Anthropological and Archaeological Imaginations: past, present and future

6th-9th April 2009
University of Bristol, UK

Organised by the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth

First Call For Papers

3rd Symposium, Cultural Heritage Knowledge Visualisation, CHKV

A symposium in the 13th International Conference Information Visualisation, 15 – 17 July 2009, Pompeu Fabra  University (UPF), Barcelona, Spain.

Important Dates:
25 February 2009: Submission of papers
10 April 2009: Notification of Peer Review Result
25 April 2009: Submission of camera-ready

Paper Format Guide: (Not more than 6 pages – excess pages at 25 GBP per page.)

Over the last 2 decades we have seen a shift from the physical confines of the ‘houses of knowledge’ – traditional museum, cultural galleries, knowledge institutes – to more online, mobile, accessible interactive displays of cultural heritage knowledge. From books, physical displays and site-specific places of cultural heritage significance, many more can now access these repositories remotely. As touring 3D installations, interactive online applications, images, text, audio and video, access to cultural heritage knowledge has never been so accessible. What does this mean to those who’s heritage is on display? What protocols are needed to protect the integrity of the knowledge included? And, what new knowledge do we gain through these technological interventions and expositions of cultural heritage? These are only some of the many questions raised in this emerging field of Cultural Heritage Knowledge Visualisation.

The symposium seeks original projects that deal with, but are not limited to, the following topics:

* Heritage Visualisation
* Culture Visualisation
* Visualising Society Networks
* Visualising Cultural Heritage Knowledge Practices
* Developing Protocols for Cultural Heritage Knowledge Visualisation
* Cultural Heritage Knowledge Semantics
* Narrative Visualisation
* Cultural Heritage Knowledge Ethics

Symposium Cultural Heritage Knowledge Visualisation Liaison

Theodor G Wyeld, Flinders University, Australia

Advisory, Programme and reviewing committee:
Theodor G Wyeld, Flinders University, Australia
Sarah Kenderdine (Museum Victoria, Aust)
Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland (NTNU, Trondheim)
Teng-Wen Chang (NYUST, Taiwan)
Brett Leavy (CyberDreaming, Aust)
Malcolm Pumpa (QUT, Aust)
Marinos Ioannides (HTI, Cyprus)
Giovanni Issini (DFI, Italy)

Special Journal Edition for selected papers: TBA.

Supporting Bodies:
Flinders Humanities Research Centre for Cultural Heritage and Cultural
Flinders University, Australia


All enquiries about Cultural Heritage Knowledge Visualisation should be addressed to:
Theodor Wyeld
Digital Media Studies
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide 5001
South Australia

ph: +06 8 8201 3264
fx: +06 8 8201 3635


Cultural Studies Workshop 2009 – Urban Cultures – Shillong, India, 1-6 February, 2009

Strategies against poverty: designs from the North and alternatives from the South


Call for Papers “Historic Urban Landscapes” – 12th International Seminar

The World Heritage Centre of UNESCO has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the forthcoming 12th International Seminar of Forum UNESCO – University and Heritage (FUUH) on “Historic Urban Landscapes: A New Concept? A New Category of World Heritage Property?” to be held in Hanoi, Vietnam, from 5 to 10 April 2009. The deadline for submitting abstracts is 15 November 2008.

The CALL FOR PAPERS and all relevant information is available on the seminar web:

Communication, Education and the Partnerships Unit
World Heritage Centre
UNESCO Culture Sector

FUUH Program
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)

Forum UNESCO-Links: Join · Newsletter (ISSN: 1887-1658) · Website

28-31 July 2009
Venice, Italy

The International Conference on the Arts in Society and the
International Journal of the Arts in Society provide an intellectual
platform for the arts and art practices, and enable an interdisciplinary conversation on the role of the arts in society. They are intended as a place for critical engagement, examination and experimentation of ideas that connect the arts to their contexts in the world –  in studios and classrooms, in galleries and museums, on stage, on the streets and in communities.

The 2009 Arts Conference will coincide with the Venice Biennale, and
will be held in conjunction with featured exhibitions and programs.
The occasion of the Venice Biennale provides an opportunity for the
Conference to serve as a node in the larger phenomenon of fairs,
festivals, and their networks.   As such, the Arts Conference aims
to discover what values, instincts and common ground may exist within the arts and their practices and sites of reception around the world. Your participation shapes the Conference itself.

