Notice is hereby given of the call for expressions of interest to stand as WAC Executive Officers.
The elections will be held during the next WAC International Conference: WAC-7 Jordan.
The Executive is the main governing body of WAC between meetings of Council. It administers the affairs of WAC in accordance with its statutes, the decisions and policy of the Assembly, and the decisions of Council. The Executive has full power to take any decisions which may be necessary or desirable in the interests of WAC between meetings of the Council. However, the Executive is expected wherever possible to take into consideration the views of Council and should, where appropriate, attempt to ascertain these views before making decisions. Meetings of the Executive shall take place at such times and places as it shall decide, and are expected to be at least annually.
Expressions of interest are now open for the following positions:
– WAC President
– WAC Vice-president
– WAC Secretary
– WAC Treasurer
WAC members interested in standing for these positions are now invited to send a statement of intentions (200-400 words), a photograph and a short CV, which will be displayed on a section of the WAC-7 webpage. Please send the required documents to the WAC Secretary Ines Domingo at
Please include your membership number (If you can’t remember your number contact the membership secretary to request it:
Please read carefully the information below including the position descriptions.
The elections will take place during the next WAC international conference: WAC-7 Jordan.
ARTICLE 10: The Executive
10.1 The Executive shall be the main governing body of WAC between meetings of Council and shall carry into effect the policies established by the Assembly, including the receipt of annual reports from international organising committees. The Executive is expected to meet at least annually.
10.2 The Members of the Executive shall be:
a] the Officers of WAC;
b] three members of the Council, from different electoral regions and, if possible, from Regions other than those of the elected officers, elected by the Council to sit on the Executive;
c] one Indigenous member elected by the Indigenous Group of the Council;
d] one Student representative.
10.3 Only those members of the Executive who have been elected as either officers or members of Council will have the authority to vote at meetings of the Executive.
10.4 The regional representatives shall be elected at one of the Council meetings during an international congress. They will serve until the next international congress. When electing regional representatives to serve on the Executive, Council is urged to ensure as wide a geographical representation on Executive as possible.
10.5 Members of the Executive shall be eligible to serve for more than one period of office.
10.6 The Executive shall administer the affairs of WAC in accordance with these statutes, the decisions and policy of the Assembly, and the decisions of Council. The Executive shall have full power to take any decisions which may be necessary or desirable in the interests of WAC between meetings of the Council. However, the Executive is expected wherever possible to take into consideration the views of Council and should, where appropriate, attempt to ascertain these views before making decisions. Meetings of the Executive shall take place at such times and places as it shall decide. Members of the Executive who are unable to attend meetings may vote in all matters arising at any meeting by post or by duly authorised proxy. To enable such members to consider the issues properly the secretary shall circulate to all members of the Executive the agenda for each meeting at least 1 month before the date of the meeting.
10.7 The Executive shall prepare and present a report to each Assembly and Council on all matters of concern to WAC which have occurred since the previous meeting of Assembly and Council.
10.8 In the event of there being a vacancy on the Executive, for whatever reason, the Executive shall decide whether and how to fill it but in no case shall the term of a member of the Executive selected pursuant to this clause exceed that remaining of the vacancy to be filled.
Position Descriptions
The President is the senior office-bearer of WAC. The President has ultimate responsibility for the efficient and ethical running of the organization, and for the development and management of WAC’s strategic vision.
This is an elected position. The President is accountable to the WAC Executive, Council and Assembly, as the elected bodies that represent WAC members.
- Chair Executive, Council and Assembly meetings.
- Lead discussions on the WAC Executive list.
- Provide leadership in planning, policy development and organisational growth.
- Development and co-ordination of WAC’s publication program.
- Oversight of all aspects of the operation of WAC.
- Co-ordinate and support office bearers in undertaking their responsibilities.
- Ensure professional standards are met in all aspects of WAC’s operations.
- Ensure that WAC’s operations are transparent and accountable.
- Ensure the efficient operation of all committees.
- Identify potential professional opportunities for the organisation and its members.
- Represent WAC externally, with other professional associations, publishers, relevant government bodies and others.
- Develop and maintain international links on behalf of WAC.
Skills and Experience
Demonstrated commitment to WAC’s aims and activities.
Experience within WAC organisational structure.
Demonstrated capacity to lead and represent a significant global organization.
Understanding of contemporary socio-political issues in archaeology.
Appreciation and understanding of the issues faced by Indigenous groups.
Appreciation and understanding of the issues faced by people in economically disadvantaged countries.
Appreciation and understanding of the challenge of cross-cultural communication including, but not limited to, communication across language divides
Vice President
The Vice President assists the President in conducting WAC business and promoting the aims of WAC. They must be willing to assume the duties of the President when necessary.
This is an elected position. The Vice President is accountable to the President, as the elected leader of WAC, and to the WAC Council and Assembly, as the bodies that represent WAC members.
- Assist in the President in all of their capacities.
- Attend meetings of the WAC Executive, Council, and Assembly and act as Vice Chair for these meetings.
- Contribute to discussions on the WAC Executive list.
- Chair WAC’s Awards Committee.
- Assist in the co-ordination and support of office bearers in undertaking their responsibilities.
- Prepare drafts of position papers or letters for approval by the Executive.
- Assist in the oversight of accountability and transparency procedures.
- Advise on developing the branding and marketing of WAC.
- Recommend policies and procedures to the President and the Executive.
- Identify potential professional opportunities for the organisation and its members.
- Represent WAC externally, with other professional associations, publishers, relevant government bodies and others.
- Assist the President to develop and maintain international links on behalf of the Association.
Skills and Experience
Demonstrated commitment to WAC’s aims and activities.
Experience within WAC organisational structure.
Demonstrated capacity to lead and represent a significant global organization.
Understanding of contemporary socio political issues in archaeology.
Understanding of the issues faced by Indigenous groups and people in economically disadvantaged countries, and of the challenges of cross-cultural communication.
The Secretary is WAC’s Officer responsible for the administrative and secretarial operation of WAC. The Secretary undertakes the specific day to day secretarial responsibilities of WAC.
This is an elected position. The Secretary is accountable to the President, as the elected leader of WAC, and to the WAC Council and Assembly, as the bodies that represent WAC members.
- Attend meetings of the WAC Executive, Council, and Assembly.
- Contribute to discussions on the WAC Executive list.
- Co-ordinate the preparation of agendas and minutes for WAC Executive, Council and Assembly meetings by the WAC Secretariat.
- Ensure that follow-up actions from WAC Executive, Council, and Assembly meetings are completed.
- Ensure that WAC business meetings (Assembly, Council, Executive and Closing Plenary) are appropriately scheduled at WAC Congresses.
- In association with the Returning Officer, manage election of the Assembly, new Council members and Officers at WAC Congresses.
- Ensure the efficient office administration of the WAC Secretariat.
- Oversee the hiring and dismissal of any employees of the organization.
- Draft WAC’s annual report.
- Assist the President and Vice President in co-ordinating and supporting office bearers in undertaking their responsibilities.
- Assist the Committees Chair in co-ordinating and supporting WAC committees in undertaking their responsibilities.
- Identify potential professional opportunities for the organisation and its members.
- Where required, represent WAC externally, with other professional associations, publishers, relevant government bodies and others.
Skills and Experience
Demonstrated commitment to WAC’s aims and activities.
Experience within WAC organisational structure.
Excellent organisational skills.
Excellent written and oral communication skills.
An understanding of contemporary socio political issues in archaeology.
Understanding of the issues faced by Indigenous groups and people in economically disadvantaged countries, and of the challenges of cross-cultural communication.
To manage WAC’s financial position with the aim of maintaining sustainability and growth, and to manage financial reporting processes and systems to the broader WAC membership.
This is an elected position. The Treasurer is accountable to the President, as the elected leader of WAC, and to the WAC Council and Assembly, as the bodies that represent WAC members.
- Attend meetings of the WAC Executive, Council, and Assembly.
- Contribute to discussions on the WAC Executive list.
- Advise the Executive and Council on the establishment of strategies and policies for the immediate, medium-term and long term financial direction ad sustained financial health of WAC.
- Develop and use WAC’s investment vehicle to maximise the returns to WAC. This advice must include mechanisms for identifying invested funds by source and returns.
- Develop methodologies that can be used to fund WAC projects.
- Advise on other financial issues that may arise.
- Assist in identifying and sourcing suitable auditors for reviewing WAC finances.
- Prepare periodic financial reports to the Council.
- Prepare annual financial reports indicating WAC’s financial situation for the Annual Report.
- Identify potential professional opportunities for the organisation and its members.
Skills and Experience
Demonstrated commitment to WAC’s aims and activities.
Experience within WAC organisational structure.
Excellent organisational skills.
An understanding of bank processes and accounting methods.