Announcing Student Prizes from the WAC InterCongress on Indigenous People and Museums (June 22-25, 2011, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA)

We are pleased to extend awards to the following students who participated in the InterCongress.

The award for Best Graduate Student Paper goes to Jonathan Eaton (University of Toronto) for his paper “Museums, Indigeneity and Crises of Identity in the Western Balkans.” The Best Graduate Student Poster award goes to Justin Ellis (IUPUI) for “Content Analysis of Four Midwestern Native American Exhibits.” Terry Point and Jordan Wilson (Musqueam Indian Band and The University of British Columbia) share the award for Best Undergraduate Student Poster as co-authors of “Consulting with Community: the Musqueam-UBC Archaeological Field School.”  Each winning entry receives $100, and each person receives an award certificate and one-year WAC student membership. We also want to recognize the following as Honorable Mention Graduate Student Papers: Tomás Sepúlveda (University of Barcelona) for his paper on “Museology and comunalidad: An approach to the communitarian museums of Oaxaca, Mexico” and Rachael Kiddey (University of York) for “Trash or Treasure?  Representing social exclusion in the modern museum.” Both receive a one-year WAC student membership and an award certificate.

– submitted by Julie Hollowell, for the Academic Committee, WAC InterCongress on Indigenous People and Museums