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Peter Ucko was the founding father of the World Archaeological Congress. Following his untimely death in June 2007, The Peter Ucko Archaeological Trust was set up by his many friends and colleagues.

In recognition of the unique contribution that Peter made to WAC and world archaeology the Trust provides funding for:

  • People to attend WAC conferences who would otherwise be unable to participate;
  • The Peter Ucko Memorial Lecture; and
  • The Peter Ucko Award.

Decisions regarding the above are made by a Peter Ucko Memorial Committee comprising:

  • 2 members of the Peter Ucko Archaeological Trust Board of Trustees
  • 2 WAC Officers
  • 2 senior members of WAC who knew and worked with Peter Ucko
  • 1 indigenous representative

Peter Ucko Travel Funds

The Trustees will make funds available for a small number of colleagues, at whatever stage of their career, and whether or not they have followed a traditional academic path, who would otherwise not be able to attend WAC-8. Where necessary funding will be provided to cover all expenses (travel, accommodation, registration, and minimal expenses). However, applicants who can provide at least a contribution towards costs will be welcomed especially as will applications from colleagues from WAC’s Eastern Asia Electoral College. Applications must be made on the form below by the 1st of July, 2016.

Peter Ucko Memorial Lecture

The Peter Ucko Memorial Lecture is presented during every major WAC Congress at a time when no other academic or social events are timetabled. The Lecture is normally be chaired by the President of WAC.

The lecture will be given by an individual chosen by the Peter Ucko Memorial Committee and will normally be expected to be a member of WAC. Those approached to present the Lecture will normally be highly regarded in their field and would be expected to have shown a commitment to archaeology as envisaged by WAC and its principles. The lecture will be on any topic, relevant to WAC, agreed between the Memorial Committee and the individual approached.

It will normally be expected that the Lecturer will be attending, or wishing to attend, the WAC Congress. If necessary the Memorial Committee will seek to cover costs of registration, travel, and accommodation.

 Peter Ucko Memorial Award

The Peter Ucko Memorial Award will be presented at every major WAC Congress.

The Award will be presented to an individual at whatever stage of their career, and whether or not they have followed a traditional academic path, who has made a significant contribution to archaeology as envisaged by WAC.

The Award went to Larry Zimmerman at WAC-6 in Ireland and to Peter Stone at WAC-7 in Jordan.

Nominations must be made on the official Nomination Form that follows below. The deadline for receipt of nomination for the Peter Ucko Memorial Award to be presented at WAC-8 is 1st of July, 2016. The recipient for the Award will be chosen by the Memorial Committee whose decision is final. The Memorial Committee will not enter into communication over its decision.

The Award will normally be presented to the recipient, by the President of WAC or a member of the Board of Trustees, immediately before the Memorial Lecture.

It will normally be expected that the recipient will be attending, or wishing to attend, the WAC Congress. If necessary the Memorial Committee will seek to cover costs of registration, travel, and accommodation.

 Relationship between the Peter Ucko Memorial Lecture and Award

There will normally be no direct link between the Lecture and Award and the two should be conceived of and considered separately: although it is possible that the lecturer could receive the Award.

Form (Click to Download)