Dear Colleagues and Friends,
As you are all aware, the current Coronavirus Pandemic has resulted in strict governmental restrictions to host large gatherings in Prague, and in many other countries. In addition, there are now many global travel restrictions and border closing, as well as movement restrictions within cities and towns. If the current situation extends in time, no Congress or large gathering will be permitted in Prague or elsewhere for an uncertain
period of time. Protecting people’s health is now a global priority and it is also our priority.
With much regret, and in response to the recommendation made by the WAC-9 2020 LOC as the result of the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, the Council of the World Archaeological Congress has unanimously endorse the postponement of the Ninth World Archaeological Congress, which was scheduled to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, between 5 and 10 July 2020.
As a result of the postponement, the WAC-9 will now be held a year later, between 4 and 9 July 2021 in Prague, Czech Republic.1 This endorsement was not reached lightly. But the WAC Council had to take cognisance of the difficulty caused by the pandemic and the many initiatives taken by countries around the world to deal with its continued spread.
Disappointing as this may be, but we had to prioritise your safety while still keeping the constitutive characteristics/pillars of WAC as a democratic archaeological world community alive. We know how hard you have been working on your contributions, and how much you had been looking forward to meeting colleagues, sharing experiences, and discussing
archaeological pasts and futures. Due to the increasingly rapid pace of progress in discovery and research, a one year hiatus might be long enough to require substantial changes to your sessions, papers, posters and/or contributions. All accepted sessions, papers, and posters will be kept on record. However, it shall be possible to make the necessary changes to the abstracts of your sessions, papers, and posters should this be necessary. In addition, we shall re-open the call for sessions, papers, and posters.
The registration and acceptance of payment system shall be closed until 01 January 2021. Those who have paid their registration fees, and are still attending the WAC-9 2021 (yes, it is now re-named!) next year, can have their fees kept by the LOC. However, those who wish to receive the refund will be allowed to make the necessary requests with the LOC until 5 May 2020. Please contact the LOC at: Any registration fees not
claimed by this date shall be held for the congress now planned for 2021. Furthermore, all application for funding assistance shall also be kept on record. New deadlines shall be further communicated once such details have been finalised.
Any further enquiries can be made to the LOC via the Congress Secretariat, Dr Turek, using We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
Koji Mizoguchi
President of the World Archaeological Congress
1 The International Congress (see Article 6 of the Statutes is one of the most important pillars defining WAC’s existence as a democratic world archaeological community. The Assembly, which is held during the International Congress, is our highest decision-making body. Comprised of the representatives elected from all participating countries, the Assembly has power to change the statutes, elect the Executive Officers, and decide the venue of the next International Congress. To further highlight the significance of the International Congress, the final plenary held at the end of each International Congress discusses and adopts resolutions that mandate the WAC Executive and the WAC Council to work towards their implementation while in office. In other words, the WAC speaks through the International Congress to realise its objectives, of the reduction of inequality, and the realisation of social justice through the
practice of responsible archaeologies.