The current issue of Global South Sephis e-Magazine has been posted at the website. Kindly follow the link:
Due to some technical glitches the publication of this issue has been delayed by a few weeks. It has been sorted out, and you can now download the .pdf file from the website. Your comments and suggestions are always valuable to us. Do feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with the editorial team.
We are also pleased to inform you that Sephis is now on Facebook and LinkedIn! You can be a Sephis fan on Facebook and join the Sephis LinkedIn group, and stay informed about our activities, engage in discussion fora, connect with other people in the Sephis network etc.
We are looking forward to being in touch with you via these social media networks.
Please follow the link below to read a new piece posted in the Contemporary South section.
The deadline for Brainteasers has been extended till 14 August 2011. Hurry and submit your answers.
We look forward to bringing to you more interesting readings in the issues ahead.