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We invite sessions, panels, posters, roundtable discussions and papers that deal broadly with the issues of the Middle East and/or structural violence in the past, the present and the future. We especially invite sessions and papers that engage these issues from various ideological, theoretical, historical and methodological perspectives.
Following the theme of structural violence, we are interested in discussions about:
Economics: What economic value is attached to archaeological resources in Israel and in Palestine? What is the impact on cultural heritage of looting, illicit excavation and the legal and illegal sale of antiquities? Why are particular sites selected for preservation and protection as ‘world cultural heritage sites’ and who has access to these sites?
Scholarship: How do state policies and politics exclude and restrict research, scholarship and academic collaboration? How do state policies and politics effect what we know about the past? Whose scholarship is most highly valued, and how do exclusionary academic discourses develop?
Communication: What limitations arise through the overwhelming dominance of English? How do structures serve to prevent the free exchange of ideas in archaeology and heritage preservation?
Reconciliation: What are the possible remedies to structural violence through archaeological practice and/or other means? How can scholars work to reduce structures of violence?