Dear all,
We regret the passing of Dr Andree Rosenfeld last Thursday, at the age of 74 years. Dr Rosenfeld was world renowned rock art researcher.
After a number of years at the Institute of Archaeology in London, Dr Rosenfeld moved to Australia, with her partner Peter Ucko. She taught at the Australian National University for around 20 years. Her past students include Dr Jo MacDonald and Professor Paul Tacon.
Dr Rosenfeld’s publications include the seminal work Palaelithic Cave Art (co-authored by Peter Ucko) and Early Man in North Queensland: art and archaeology in the Laura area (with David Horton and John Winter) and Rock Art Conservation in Australia. Her most recent research was on rock art in Central Australia.
Andree left one son, Bill and a brother, Jean.
She was a rigorous and generous scholar, and a lovely, gentle person. She will be missed by many.