The theme of this year’s Conference is Art and Transnationalism. It
focuses dialogue on the arts and art practices that may be situated
within the context of international art expositions, festivals and
biennials which are engaged with the transnational production of art
and its global distribution networks. The scope is deliberately broad
and ambitious. Our times demand nothing less than interdisciplinary and holistic approaches. The breadth of the Conference and the Journal, however, are without prejudice to finely grained discussion of
specific, local and grounded practices.

In addition to a roster of international main speakers, the Arts
Conference will also include numerous individual paper, workshop and colloquium presentations by artists/practitioners, teachers and
researchers. We invite you to respond to the Conference Call for
Papers.  Presenters may choose to submit written papers for publication
in the fully refereed International Journal of the Arts in Society.  If
you are unable to attend the Conference in person, virtual registration
options are also available which allow you to submit a paper for
possible publication in the Journal.

The deadline for the next round in the call for papers (a title and
short abstract) is 14 November 2008.  Future deadlines will be
announced on the Conference website after this date.  Proposals are
reviewed within two weeks of submission. Full details of the
Conference, including an online proposal submission form, are to be
found at the Conference website –

We look forward to receiving your proposal and hope that you will be able to join us in Venice in July 2009.

Yours sincerely,

Tressa Berman, Ph.D.
For the Advisory Board, International Conference on the Arts in Society and International Journal of the Arts in Society’


Anthropological and Archaeological Imaginations: past, present and
future University of Bristol, 6th-9th April 2009.

The Association of Social Anthropologists 09 conference will take place
at the University of Bristol, 6th-9th April. The aim of this conference
is to stimulate a major reconsideration of the complex  links which
obtain between social anthropology and archaeology. Though social
anthropology has had an uneasy relationship with archaeology we believe that the transformations that both disciplines have experienced in recent decades mean that it is time to overcome this reticence, indeed that there are many reasons; intellectual, epistemological, methodological and practical, to do so. All submissions are welcome, whether from the theoretical or ethnographic point of view. Considerations which take into account the experience of four-field anthropology from an international perspective are also very welcome.

We would expect panel proposals to be submitted by 1st December, please.Amongst the special events already decided is the key-note address (Monday 6th April), which will be delivered by Prof. Michael Herzfeld. Invited speakers with regard to the first plenary that follows include Prof. Chris Hann, Prof. Tim Ingold, and Prof. Rosemary Joyce. On Day 2, Prof. Ian Hodder will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University, preceded by a special lecture: ‘Archaeology and Anthropology: the state of the field‘. Further events include the ASA Raymond Firth Lecture (Prof. Guha-Thakurta), and the RAI Presidential Address (Prof. Roy Ellen).

The call for panels may be accessed here We do not wish to be
prescriptive, but the sort of thing that may be of interest would be
the exploration of the contrasts and complementarities between the two disciplines historically and today; the study of ruins or the ethnographic exploration of multiple interactions with the past; diffusion and the transformation of culture; contrasting uses and ways of interpreting material culture within the two disciplines, and so on. More details on these themes may be found here  Queries may be addressed to conference(a)

Dr David Shankland
On behalf of the ASA09 conference committee

Dr Fiona Bowie
Prof. Mark Horton
Dr Joshua Pollard
Dr David Shankland (Chair)
Dr Dimitrios Theodossopoulos


University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
8-11 July 2009

At this time of fundamental social change, what is the role of the museum, both as a creature of that change, and perhaps also as an agent of change? The International Conference on the Inclusive Museum is a place where museum practioners, researchers, thinkers and teachers can engage in discussion on the historic character and future shape of the museum. The key question of the Conference is ‘How can the institution of the museum become more inclusive?’

As well as impressive line-up of international main speakers, the Conference will also include numerous paper, workshop and colloquium presentations by practitioners, teachers and researchers. We would particularly like to invite you to respond to the Conference Call-for-Papers. Presenters may choose to submit written papers for publication in the fully refereed International Journal of the Inclusive Museum. If you are unable to attend the Conference in person, virtual registrations are also available which allow you to submit a paper for refereeing and possible publication in this fully refereed academic Journal, as well as access to the electronic version of the Conference proceedings.

