We would like to invite those who are not current financial members of the World Archaeological to renew or join. As you know, WAC is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that seeks to promote interest in the past in all countries, encourage the development of regionally-based histories and to international academic interaction.

We are pleased to announce that WAC’s international journal Archaeologies 3.2 will be mailed out to all current financial WAC members in August. The theme of this issue is Archaeologists Without Borders. It addition to the forum section on visa stories, highlights include archaeological excavations and the protection of cultural heritage in relation to a local society; how an international project needs to be local at the same time; driving forces behind the looting of archaeological sites in the Middle East; and Reflections on the Relationship Between Education and Archaeology.

Benefits of WAC membership include:

Complimentary copy of WAC’s international journal Archaeologies. Three (3) issues are mailed out each year.

Eligibility to apply for WAC grants and awards, including travel grants to WAC Congresses and Inter-Congresses.

Reduced price of registration at WAC Congresses and Inter-Congresses.

Discounts of between 20% and 30% on books published in WAC series.

Regular bi-monthly E-Newsletter.

Membership of the WAC email list with the opportunity to contribute to discussions and the right to promote events (currently 1,500 members).

Access to the Members Only section, currently under construction on the WAC website.

The right to stand for election as a member of the WAC Executive and Council.

Eligibility to be a member of a WAC Standing Committee. Committees include Archaeologists Without Borders; Awards; Ethics; Students; Repatriation; and Public Education.

Invitations to WAC social events.

Upcoming events for WAC include:

WAC Inter-Congresses, on Archaeological Theory (Argentina, 3-7 July 2007) and Archaeological Invisibility and Forgotten Knowledge (Poland, 5-8 September).

WAC 6 Congress to be held in Dublin, Ireland from 29 June to 4 July 2008. As well as having a lively social programs, themes of the conference include Archaeological Practice – a Global Perspective on quality and best practice; Cultural Heritage and Cultural Tourism; Digital Archaeology in the 21st century; and Archaeologists, War and Conflict: Ethics, Politics and Responsibility.

After WAC 6, planned Inter-Congresses include Overcoming Structural Violence (Ramallah, West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories in August, 2009) and Indigenous People and Museums: Unravelling the Tensions (Indiana, USA in August, 2009)

Most recently, WAC has:

Hosted WAC Inter-Congresses in Osaka, Japan (January 2006) and Kingston, Jamaica (May 2007).

Published three new books in the One World Archaeology Series, as well as several books in other WAC series.

Published the issues 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1 of Archaeologies. All financial members have received a paper copy of the journal as part of their WAC membership.

Promoted professional training and public education for economically disadvantaged nations, groups and communities, through programs such as Archaeologists Without Borders and Global Libraries.

Developed the WAC website www.worldarchaeologicalcongress.org

Written regular submissions, reports and media releases on issues affecting archaeology internationally, as well as supporting national or local issues at the request of individual members.

Held a face-to-face meeting of the WAC Committee on Ethics in April, 2007 at Stanford University, as guests of the Stanford Archaeology Center.

Sponsored a WAC booth at the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) conference in Austin, Texas in April, 2007.

Celebrated the launch of Archaeologies with Springer at a party hosted by Springer at the SAA, attended by around 300 WAC members and guests.

Full Membership Fees

Individuals $50 (1 Year) or $180 (4 years)

Students or Retired $30 (1 Year) $108 (4 years) for Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, USA and Western Europe

Individuals $25 (1 Year) or $90 (4 years)

Students or Retired $15 (1 Year) $54 (4 years) for all other countries

Membership/Renewal Form

To pay online please click here.

To receive a complimentary copy of the latest issue of Archaeologies (as well as the two other 2007 issues of the journal) you need to renew or join by June 15!

All the best,

Claire Smith
President of WAC
Email: claire.smith@flinders.edu.au

Ines Domingo Sanz
Treasurer of WAC
Email: Ines.Domingo@uv.es

Note: For lifetime membership if you wish to receive electronic copies ONLY of journals, please join online here. To pay by other means than credit card or for all inquiries please contact Ines Domingo Sanz, Treasurer of Wac, Email: Ines.Domingo@uv.es