinburgh World Heritage, headed up by SALON Fellow Adam Wilkinson, has been doing just that throughout 2009, working with Edinburgh City Libraries and Edinburgh City Archives. Together they put together a Resource Guide describing how the city’s vast library, archive and online resources can be used to build up a detailed history of a house, building, street or neighbourhood. Edinburgh resident have been encouraged to get involved through public meetings, events and drop-in surgeries. For further information, see the History of your House website.
New book title – Heritage and beyond
The notion of cultural heritage may be viewed from a number of standpoints. This publication is concerned less with the science and techniques of conservation than with the meaning of heritage and the contribution it can make to the progress of European society. It is firmly rooted in the principles of the Council of Europe – a political organisation committed to human rights, democracy and cultural diversity – and includes a range of articles that look at heritage in the context of the current challenges we all face. In particular, it shows how the Council of Europe’s framework convention can enhance and offer a fresh approach to the value of the cultural heritage for our society. As such, it provides further reasons for states to ratify this convention, which was opened for signature in Faro, Portugal, in 2005, and adopt its dynamic and forward-looking approach. How and why did it seem appropriate at the start of this millenium to draw up a new roadmap for our heritage? How had the concept changed and what does this imply? How could the message transmitted by the Faro Convention foster the emergence of a new culture of development and greater territorial cohesion, leading to sustainable resource use and the involvement of everyone in the transmission of a heritage from which all of society would benefit? This publication attempts to answer these questions, but also looks in depth at various themes introduced by the Faro Convention, such as the “holistic definition” of heritage, the concept of “heritage communities” and of a “common European heritage”, its different economic and social dimensions and the principle of shared responsibility. It also offers valuable insights into the relationships between the heritage, the knowledge society and the process of digitising cultural assets.
For further information or to order this title, visit http://book.coe.int/EN/ficheouvrage.php?PAGEID=36&lang=EN&produit_aliasid=2457
News from the ICOMOS Documentation Centre
§ “Modern heritage properties (19th and 20th Centuries) on the World Heritage List” – A bibliography by the ICOMOS Documentation Centre: http://www.international.icomos.org/centre_documentation/bib/modernheritageproperties.pdf
§ New records in the Documentation Centre database (April 2009 – September 2009):
§ More news on publications and documentation in the cultural heritage field, in the Blog: http://icomosdocumentationcentre.blogspot.com/
International Workshop (Germany): Social-Ecological Resilience of Cultural Landscapes – call for papers
Social -Ecological Resilience of Cultural Landscapes
15-16 June 2010, Berlin, Germany
For further information visit
1-5 September 2010, The Hague (the Netherlands)
The 16th Annual Meeting of the EAA will be held in the city of The Hague in the Netherlands from 1 to 5 September 2010. It is hosted by the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University (Prof. W. Willems), the Municipal Archaeology Service of The Hague (C. Bakker, MA) and the State Service for Cultural Heritage (Prof. J. Bazelmans). An excellent venue for the meeting has been found in Leiden University Campus, The Hague, in the building of the Royal Conservatoire, adjacent to the central railway station in the centre of town.
The 16th Annual Meeting promises to be the most easily reachable meeting ever in the history of the EAA. It is just a very short train ride away from Schiphol Airport that has direct flights to almost anywhere in Europe and many by budget airlines. Schiphol is also a stop on all major international intercity and high speed train connections from Germany and from Belgium/France.
A number of interesting excursions have been prepared both before and after the meeting, that will give members the opportunity to sample the archaeological delights of the Netherlands. An overview can be found on the conference website at http://www.eaa2010.nl/.
The meeting will differ from previous Annual Meetings in a number of ways, partly as a result of decisions by the Executive Board and partly at the initiative of the organizers. It will maintain its traditional division into three aspects: archaeological research, managing heritage resources and professional issues in archaeology. A fourth theme is Science and the Archaeological Record that will be dealt with in the pre-conference meeting in Delft on 31 August. In addition, it will be attempted to make a connection to the Biannual Meeting of the European Association of Social Anthropologists in Maynooth (near Dublin) that ends on 27 August, just before we begin.
Early dates for session proposals
Proposals for sessions and round tables can already be submitted online at the conference website, and all proposals must be submitted before 15 January 2010. Proposals for sessions and round tables must have an abstract, and session proposals must be accompanied by at least three abstracts for papers. Of course it is also possible to propose complete sessions.
From 16 January until 30 April, proposals for papers can be submitted for sessions that are still incomplete. During this period, posters can also be proposed. The new Executive Board hopes that by pushing the dates forward, a better quality control can be obtained.
Another innovation that is planned is the introduction of the first European ArcheoRock during the Annual Party. Members that are interested in participating as a musician or band are requested to contact archeorock@hazenbergarcheologie.nl. ArcheoRock has become a popular feature of the Annual Meeting of Dutch archaeologists in recent years, and the organisers would like to try this now at a European scale!
Fees and grants
Although it seems likely that some funds for grants will be available, there is no information as yet. Please check the conference website from January onwards. Participant fees are also indicated on the website and have remained at the same level as in 2009. The reduced participation fee will be available to members that register on or before 30 June.
Annual dinner
If you feel like having dinner at an Egyptian temple, you should not miss the Annual Dinner that will take place, not in The Hague, but in Leiden (just minutes on the train from The Hague), in the spectacular surroundings of the temple hall at the National Museum of Antiquities. And even the most ethical amongst us can rest assured: the temple was a recent gift of the Egyptian government, in recognition of Dutch assistance during the Aswan Dam project.
5 (d) Cuba Arqueologica
Nuevo numero de la revista Cuba Arqueologica
El numero correspondiente a noviembre de 2009 esta disponible en Cuba Arqueologica. Revista digital de Arqueologia de Cuba y el Caribe II. num. 2, 2009 http://web.archive.org/web/20090408080054/http://www.cubaarqueologica.org:80/html/revista.htm.
New issue of the Cuba Arqueologica review
The issue corresponding to November 2009 is now available at Cuba Arqueologica. The digital review of Cuban and Caribbean Archaeology II num. 2, 2009 can be accessed at http://web.archive.org/web/20090408080054/http://www.cubaarqueologica.org:80/html/revista.htm.
XIV Taller Cientifico de Antropologia Social y Cultural Afroamericana y IIl Encuentro de Oralidad “Festival Afropalabra” del 5 al 9 de enero de 2010
Centro Historico de La Habana Vieja
La Casa de Africa de la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana, en coordinacion con el Museo Castillo de San Severino y la Universidad de Matanzas, convoca al XIV Taller Cientifico de Antropologia Social y Cultural Afroamericana y al III Encuentro de Oralidad “Festival Afropalabra”, a celebrarse del 5 al 9 de enero de 2010.
Para mas informacion: .
XIV Scientific Workshop of Social Anthropology and Afroamerican Culture and III Linguistic Meeting “Festival Afropalabra” the 5-9 of January, 2010
Historical Center of Old Havana, Cuba
The African House and the Office of the Historian of the city of Havana, in coordination with the Castle Museum of San Severino and the Universidad of Massacres, will convene in the XIV Scientific Workshop of Social Anthropology and Afroamerican Culture and III Linguistic Meeting “Festival Afropalabra” the 5-9 of January, 2010.
For more information please visit: .
Next Issue: February 2010
Shoshaunna Parks and Marisol Rodríguez-Miranda
shoshiparks@hotmail.com; marirodz@gmail.com