Dear Friend,

You must be aware of our e-magazine “Global South”.  This is an online e-magazine launched by the Sephis Foundation in 2004. You can visit us at  For the last few years, we have been trying to deliver a state of the art e-journal which brings together academic articles, reports, news features and other writings and images from the various south countries. Our focus is south-south linkages.

The historic judgment by the Delhi high court in India legalizing homosexuality by striking down the application of section 377 of IPC to consensual adult homosexuality has opened up a number of debates. We have decided to explore some of these debates in our forthcoming issue. One of the major points raised in these debates is that homosexuality pertains to western modernity. Our focus is to gather articles which problematise this proposition by introducing historical and cultural variations in homosexual practices. We would like you to contribute a piece (word limit ranging from 500 to 1500 words) exploring homosexuality in the context of the south countries. The article will be organised around the peg which states “Homosexuality is….” as in “Homosexuality is Indian” Or “Homosexuality is medieval” It would entirely depend on the author how he/she wants to establish his/her point in this context. Our next issue is scheduled to be released on September 2009.

The last date of submitting articles is 10th of August 2009. We welcome your views and contributions on this topic. If you are busy or can not write for us please forward this mail to anyone whom you know might be interested in writing.


Ritoban DasEditorial Assistant