Full details of the Conference are to be found at the Conference website –


Dr Amareswar Galla
Professor of Museum Studies
School of English, Media Studies and Art History, University of
Queensland Brisbane, Australia For the Advisory Board, International Conference on the Inclusive
Museum and the International Journal of the Inclusive Museum



The Bosporus: Gateway between the Ancient West and East
(1st Millennium BC-5th Century AD)

(Istanbul – 14-18 September 2009)

Istanbul University
Faculty of Letters
Eurasia Institute

The University of Melbourne
School of Historical Studies
Centre for Classics and Archaeology



The International and National Organising Committees of the 4th International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities extend an invitation to all interested scholars to participate in the forthcoming Congress, either by contributing a paper or by attending as a discussant in the proceedings. The official languages of the Congress are English, French and German. Its specific subject is the Bosporus as a gateway between the ancient West and East (1st millennium BC-5th century AD).

The Congress is composed of 7 working sessions (see list below), beginning on September 14th, 2009 (participants to arrive on September 13th). It is intended that each session will be introduced by a 30-minute keynote lecture on the current state of relevant research. Leading scholars will be commissioned by the Organising Committees to prepare these lectures.

Since there will be no parallel sessions, the number of oral presentations will be limited to 8-10 papers (each of 15 minutes’ duration) per session. This means that not all submissions will be accepted for oral presentation but, to allow maximum participation, we are planning large poster sessions parallel to the oral proceedings, and scholars are strongly encouraged to offer their papers as posters. The main criteria for the selection of all contributions will be originality and quality of research. Results from recent or current projects, innovation in methodology, and the exploration of lesser known areas will be given a high priority. We wish to cover as large a geographical and chronological range as possible. We reserve the right to assign any accepted paper to a poster session. Participants will be notified well in advance of the Congress date. A Congress web-site will be set up in due course, with details given in the Second Circular.

Abstracts no longer than 300 words should be submitted by 30 November 2008 at the latest (this deadline is strict). No submission without an abstract will be given consideration. All accepted abstracts will be made available in print during the Congress and on a web-site before the Congress.

All sessions will be held at the Eurasia Institute, Istanbul University, Kimyager Dervis Pasa sok. 36 (next to the building housing the Faculty of Letters), Beyazit, Istanbul.

Planned Sessions:
= Opening Session and Opening Lecture
– 1. Nomads and semi-nomads of the Black Sea steppes and Anatolia
– 2. Greeks around the Hellespont, the Sea of Marmara, the Bosporus, and the western, northern and eastern Black Sea, and relations with the Mediterranean world
– 3. Romans around the Hellespont, the Sea of Marmara, the Bosporus, and the western, northern and eastern Black Sea, and relations with the Mediterranean world
– 4. From Byzantium to Trapezus: the southern Black Sea and its hinterland in the 1st millennium BC-5th century AD
– 5. Achaemenids and the Black Sea
– 6. The Black Sea and surrounding regions in late antiquity and the early Byzantine period
– 7. New excavations and projects
= Closing Session and Closing Lecture

The Participation Fee will be 95 Euros. This will include: (1) 4 lunches (in the staff dining room of the Faculty of Letters); (2) 8 coffee breaks; (3) welcome cocktail reception; (4) farewell cocktails and canapes; (5) congress folder; (6) all printed material (programme, summaries, etc.); (7) city map; (8) a full-day city excursion around Istanbul (including guide, all entrance fees, transport), September 16th.

Information on how to pay will be given in the Second Circular.

Excursions. As well as the mid-congress tour of Istanbul, there will be a choice of post-congress excursions starting on September 19th. These are NOT included in the Participation Fee. Uptodate prices will be given in the Second Circular. For more detailed itineraries and current prices, please contact Tachda Tours ( The prices will depend on how many people sign up for a particular excursion.

A. Troy, Assos, Pergamum and Ephesus.
Day 1. Depart from Istanbul early morning by bus. Drive to Gallipoli, cross to the Asian shore and visit Troy by noon. Continue to ancient Assos. Overnight.
Day 2. Visit Assos and continue to Pergamum. Late afternoon arrival in Selcuk. Overnight.
Day 3. Full-day visit to Ephesus. Overnight in Selcuk.
Day 4. Depart for Istanbul, arriving in the early evening.

