ARC PhD scholarship – Australian National University
Scholarship Description
APAI (Australian Postgraduate Award – Industry) ARC Linkage Project LP110100180 Enhancing Cultural Heritage Management for Mining Operations: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
($27,222 p.a. plus research expenses)
An Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry) is available in the Department of Archaeology & Natural History ( at the Australian National University ( The successful candidate will be part of a multi-disciplinary team of archaeologists and palaeoecologists working to improve cultural heritage management outcomes following the extraction of bauxite by Partner Organisation RioTintoAlcan P/L at Weipa in far north Queensland, Australia. The PhD project involves cultural resource mapping in collaboration with Traditional Owners from the Weipa region. Both the Partner Organisation and the Traditional Owners are looking for innovative ways of capturing, archiving and communicating this knowledge. The successful candidate will be required to spend several months each year in the field. Outputs from this project will be integrated with archaeological and palaeoenvironmental results from the larger project to aid our understanding of past and present human-environment interactions. Applicants should have a research background in archaeology or related discipline. Previous experience working with Indigenous communities would be an advantage.
Prospective applicants should submit a CV along with a statement of interest and relevant background to Chief Investigators: Dr Sally Brockwell or Dr Janelle Stevenson
Closing date: 31st July 2011
The scholarship will be awarded to the successful candidate upon acceptance into the PhD programme at ANU. Further information regarding PhD applications can be found at: