Under the Gracious Royal Patronage ofHis Majesty King Abdullah Il Bin Al Hussein of Jordan

The Seventh World Archaeological Congress
January 13-18, 2013
King Hussein Convention Center
The Dead Sea – Jordan

It is with great pleasure that I announce the Seventh World Archaeological Congress to be held in Jordan 14th-18th January, 2013. This is the first time that the World Archaeological Congress has been held in Jordan and we look forward to making it a truly successful and memorable congress. Your contribution to this big event will be of utmost help to us to make this a successful event. You can suggest a theme, a session within a theme or simply present a paper. You can chair a session created by you and invite speakers to it so you can discuss a topic of mutual interest.

You will also have the opportunity to see the rich cultural and social life of Jordan as well as to sample Jordan’s outstanding archaeological heritage. We hope you will join us and enjoy the multiple visits to the important archaeological sites of Jordan.

Talal Akasheh

Academic Secretary

Click here to visit the Official WAC-7 Website


Group A:

Register for WAC 7 Online//

Group B:

Register for WAC 7 Online (Discounted)//

We need your help getting WAC-7 online:

Registration Information

WAC-7 Information Flyer English

<!–WAC-7 Information Flyer Spanish



In collaboration with the WAC-7 Organising Committee, WAC Student Committee(WACSC) would like to invite WAC student members to apply for the student volunteers scheme. The scheme is seeking student volunteers (either undergraduate or postgraduate) who can take up tasks related to various aspects of WAC-7 organisation, such as the setting up of meeting rooms, registration duties, and the provision of non-English language assistance to participants, during the Congress period (13th -18th January 2013).

The scheme will be run by the WAC-7 Organising Committee, and WACSC will provide assistance with its preparation and coordination. The applicants need to be paid-up WAC student members and registered for WAC-7. Applicants will be selected in consideration of their ability to provide assistance at WAC-7. A general priority of selection will be placed on applicants from economically disadvantaged countries and indigenous groups, but those not meeting these conditions will also be considered.

Volunteers will work for part of the WAC-7 Congress (maximum 2 days), and in return they will be provided with shared accommodation and be free to attend sessions and events when they are not scheduled to work. Further details of the scheme will be communicated to the successful applicants by mid June, 2012.  All volunteers will need to attend a training session that will take place in Jordan prior WAC-7 opening.

Those WAC student members interested in the scheme are requested to fill the application form, which is located on the WAC-7 website.

Should you have any questions about the scheme, please contact:

Thank you very much for your attention.