B. Ankara and Cappadocia
Day 1. Departure by night train to Ankara.
Day 2. Arrive in Ankara, visit Museum of Anatolian Civilisations in Ankara, drive to Cappadocia.
Day 3. Full day visits in Cappadocia.
Day 4. Day in Cappadocia and drive to Kayseri to catch late evening flight to Istanbul.

C. Antalya, Perge, Aspendos, Side and Termessos
Day 1. Early morning flight to Antalya, visit to Antalya Museum, afternoon visit to Perge. Overnight.
Day 2. Full day visit to Aspendo and Side. Overnight.
Day 3. Morning visit to Termessos and evening flight to Istanbul.

D. Teios, Heracleia Pontica, etc.
Day 1. Early departure from Istanbul. Drive to Caycuma near Teios and visit to site at Teios. Overnight.
Day 2. Early breakfast. Drive to Heracleia Pontica. Visit museum. Return to Istanbul.

Accommodation. A range of hotels will be available at prices from 20-25 Euros (including breakfast) upwards. Information will be given in the Second Circular.

The excursions, hotel bookings and non-academic events will be organised by Tachda Tours, Istanbul (;

A Participation Form is on the last page of this circular. Please complete it and return it by the deadline of NOVEMBER 30th, 2008, to:

Gocha R. Tsetskhladze
Centre for Classics and Archaeology
Old Quad
University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010
E-mail:; Fax: +61 3 8344 4161

preferably by e-mail as attachment in word document or post

International Organising Committee:
Sir John Boardman (UK) – President, P. Alexandrescu (Romania) – Vice-President, G.R. Tsetskhladze (Australia) – Secretary General, N. Theodossiev (Bulgaria), J.-P. Morel (France),  Y. Garlan (France), K. Zimmermann (Germany), A. Podossinov (Russia), A. Avram (Romania/France), J. Bouzek (Czech Rep.), A. Wasowicz (Poland), S. Burstein (USA), J. Carter (USA), J. Hind (UK), S. Atasoy (Turkey), Y. Gagoshidze (Georgia), A. Sagona (Australia)
National Representatives: B. D’Agostino (Italy), A. Dominguez (Spain), L. Loukopoulou (Greece), M. Tiverios (Greece), A. Rathje (Denmark), B. McGing (Ireland), M. Kerschner (Austria), Jan de Boer (Netherlands)

National Organising Committee:
Prof. K. Tuna (Dean, Faculty of Letters, Istanbul University); Assoc. Prof. H. Tüfekçioglu (Head, Eurasia Institute, Istanbul University); Prof. S. Atasoy (Thrace University, Edirne); Assoc. Prof. S. Donmez (Istanbul University); Research Assistant D. Sari (Istanbul University); Assoc. Prof. D. Burcu Erciyas (Middle East Technical University, Ankara); Research Assistant M. Sait Türkhan (Eurasia Institute, Istanbul University); Research Assistant G. Usar (Eurasia Institute, Istanbul University)

Please address all correspondence and enquiries about the Congress to: Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, Secretary General of the Congress (



Please return the completed form by the deadline of November 30th, 2008, to:

Gocha R. Tsetskhladze
Centre for Classics and Archaeology
Old Quad
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010
Fax: +61 3 8344 4161

Preferably by e-mail as attachment in word document or post.

Title and Name ————————–








I will participate with a paper (  )                    I will attend without giving a paper (  )

(If applicable) session in which you wish to present a paper:


Title of paper —————————–

Oral presentation (  )                                                   Poster (  )

I require slide projector (  )     overhead projector (  )             facilities for Powerpoint (  )

I shall come alone (  )              with my spouse (  )

I request a single (  )                double (  )       twin  (  )  room

I am willing to share a room with a colleague (  )      name of colleague——


Information on the range of hotels and how to book them will be given in the Second Circular.

I shall participate in the Istanbul excursion (16th September) (  )

I am interested in participating in a post-congress excursion. Please tick one box ONLY:

A. (  )         B. (  )         C. (  )         D. (  )

For more detailed itineraries and current prices of the excursions, please contact Tachda Tours (

Please provide your name, affiliation (postal address and your e-mail address(es)), title of paper and SUMMARY (NOT exceeding 300 words)

A Second Circular will be sent in spring 2009 to those who have confirmed their participation. The Congress web-site will be announced in the Second Circular